Readings Flashcards
Fitness fatiuge model - what are the changes in fitness afeter affects and the difference between high vol and high intensity training
Fitness after effects are primarily neural in nature
High vol training decrese in circulating test
high intensity train increse in circulating test
cant just always do high intensity training ewont see much change
what is training impusle (aerobic and Resistance)
Heart rate times duration
Volume times load
it is a measure of total work done
according to the fitness fatiuge model why would individuals respond differently to trainng
Summation of fitness or fatigue after effects adaptations personal issues
Delayed training effect - tapering and what is the term for it
Tapering off before an event without that tapering makes it difficult to interpret the impact of the training program you need at least 96 hours of rest for max strength performance
Optimal times for rest for strength and velocioty for eccentric only or concentric only actions is 10-14 days of rest and for normal eccentric concentric it was 21 days of rest following termination of training
taperign decreses fatiuge after effects but also maximized fitness after effects term for this is called RAMPING
Long term planning
sequencing of long term trainng is multidirectional meaning train multiple physcial qualities in the same period for elite athletes necessary to train in a unidirectional fasion or sequentially
Dynamics of training
Max intensity training has the largest fitness after effect of short duration Submax loads max acceleration multiple sets
max work tranng has high volume submax loads fatiuge also very high
max strength - near max loads muliple sets few reps
fatiuge after effect is shortest for maximal intensity training
trainign sessions resulting in large fitness after effects and breif fatiuge after effects should occur early in trainnig so they can train harder in subsequent days, sessions that result in longer fatiuge after effects like maximal work occur before rest days which allows fatiuge to subside 1 rest day a week can be sifficient
GAS syndrome - Periodization
Adaptation only occurs if an organism exposed to a stim of which it has not already adapated to
Periodization (planning and programming are different things periodization you haeve objective like monitoring performance fatiuge timelines for it to happen and then the phases
programming you have the strategies to cause those benefits and then you have the training variables like your frequency density vol intensity etc
monitoring for individualized processes is the most recent addition to the gAS
fitness fatiuge does not consider the mechanisms of adaption rather the state of preparedness
Stretching 9 possible combos injury and performance
Performance - increse decrese stay the same
Injury - increase decrease stays the same
what occurs post stretch
increse ROM decrese stiffness however this reverses very quickly
how long does effects of stretch last
effects of stretch to last longer than 10 mins need atleast 5 mins per muscle group so in the region of 20 mins to stretch both the agonist and antagonists if many muscle groups need o be stretches it would take 40-60 mins for static
different types of stretch
contract relax types work better with prolonging the effect of stretching and contracility and with less total time needed to stretch
Stretch on performance
leads to loss of strethc called the stretch induced strength loss but mostly as a neural effect
the longer you stretch, the more strength you lose, but dependent on the type of stretch, there is no loss with dynamic stretching tho
Stretch on injury risk
There are lots of studies showing both hard to prove lots of errors there is evidence that stretching is beneficial for reducing muscle strain butmore needs to be done
Stretch conclusion
large ROM activities need it, and warm-ups need dynamics combined with stretch. They seem to do better do