Readings Flashcards
Conflicting Aims
When one group can achieve its ends only at the expense of the other; causes hostility among groups.
Common Ends
A shared goal between two individuals/groups; causes harmony.
Chart design used to show relationships, in this specific case showed the relationships within the hierarchies established among two camp groups.
Pretrial Detention
People held in detention cells due to inability to pay set bail and are unlikely to return to court hearings; technically innocent in the eyes of the law and simply awaiting resolution to their case.
Plea of Guilty
Giving up trial rights while pleading guilty to a case (ex. right to remain silent, right to have prosecutor prove guilty beyond a reasonable doubt, pleading guilty freely)
Mob Violence
Method of terrorizing a population, keeping people in place, and in some cases, force some to abandon religious or political convictions.
Obedience to Authority
In the Milgram Experiment, ordinary citizens continued to listen to authority figure in shocking victims despie their conscience wanting not to
Proper allocation of moral praise and blame.
Management or administration marked by hierarchical authority among numberous offices and by fixed procedures.
Autonomously Generated Aggression
Aggression that comes from within an individual without provocation.
The belief that all things and events are inevitable and therefore out of one’s control.
Situational Determinants
What are considered the breeding grounds/conditions that can change a person.
Homicide Rates
Increase after wars due to violent ways of conflict resolution (shows how retaliation at the national level can encourage individual hostility)
Doubt as to the truth of something.
Just-World Belief/Theory
The belief that the world is orderly and stable, rewards bestowed to individuals that judiciously strive for them while punishments for those who deserve them (can apply on an individual level as well as a systemic level, and doesn’t only apply to phenomenon that are social in nature).
Defensive Responses
Individuals response when their belief in a just world is threatened (means of resolving the threat), can include dismissal, denial, and rationalization of the information
Dire Messages Impact
Reduce people’s willingness to combat global warming due to individuals’ need to believe in a just world being threatened.
Intersectionality Theory
Suggests that many societal stereotypes uniquely pertain to the intersection of multiple identities, including race or ethnicity in combination with gender.
Not necessarily accurate overgeneralizations of members of a group and possibly ignoring other important information about individuals within said group.
Automatic Stereotype Activation
When cognitive resources are limited, even individuals with low levels of prejudice end up activating and applying stereotypes.
Implicit Stereotypes
Stereotypes outside of conscious awareness.
A typical perceived image/portrayal
Social deficit; subjective state of discomfort
Illness or disease
Social Connection (coversely social disconnection)
An umbrella term that encompasses the structure, fuctions, and quality of social relationships.
Social Disconnection
Loneliness, social isolation; associated with long term consequences like dying earlier
Social Assets
Social support, social integration
Bradford Hill Guidelines
A framework with nine guidelines for determining whether a particular variable causes a particular outcome
Social Science
Study of society and social relationships.