Reading Notes Flashcards
What is the scientific method?
is an organized, objective, controlled, qualitative or quantitative empirical analysis of one or more variables. The terms that define the scientific // to determine which data collection method can most appropriately provide answers to specific questions
What are phases?
What is Phase 1?
what is it used for? What’s the medium? What is the purpose
What is Phase 2?
How do you use it? Who uses it? Entertainment, informative, media?
What is Phase 3?
Impacts of the medium? How much time is spent on the medium, positive, or negative impacts?
What is Phase 4?
How can the medium be improved? How can we expand the audience, push content, and do more for info or entertainment?
What are variables: independent and dependent?
Independent variables are varied by the researcher, whereas dependant variables are the ones that the researcher wants to find out about.
Describe theory.
Theory is a set of related propositions that presents a systematic view of phenomena by specifying relationships among concepts.
Constitutive definition
a type of definition in which other words or concepts are substituted for the word being defined.
- Example: Instagram provides users with entertainment and community
Constructive Replication:
an analysis of a hypothesis taken from a previous study that deliberately avoids duplicating the methods used in the previous study.
- Example: A study to find why people find Instagram entertaining where the study measured the watch time and reels while you as the researcher, instead looks at the amount of Instagram downloads.
Operational definition:
a definition that specifies patterns of behavior and procedures to experience or measure a concept. Can become a variable that you can quantify.
- Example: Measuring the uses of Instagram including the number of likes, views, comments, reels, posts, stories, and direct messages.
Operational replication:
a study that duplicates only the sampling methodology and the experimental procedures of a previous study.
- Example: A researcher looks at the effects of Instagram among adolescents in Davis, CA by downloading their Instagram data and asking them to take a health assessment. You as the researcher look at the effects of TikTok among Adolescents in Sacramento, CA by downloading their TikTok data and asking them to take a health assessment.
Types of validity?
face validity, predictive validity, concurrent validity, and construct validity.
Face validity:
take it at face value——is a survey intended to understand Instagram use asking questions about Instagram?
predictive validity:
we’re predicting if something will theoretically measure something——will reading the textbook predict how well you will score on the quiz?