WORD ANALYSIS-competency #3-
understand the role of phonological and phonemic awareness in reading development and how to develop students’ phonological and phonemic awareness skills
1/ demonstrate knowledge of the role of phonological and phonemic awareness in reading development
competency 3-
- recognize the distinction between phonological awareness (for example: the awareness that oral lang. is composed of smaller units, such as spoken words and syllables) phonemic awareness (a specific type of phonological awareness involving the ability to distinguish the seperate phonemes in a spoken word
competency 3-
- demonstrate knowledge of the continuum of research based, systematic, explicit instruction in phonological awareness (detecting and identifying word boundaries, syllables, rhyming words, onset/rime) including phonemic awareness (recognizing that words are made up of separate phonemes; distinguishing initial, medial, and final phonemes; blending, segmenting, deleting, and substituting phonemes)
competency 3-
- recognize the relationship between phonemic awareness and the development of phonics knowledge and skills (letter sound correspondance, blending) and demonstrate knowledge of strategies for helping students make explicit connections between their phonemic awareness and letters (teaching phonemic awareness both preceding instruction in letter knowledge and in concert with instruction in the alphabetic principle and letter sound correspondance
competency 3
- demonstrate knowledge of how to address the full range of learners in the classroom with respect to their development of phonological awarenss, including phonemic awareness (universal access )
competency 3 - #5 examples
a. providing differientiated instruction in phonological awareness, including phonemic awareness, to address the needs of struggling readers and students with reading difficulties or disabilities (ex: focusing on key skills, especially blending and segmenting; reteaching skills that are lacking; using a variety of concrete examples to explain a concept or task; providing addtl practice)
competency 3 - #5 examples
b. providing diff. instruction in phonological awareness, including phonemic awareness, to support students with special needs (using a variety of concrete examples to explain a concept or task, including using visual, auditory, kinesthetic, and tactile techniques; reteaching skills that are lacking; providing addtl practice)
competency 3 - #5 examples
c. providing diff. instruction in phonological awareness, including phonemic awareness, to address the needs of EL and speakers of non standard english (ex: capitalizing on transfer of relevant knowledge and skills from the primary lang. explicitly teaching nontransferrable phonemes and phoneme sequences)
competency 3 - #5 examples
d. providing diff. instruction in phonolgoical awareness, including phonemic awareness, to address the needs of advanced learners (ex: increasing the pace of instruction, building on and extending current skills)
competency 3
6- demonstrate knowledge and ability in assessment (ex: entry level assessment, monitoring of progress, and summative assessment) with respect to phonological awareness including phonemic awareness.
competency 3- #6 examples
a. demonstrating ability to describe and use appropriate formal and informal assessments in phonological awarenss, including phonemic awareness for diff. assessment purposes (ex: entry level assessments, monitoring of progress, and summative assessment)
competency 3- #6 examples
b. demonstrating ability to analyze and interpret results from these assessments
competency 3- #6 examples
c. demonstrating ability to use the results of assessments to plan effective instruction and interventions in phonological awareness, including phonemic awareness, adjust instruction and interventions to meet the identified needs of students; and ultimately determine whether relevant standards have been met
competency #3- 3.1 What is the difference between phonological awareness and phonemic awareness?
- phonological awareness is the awareness that oral lang. is composed of smaller units such as spoken words and syllables
- phonemic awareness is a specific type of phonological awareness involving the ability to distinguish the separate phonemes in a spoken word
competency #3- 3.2 What part does phonemic awareness play in learning to read?
- phonemic awareness is the awareness of the sounds (phonemes) that make up spoken words
- phonemic awareness is the ability to hear, identify, and manipulate individual sounds.
- phonemic awareness is more highly related to learning to read than general intelligence, reading readiness or listening comprehension (stanovich)
- phonemic awareness can be directly taught so that a begninning or poor reader can learn that words are composed of phonemics or speech sounds. (adams)
- students must be able to percieve and produce the specific sounds of the EL and understand how the system works
- phonemic awareness can imporve students’ word reading and reading comprehension
- phonemic awareness helps students learn to spell