Reading Comprehension Flashcards


Arrange the following exercise in proper paragraph order.

(1) If we had no pressure in our work, in all likelihood we would not feel it necessary to use all of our ability to do it.
(2) But, the stress may become so strong that people are no longer able to handle it.
(3) In order to be motivated to do our best work, most of us need a certain amount of tension.
(4) Concern affects their efforts to work; thinking is disrupted.
(5) When this occurs, they may work just as hard as they used to, but get only half as much done.

Which one of the following is the best arrangement of these sentences?

A: 3 - 2 - 1 - 5 - 4
B: 3 - 1 - 2 - 4 - 5
C: 3 - 2 - 4 - 5 - 1
D: 3 - 1 - 2 - 5 - 4


B: 3 - 1 - 2 - 4 - 5

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Arrange the following exercise in proper paragraph order.
(1) It is hardly different from businesses which sell socks or lawn mowers.

(2) Serious crimes are not rare in large cities.
(3) Like any other business, supply and demand controls, and the newspaper business knows that sensational crimes sell papers.
(4) Despite its pompous outcry that it is the “voice of the people,” a newspaper is nothing more than a business which sells news.
(5) The editor chooses which “brand” of crime his customers will want to purchase.

Which one of the following is the best arrangement of these sentences?

A: 4 - 1 - 3 - 2 - 5
B: 3 - 1 - 4 - 2 - 5
C: 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 - 5
D: 4 - 1 - 3 - 5 - 2


A: 4 - 1 - 3 - 2 - 5

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Arrange the following exercise in proper paragraph order.
(1) People in the record music business have, for a long time, defended explicit sex in music by saying that such records are intended for adults only.

(2) And it seems that such records, far from serving as pressure valves, attract sexually active children and stimulate them to become more active.
(3) But recent studies have caused experts to rebut these arguments.
(4) They have also maintained that if a child should happen to hear a record containing explicit sexual matter, this would serve as a release valve, offering a harmless outlet for sexual aggression.
(5) Several researchers have reported that even children as young as 9 or 10 hear more “adult” records than children’s records.

Which one of the following is the best arrangement of these sentences?

A: 1 - 5 - 3 - 4 - 2
B: 1 - 3 - 5 - 4 - 2
C: 1 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2
D: 1 - 4 - 3 - 5 - 2


D: 1 - 4 - 3 - 5 - 2

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The following exercise is based on the reading selection preceding the question. Base your answer to the question SOLELY on what is presented in the selection, not on what you personally may know about
the subject matter involved.
“In recent years the concept of a ‘happy worker’ has been receiving a great deal of attention. The relationship of job satisfaction to health and long life has been studied. The best predictor of long life has been found to be satisfaction with one’s job. Conversely, dissatisfaction with one’s job has been associated with heart disease. Based on these studies, an important issue is whether or not employers must provide satisfying work. Many experts believe that employees have a right to
expect a working environment that is not unhealthful.”

Which one of the following statements is best supported by the above?

A: An increase in job satisfaction is directly proportional to a decrease in heart disease.
B: To remain healthy, employees should strive for high prestige jobs.
C: Employers are required to provide workers with a healthful work enviorment.
D: In recent studies, the relationship between job satisfaction and a long and healthy life has emerged.


D: In recent studies, the relationship between job satisfaction and a long and healthy life has emerged.

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The following exercises is based on the reading selection preceding the question. Base your answer to the question SOLELY on what is presented in the selection, not on what you personally may know about
the subject matter involved.
“Hospitalization plans were one of the great developments of the 1970’s. It is estimated that at the end of 1990 about 42 million people were covered by some form of hospitalization plan. This was seven times the number of persons covered in 1970. The number of hospitalization plans in operation in 1990 was ten times the number in operation in 1970.”

Which one of the following statements is best supported by the above?

A: In 1990, one out of every ten persons took advantage of a hospitalization plan.
B: In 1970, about six million people were covered by some form of hospitalization plan.
C: Between 1970 and 1990, hospitalization plans increased at a faster rate than those persons using such plans.
D: The number of people covered by hospitalization plans in 1970 was proportionally greater than the number using such plans in 1990.


B: In 1970, about six million people were covered by some form of hospitalization plan.

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The following exercise is based on the reading selection preceding the question. Base your answer to the question SOLELY on what is presented in the selection, not on what you personally may know about the subject matter involved.

“The trade deficit in this country is of major concern to the American citizen. One of the factors which increases our trade deficit is the slowdown in American productivity. Productivity involves two concepts: effectiveness and efficiency. In recent years, instead of a growth in our productivity, there has been a 50% decrease. This adversely affects our ability to compete with other nations whose productivity is higher and is on the increase.”

Which one of the following statements is best supported by the above?

A: The main cause of our trade deficit is the decrease in our productivity growth.
B: The basic course of the American trade deficit is the decrease in the unit work output of the American worker.
C: An increase in American productivity by 50% will eliminate our trade deficit.
D: The decrease in American productivity growth has a negative effect on our ability to compete with other nations.


D: The decrease in American productivity growth has a negative effect on our ability to compete with other nations.

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The following exercise is based on the reading selection preceding the question. Base your answer to the question SOLELY on what is presented in the selection, not on what you personally may know about
the subject matter involved.

“Progress in the solution of many personal and social problems depends on the ‘subjective data’ obtained during an interview. This ‘subjective data’ is the product of an interview. It is difficult to obtain reliable data but this difficulty is no reason to abandon the interview as an information seeking device. The interview procedure can be valuable. Effective use of the interview process depends on an understanding of what it can and cannot accomplish. The most important contribution made by the interview process is in helping to understand personal attitudes and relationships.”

Which one of the following statements is best supported by the above?

A: As a scientific instrument, the interview is less effective in drawing out personal information than is the psychological test.
B: The results of an interview, being subjective and not obtained scientifically, cannot be used to solve problems.
C: The interview, as a process, when applied properly, has as its product reliable and scientific data about personal attitidues.
D: A properly conducted interview is a valuable source of information about people.


D: A properly conducted interview is a valuable source of information about people.

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The following exercise is based on the reading selection preceding the question. Base your answer to the question SOLELY on what is presented in the selection, not on what you personally may know about
the subject matter involved.

“In modern society, newspaper reporting and editing is a major source of information about political and terrorists groups. However, the information from newspapers is often incomplete as well as stereotyped. It may lead to misconceptions about political and terrorist groups. Also, editorials may influence the ideas and opinions formed and expressed by both children and adults when political and/or terrorist groups are written about in a simplistic or stereotyped fashion. These ideas and opinions may affect the positive social functioning of those newspaper readers.”

Which one of the following statements is best supported by the above?

A: In modern society, newspaper reporting and editing is the prime source of information concerning political and terrorist groups.
B: Stereotyped editorials of political and terrorist groups affects the positive social functioning of most newspaper readers.
C: Newspaper reporting and editorializing have a strong effect on the way children and adults form their ideas and opinions of political and terrorist groups.
D: Newspaper reports and editorials are the primary source of misinformation about political and terrorist groups.


C: Newspaper reporting and editorializing have a strong effect on the way children and adults form their ideas and opinions of political and terrorist groups.

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The following exercise is based on the reading selection preceding the question. Base your answer to the question SOLELY on what is presented in the selection, not on what you personally may know about
the subject matter involved.

“We find a severe shortage of personnel in the family courts and the social welfare agencies. The result is that some children are institutionalized without required consideration of their cases. This is so because commitment to an institution is an easy solution when no one has the time to thoroughly study the case.”

Which one of the following statements is best supported by the above?

A: Commitment to an institution is the most common solution to juvenile problems.
B: Most children are institutionalized without full consideration of the hcarges against them.
C: Few juveniles would be institutionalized if all of the facts in each case were thoroughly analyzed.
D: A shortage of qualified help sometimes leads to the commitment of juveniles who might not benefit from such commitment.


D: A shortage of qualified help sometimes leads to the commitment of juveniles who might not benefit from such commitment.

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The following exercise is based on the reading selection preceding the question. Base your answer to the question SOLELY on what is presented in the selection, not on what you personally may know about
the subject matter involved.

“The Environmental Protection Agency is the link between the general public and a public agency. It is his job to secure compliance through the maximum utilization of persuasion and education and the minimum application of officially sanctioned coercion.”

According to the above selection, an Environmental Protection Agent should

A: never use coercion to secure compliance with laws and regulations.
B: employ an effective blending of education and force to such a degree that his efforts in each direction are essentially equal.
C: seek to obtain voluntary compliance and resort to officially sanctioned coercion only as a last resort.
D: make maximum use of all the tools at hand, including coercion, to get the job done.


C: seek to obtain voluntary compliance and resort to officially sanctioned coercion only as a last resort.

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Assume that you and your partner, Police Officer Jackson, have investigated a
report of a bomb threat at the Dukakis Dynasty Diner. Assume also that you will
be expected to prepare a report from the following notes.

– Diner manager, Lloyd Bush, received a threat by telephone.

– I searched the diner with Jackson and Bush; found no bomb.

– Bush said caller sounded like a young male.

– Bush said that caller said, “A bomb will go off in the diner in 90 minutes.”

– Bush said that two young boys entered the diner about one-half hour before
the call. Each ordered a coffee and danish to go. They spent time fooling
around with the juke box.

– Bush said that he asked them if they wanted to buy anything else. They said
they wanted Irish Soda bread. Bush said it was a Greek diner not an Irish
diner. Bush asked them to leave.

– A customer recognized one of the youths as Mario Kennedy of 118 Brook

– We proceeded to 118 Brook Street.

– Spoke with Joseph Kennedy, his son Mario, and Mario’s friend, Pete Lawford.

– Mario and Pete confirmed Bush’s story but denied calling the diner.

– Joseph Kennedy said the boys had been in Mario’s room playing chess. He
had not been near the room. He’s heard no phone calls made.

– There is a telephone in Mario’s room.

In each of the following questions (#11 through #15), select the choice which most clearly and accurately restates the relevant information from the notes. Grammar and style are only important if they affect clarity and accuracy.

A: Jackson, Bush and I searched the diner, but there was no bomb.
B: By searching the diner, Jackson, Bush and I found there was no bomb.
C: Jackson, Bush and I searched the diner and found no bomb.
D: After our search of the diner, Jackson, Bush and I found no bomb.


C: Jackson, Bush and I searched the diner and found no bomb.

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Assume that you and your partner, Police Officer Jackson, have investigated a
report of a bomb threat at the Dukakis Dynasty Diner. Assume also that you will
be expected to prepare a report from the following notes.

– Diner manager, Lloyd Bush, received a threat by telephone.

– I searched the diner with Jackson and Bush; found no bomb.

– Bush said caller sounded like a young male.

– Bush said that caller said, “A bomb will go off in the diner in 90 minutes.”

– Bush said that two young boys entered the diner about one-half hour before
the call. Each ordered a coffee and danish to go. They spent time fooling
around with the juke box.

– Bush said that he asked them if they wanted to buy anything else. They said
they wanted Irish Soda bread. Bush said it was a Greek diner not an Irish
diner. Bush asked them to leave.

– A customer recognized one of the youths as Mario Kennedy of 118 Brook

– We proceeded to 118 Brook Street.

– Spoke with Joseph Kennedy, his son Mario, and Mario’s friend, Pete Lawford.

– Mario and Pete confirmed Bush’s story but denied calling the diner.

– Joseph Kennedy said the boys had been in Mario’s room playing chess. He
had not been near the room. He’s heard no phone calls made.

– There is a telephone in Mario’s room.

In each of the following questions (#11 through #15), select the choice which most clearly and accurately restates the relevant information from the notes. Grammar and style are only important if they affect clarity and accuracy.

A: Bush reported that the caller, a young male, had said, “A bomb will go off in the diner in 90 minutes.
B: According to Bush, the caller sounded like a young male, and had said, “A bomb will go off in the diner in 90 minutes.”
C: Bush reported that a young male caller had said, “A bomb will go off in the diner in 90 minutes.”
D: The caller, who Bush said sounded like a young male, had said, “A bomb will go off in the diner in 90 minutes.”


B: According to Bush, the caller sounded like a young male, and had said, “A bomb will go off in the diner in 90 minutes.”

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Assume that you and your partner, Police Officer Jackson, have investigated a
report of a bomb threat at the Dukakis Dynasty Diner. Assume also that you will
be expected to prepare a report from the following notes.

– Diner manager, Lloyd Bush, received a threat by telephone.

– I searched the diner with Jackson and Bush; found no bomb.

– Bush said caller sounded like a young male.

– Bush said that caller said, “A bomb will go off in the diner in 90 minutes.”

– Bush said that two young boys entered the diner about one-half hour before
the call. Each ordered a coffee and danish to go. They spent time fooling
around with the juke box.

– Bush said that he asked them if they wanted to buy anything else. They said
they wanted Irish Soda bread. Bush said it was a Greek diner not an Irish
diner. Bush asked them to leave.

– A customer recognized one of the youths as Mario Kennedy of 118 Brook

– We proceeded to 118 Brook Street.

– Spoke with Joseph Kennedy, his son Mario, and Mario’s friend, Pete Lawford.

– Mario and Pete confirmed Bush’s story but denied calling the diner.

– Joseph Kennedy said the boys had been in Mario’s room playing chess. He
had not been near the room. He’s heard no phone calls made.

– There is a telephone in Mario’s room.

In each of the following questions (#11 through #15), select the choice which most clearly and accurately restates the relevant information from the notes. Grammar and style are only important if they affect clarity and accuracy.

A: One-half hour before the call, Bush said, two young boys entered the diner; he said that each ordered a coffee and a danish, and that they spent the time fooling with the juke box.
B: One-half hour before the call, bush said that two young boys entered the diner; he said that each ordered a coffee and a danish, and that they spent time fooling with the juke box.
C: Bush said that one-half hour before the call two young boys entered the diner; they ordered a coffee and a danish and spent time fooling with the juke box.
D: Bush said that one-half hour before the call two young boys entered the diner to order coffee and danish and to spend time fooling around with the juke box.


A: One-half hour before the call, Bush said, two young boys entered the diner; he said that each ordered a coffee and a danish, and that they spent the time fooling with the juke box.

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Assume that you and your partner, Police Officer Jackson, have investigated a
report of a bomb threat at the Dukakis Dynasty Diner. Assume also that you will
be expected to prepare a report from the following notes.

– Diner manager, Lloyd Bush, received a threat by telephone.

– I searched the diner with Jackson and Bush; found no bomb.

– Bush said caller sounded like a young male.

– Bush said that caller said, “A bomb will go off in the diner in 90 minutes.”

– Bush said that two young boys entered the diner about one-half hour before
the call. Each ordered a coffee and danish to go. They spent time fooling
around with the juke box.

– Bush said that he asked them if they wanted to buy anything else. They said
they wanted Irish Soda bread. Bush said it was a Greek diner not an Irish
diner. Bush asked them to leave.

– A customer recognized one of the youths as Mario Kennedy of 118 Brook

– We proceeded to 118 Brook Street.

– Spoke with Joseph Kennedy, his son Mario, and Mario’s friend, Pete Lawford.

– Mario and Pete confirmed Bush’s story but denied calling the diner.

– Joseph Kennedy said the boys had been in Mario’s room playing chess. He
had not been near the room. He’s heard no phone calls made.

– There is a telephone in Mario’s room.

In each of the following questions (#11 through #15), select the choice which most clearly and accurately restates the relevant information from the notes. Grammar and style are only important if they affect clarity and accuracy.

A: According to Bush, he asked the boys to leave the diner after they said they wanted to buy Irish Soda Bread.
B: According to Bush, the boys didn’t want to buy anything else, so he asked them to leave the diner.
C: Bush said that the boys said they wanted to buy Irish Soda bread, resulting from him asking them to leave.
D: Bush said that the boys were asked to leave the diner because they said they didn’t want to buy anything but Irish Soda bread.


A: According to Bush, he asked the boys to leave the diner after they said they wanted to buy Irish Soda Bread.

How well did you know this?
Not at all

Assume that you and your partner, Police Officer Jackson, have investigated a
report of a bomb threat at the Dukakis Dynasty Diner. Assume also that you will
be expected to prepare a report from the following notes.

– Diner manager, Lloyd Bush, received a threat by telephone.

– I searched the diner with Jackson and Bush; found no bomb.

– Bush said caller sounded like a young male.

– Bush said that caller said, “A bomb will go off in the diner in 90 minutes.”

– Bush said that two young boys entered the diner about one-half hour before
the call. Each ordered a coffee and danish to go. They spent time fooling
around with the juke box.

– Bush said that he asked them if they wanted to buy anything else. They said
they wanted Irish Soda bread. Bush said it was a Greek diner not an Irish
diner. Bush asked them to leave.

– A customer recognized one of the youths as Mario Kennedy of 118 Brook

– We proceeded to 118 Brook Street.

– Spoke with Joseph Kennedy, his son Mario, and Mario’s friend, Pete Lawford.

– Mario and Pete confirmed Bush’s story but denied calling the diner.

– Joseph Kennedy said the boys had been in Mario’s room playing chess. He
had not been near the room. He’s heard no phone calls made.

– There is a telephone in Mario’s room.

In each of the following questions (#11 through #15), select the choice which most clearly and accurately restates the relevant information from the notes. Grammar and style are only important if they affect clarity and accuracy.

A: The boys who confirmed Bush’s story denied calling the diner.
B: The boys confirmed Bush’s story, but denied calling the diner.
C: The boys, in confirming Bush’s story, denied calling the diner.
D: The boys denied calling the diner, but confirmed the rest of Bush’s story


B: The boys confirmed Bush’s story, but denied calling the diner.

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