Reading Area Down Direction Flashcards
T1679 – Kennet down passenger loop – identify the route indications
Main Aspect Down Relief
Junction Indicator 1 Down Main
Junction Indicator 4 Up Relief (down direction)
Kennet Bridge Junction – to which line must be you signalled if your destination is
the Westbury Line?
Down Main
Kennet Bridge Junction – to which lines must you be signalled if your destination is
the TCD?
Down Relief or Up Relief
What is the potential risk when approaching gantry 1?
Risk of distraction from high volume of train movements
Risk of reading across
Gantry 1, Down Main T1685 – what are the routes available from this signal?
Main Aspect Platform 9
Junction Indicator 1 Platform 8
Junction Indicator 2 Platform 7
Junction Indicator 4 Platform 10
With reference to your previous question, which platform can you not be signalled
towards Didcot from?
Platform 10 - Up Main
Gantry 1, Down Relief T1687 – what are the routes available from this signal and
what is the location of your next signal?
- Main Aspect Platform 12 (DR)
- Junction Indicator 4 Platform 13 (DRL)
- Junction Indicator 5 Platform 14 (URL)
- Next signal is the closing up signal just before the platform
Gantry 1, Up Relief T1689 – what are the routes available from this signal and what
is the location of your next signal?
- Main Aspect Platform 14 (URL)
- Junction Indicator 1 Platform 13 (DRL)
- Junction Indicator 4 Platform 15 (UR)
- Next signal is the closing up signal just before the platform
What are the potential risks for trains approaching platforms 12 to 15 at Reading?
After receiving a single yellow on gantry 1, risk of forgetting the closing up signal before
the platform
Describe the instructions when you are required to stop at the rear end clear
markers in the down direction
Trains up to 5 cars must come to a stand at the rear clear marker at the ‘A’ end of the
platform if they are booked to reverse or terminate and form a service towards Twyford /
Describe the instructions when you are required to proceed beyond the rear end
clear markers in the down direction
Trains of more than 5 cars, through services of any formation, any formation terminating at
Reading and then booked to the TCD, any formation terminating at Reading and then
continuing forwards on a different service must continue beyond the ‘rear clear’ marker to
the relevant car marker at the ‘B’ end of the platform
State the through platform numbers and the line names
Platform 7 Down Westbury Platform 8 Down Main Loop Platform 9 Down Main Platform 12 Down Relief Platform 13 Down Relief Loop Platform 14 Up Relief Loop Platform 15 Up Relief
State which platforms you can depart from when working a service towards Reading West
Reading platform 8, Down Main Loop T1709 – identify the route indication to be signalled towards Tilehurst and the speed departing the platform
Main Aspect = Down Main
Junction Indicator 1 = Festival Line
Junction Indicator 2 = Up Westbury
Reading platforms 9-15, identify the route indication to be signalled towards Tilehurst
Platform 9 = Main Aspect
Platform 12 = Main Aspect or J.I.4
Platform 13-15 = Main Aspect or ‘L’ in Theatre Box