A highly persuasive and informative document that aims to address a particular problem or issue
Project Proposal
It is a document that lists down all aspects of a project; its background, vision, goals, tasks, requirements, owners, asssociated risks, etc.
Project Proposal
The purpose of this is to communicate the value of your project and convince them of the value of the project.
Project Proposal
A type of academic writing that presents one’s stand or viewpoint on a particular issue.
Position Paper
Clear and effective writing is achieved if these three key factors are considered;
- Purpose
- Audience
- Tone
It is a broad term that covers a wide variety of genres across disciplines.
Academic Writing
A type of writing produced by students in an academic setting. It is impersonal and formal.
Academic Writing
6 Tips in Academic Writing
- Follow the basics in the writing process
- Use quotations sparingly
- Avoid using imperative tone
- Avoid excessive font use
- Be consistent with the type of English used.
- Plan wisely
It is applied in business and technical writing
Professional Writing
It refers broadly to texts written for business purposes.
Professional Writing
This refers to documents that often explain technical processes or explain how to do something.
Technical Writing
It is a specialized form of academic writing in which a reviewer evaluates the contribution to the knowledge of scholarly works such as academic books and journal articles.
Article/Book Review
It can be written as a standalone paper or as part of a research paper.
Literature Review
It critically analyzes the relationship among different scholarly works and the current work.
Literature Review
It is a comprehensive synthesis of the existing studie, theories, and published works that are related to and would provide support to the present research.
Literature Review
It is a collection of the most relevant and significant publications regarding that topic in order to provide a comprehenisve look at what has been said on the topic and by whom.
Literature Review
Its purpose is to provide a review of writing on the given topic in order to establish the reviewers own position in the existing field of scholarship on that topic.
Literature Review
Guidelines in Writing a Literature Review (3)
Literature search
Evaluation and analysis of articles
Writing literature review
It is a paper reporting research that has already been conducted
Research Report
It encloses the information regarding your research that what kind of investigation has been conducted in your research paper and for what purpose and in which circumstances you have conducted that research
Research Report
A complete and careful exploration of some specific topic or issue and reaching the results by interpreting the facts
Research Paper
This does not report on an objective, reproducible experiment done elsewhere but instead focuses on establishing the author’s thesis and arguing in the favor of it
Research Paper
This part of a project proposal states the project proposal title, date the proposal was requested, general purpose and scope of the proposal, and acknowledgment of people who have contributed to the completion of the proposal.
Cover Letter
This includes the project title that is concise and information.
Title Page
This includes the objectives, implementing organization, major porject activities, and total project cost. It is usually composed of 200 to 250 words and highlights only the major points.
Abstact or Executive Summary
This describes the socio-economic, cultural, and political bacground in which the proposal is situated.
Context of the Proposal
This includes a problem statement that specifies the problem addressed by the project. It also points out why the problem is an issue that requires imemediate attention.
Project Justification
This lists the poeple involved in the project, their corresponding roles, and their summary of qualifications.
Personnel Involved
It describes the actvities and resource allocation in detail, as well as the person incharge of executing the activities. It indicates the time and place of activities.
Project Implementation
This itemizes the budget and presents the expected income and expenses over a specified time period.
This specifies when and how the team will monitor the progress of the project.
Monitoring and Evaluation
This specifies the shcedule for reporting the finances and progress of the project
Reporting Scheme
This briefly describes the project, the problem it addresses, and its benefits to all stakeholders through a summary
This lists all the references used in drafting the project proposal using the format required by the funding agency.