Reading 1: The Dawn of Cinema Flashcards
First known film w/ live recording sound
Dickson Expiramental Sound Film
Invention Expiramental Sound Film was made to test
Edison’s Kineyophone
1st known and only surviving edison sound film for kinetophone
Dickson Expiramental Sound Film
Dancing Star of Edison’s films
Annabelle Moore
Special fx that often went w/ Annabelle’s flicks
Hand colored film
_______ audiences LOVED Annabelle
Earliest nickolodeons featured
Annabelle Moore
Inventors of 1st successful motion picture projectors
Auguste & Louis Lumiere
Lumiere movie genres mostly _______
docus & comedy
Quality of Lumiere films
High quality & value
Lumiere mistake movie
Demolishing a Wall
Demolishing a Wall mistake
Projected forwards and then backwards
How did audience take Lumiere Bros. mistake
It was a HIT w/ audiences
Who inspired Lumiere projector idea
Antoine Lumiere (their father)
Antoine Lumiere inspiration & retort
Saw Edison’s kinetoscope potential, “You can do better, try to the image out of that box” (to sons)
What did Lumiere brothers do with movies? (2)
Opened a theater & got camera operators to venture all over the world
Lumiere brothers technical experts in ____________
Cinematography. framing shots
Framed shot Lumiere brothers did spectacularly
Diagonal Shots
Lumiere films reproduced ________
Sometimes the fact that Lumiere Bros had a camera ________________
influenced what was ON camera, caused overracting (i.e. extras)
The Great Train Robbery Director
Edwin Porter
Great Train Robbery was a precursor to _______
The Western
Type of editing Great Train Robbery introduced (3)
Parallel editing/Simultaneous Action
Jump Cuts/Cross Cuts
Beginning or Ending of Great Train Robbery
Bandit fires gun into face of camera/audience
Melies’ most famous film
A Trip to the Moon
Genre of Trip to the Moon
What was Trip to the Moon for Melies?
His personal vision
Melies profession before film
1st sci-fi story
Trip to the Moon
Trip to the Moon a version of
Jules Verne story
Trip to the Moon budget
Had a HUGE budget
What did Melies do on set?
Wrote, directed, designed sets/costumes, produced, & had lead role
Trip to the Moon guest stars
acrobats & ballerinas
Trip to the Moon editing utilized
Special fx
Kinetograph is the ________
While the Kinetoscope is the _______
Kinetograph= Viewer
“Founding Fathers” of modern cinema
Lumiere Bros.
Lumiere’s tech. was combo of
Movie camera & Projector
Lumiere Bros. 1st demo of system
“Workers Leaving the Factory”
First Lumiere comedy
Gardener & Hose
Lumiere’s presented first exhibition in 1st ______ + Name
movie theater, “Salon Indien”
Edison’s failed projector (& rename)
Phantascope, renamed Vitascope
First permanent movie theaters were
Converted churches and halls
Where was the first building for ONLY movies
Lumiere Bros. wouldn’t ______ to ______
sell camera to Melies
What did Melies do once Lumiere Bros. didn’t sell camera to him?
Made his own
Vitagraph Co known for
Slapstick comedies
American Mutoscope Co.
As a camera the mutograph became popular in the US
Mutograph was a
Peephole flipcard device
“Father of Story Film”
Edwin S. Porter
Edwin S Porter job before director
Kinetoscope operator/director for Edison
1st American Docu + Dir
“Life of American Fireman” by Edwin S Porter
Great Train Robbery & Audiences
Great Train Robber made people realize
Film could be commercially viable medium
Who should get MAJOR credit for Edison’s work?
John Carbutt invention
Emulsion coated celluloid film sheets
Earliest surviving copywrited film
Record of a Sneeze
Earliest surviving copywrited film made on
Role of Vaudeville Performers + 2 ex.
First subjects in films (Carmencita, Annabelle)
As sales/use of projections went up….
Kinetograph use/sale went down
William Paley shot _____ films in ______
War films in Cuba
Paley’s reenactment films were of ______
Spanish American War
Spanish American War film by
William Paley
What genres dominated Nickelodeons
Fictional films
Popular place of Nickelodeons
storefront theaters (frequent/convenient showings)
Edison patents lead to
monopoly on film
Phonograph marriage of
Sight and sound
Phonograph synching
pulley system for phonograph & projector
Phonograph talkies often…
didn’t work
Chinese philosophers
Taught of light rays/how it works & is manipulated
Renaissance/330 BC Inventions
Camera Obscura
Class ends where?
1965, Release of small format/portable PORTAPAK
End of 19th century plant-based material, highly flammable
Explosion of mid 1880s - early 1900s technology examples
Airplane, Phonograph, Film, Automobile
Explosion of mid 1880s - early 1900s technology have to do with
24 cameras used in
Edison’s 1st product that reproduced sound
How many people could use kinetoscope
Edison’s 1st expierience w/ film name & quality
Monkey Shines #1, Low Quality
Edison’s cameraman
Popular body builder used in Edison
Sandow (most popular body builder)
Racist Edison film
Watermellon contest
Controversial Edison film w/ abuse
Electrocuted elephant (ad for edison electricity)