reader response Flashcards
2 modes in transactional reader-response theory
aesthetic mode vs efferent mode
- Text is a stimulus/blueprint
- text vs reader vs poem
- Louise Rosenblatt
transactional reader-response theory
the “slow-motion,” phrase-by-phrase analysis of how the text structures the reader’s response
affective stylistics
Is derived from analyzing further the notion that a literary text is an event that occurs in time—that comes into being as it is read—rather than an object that exists in space.
affective stylistics
interpretation based on “institutionalized assumption”
Social reader-response
He calls reading as symbolizationi
David Bleich
This theory suggests that readers’ motives strongly influence how they read.
psychological reader-response theory
It focuses on what readers’ interpretations reveal about themselves, not about the text
psychological reader-response theory
’ there is no purely individual subjective response. ‘
social reader-response theory
based on the belief that all knowledge is subjective—the perceived can’t be separated from the perceiver
subjective reader-response theory