Reactive Inflammatory Erythemas Flashcards
Associated diseases of erythema gyratum repens
Malignancy (paraneoplastic phenomenon, precede diagnosis and may not be diagnosed at presentation of the eruption or post-date) - lung most common, oesophagus, breast, stomach, kidney etc
Absence of underlying malignancy but assoc with other conditions -
Inflammatory - PRP, psoriasis, Ichthyosis
Infections - mycobacterial
Connective tissue disease - lupus, sjogren syndrome, scleroderma, RA)
Hypereosinophilic syndrome
Drug induced
Non-malignant associations of erythema gyratum repens
Inflammatory - PRP, psoriasis, Ichthyosis
Infections - mycobacterial
Connective tissue disease - lupus, sjogren syndrome, scleroderma, RA)
Hypereosinophilic syndrome
Drug induced
Erythema gyratum repens-like eruption may be a manifestation of the following
Lupus Immunobullous disorder MF Erythrokeratoderma variabilis Urticarial vasculitis Neutrophilic dermatosis
Histo features of erythema gyratum repens
Not diagnostic
Superficial and occasionally deep perivascular lymphohistiocytic infiltrate
Hyperkeratosis, parakeratosis, acanthosis,
Granular IgG and C3 at BMZ involved and uninvolved skin
Clinical features of erythema gyratum repens
Wood-grain appearing concentric annular eruption (series of concentric figurate bands from sequential daily eruptions, migration of leading edge by 1cm every day)
Scaling at the trailing edge
Sometimes ichthyosis and bullae appear within the erythema
Prominent itch
Hyperkeratosis palms
DDx of erythema gyratum repens
EAC (each lesion distinct ring or arc with variable but usually without prominent scaling) EM Necrolytic migratory erythema SCLE Tinea corporis Erythrokeratoderma variabilis Annular psoriasis PRP
Baseline investigations for erythema gyratum repens
General screen -
Malignancy screen - CXR (lung CA most common) CT CAP Breast mammogram Cervical smear PSA Endoscopy, colonoscopy (if indicated)
Treatment ladder for erythema gyratum repens
1st line -
Identify underlying cause
2nd line -
Treat underlying cause (treatment of cancer may result in clearance of the eruption, and tumour recurrence/mets can precipitate recurrence)
Major criteria for rheumatic fever (caused by strep infection)
Erythema marginatum (10%) Subcutaneous nodules Carditis Migratory polyarthritis Chorea
Minor criteria for rheumatic fever (caused by strep infection)
Fever Arthralgia Previous rheumatic fever/rheumatic heart disease Raised ESR/CRP/WCC Prolonged PR interval on ECG
Subcutaneous nodules in rheumatic fever
Over bones/tendons
Associated diseases of erythema marginatum
Rheumatic fever
Angioedema (C1 inhibitor deficiency, acquired or hereditary)
Causative organisms of erythema marginatum
Beta haemolytic group A strep (often pharyngeal infection)
Histo features of erythema marginatum
Perivascular infiltrate of neuts and lymphocytes/histiocytes
Leukocytoclasia/nuclear debris
No vasculitis
Site of rash of erythema marginatum
Inner upper arms, thighs
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