Mastocytosis Flashcards
Maculopapular cutaneous mastocytosis
- Urticaria pigmentosa
- Telengiectasia macularis eruptiva perstans
Diffuse cutaneous mastocytosis
Indolent systemic mastocytosis (mostly adults)
- Smoldering indolent systemic mastocytosis
Systemic mastocytosis with an assoc clonal haem non-mast cell disease
Aggressive systemic mastocytosis
Mast cell leukaemia
Mast cell sarcoma
Extracutaneous mastocytoma
Symptoms of mastocytosis primarily d/t mast cell mediator release
Mast cells accumulate in tissues as a direct consequence of acquiring a gain-of-function KIT mutation
KIT activation —> survival, migration of tissue mast cells
1/3 cases presents in childhood
Majority childhood mastocytosis presents within 1st 2 years of life
Adults present between 3rd and 6th decades
Familial cases reported
- Urticaria pigmentosa
- Telengiectasia madularis eruptiva perstans (TMEP) —> AD inheritance
Associated diseases
Osteoporosis —> presents with vertebral fractures esp in men
Risk of potential non-mast cell haem disorder
Increased mast cell numbers in the papillary dermis
Mainly around blood vessels and skin appendages
Increased melanin pigmentation in the epidermis
Otherwise Normal epidermis
Mast cells usually oval or spindle shaped “fried egg appearance”
Granules stain metachromatically -
- Toluidine blue
- Giemsa
- Tryptase
- Chloroacetate esterase
- Mast cells confined ro superficial capillaries and dilated venules
- May be only slightly increased over the numbers seen in normal skin
Mastocytomas and diffuse cutaneous mastocytosis
- Full thickness infiltration of the skin vs band-like involvement of the upper dermis
BONE MARROW Focal aggregates of mast cells vs diffuse infiltration Accompanied by increased numbers of - - Neuts - Phagocytosing macrophages - Eos - Lymphocytes - Fibrosis
CD25 and/or CD2 with tryptase
CD 117
Biopsy of suspected mastocytosis in skin
Careful technique to minimise mast cell degranulation
Atraumatic Injection of LA around the lesion (ring block) —> yields higher number of stainable mast cells
4mm PBx of lesional skin
Place in formalin for histo (H&E) and mast cell stains - Toluidine blue Giemsa Tryptase Chloroacetate esterase
Cutaneous mastocytosis - maculopapular cutaneous mastocytosis
Commonest cutaneous mastocytosis in adults and children
Onset -
- Children within 1st 2 yrs of life
- Adults 20-40 yrs
Numerous reddish brown or pale monomorphic maculopapules, plaques, nodules
Symmetrical distribution
Anywhere on the body —> highest concentration on trunk and thighs
EXCEPT palms and soles
Unusual for face to be affected
+/- hairline in children
+/- neck of adults
In infancy/childhood —> lesions may blister —> heals without scarring
Urticate within mins of gentle rubbing in children —> Darier’s sign (localised itch, redness, wealing) —> subsides within an hour
Gentle skin stroking does NOT produce wealing between lesions
Darier sign illustration/selective wealing within lesions by stroking lesional and perilesional skin can be a substitute for skin biopsy in very young children
Darier sign not always demonstrable in the following scenarios -
Adult urticaria pigmentosa with long hx of disease
Child with resolving lesions
Darier sign not 100% specific for cutaneous mastocytosis, can also be demonstrated in -
- Juvenile xanthogranuloma
- Acute lymphoblastic leukaemia of neonates
Associated symptoms
- Flushing (common)
- Headache (common)
- Depression (common)
- ETOH intolerance
- Itch
- Heat or cold intolerance
- Wheezing (rare)
- Syncope (presentation of anaphylaxis)
- Acid dyspepsia
- Recurrent diarrhoea
- Urinary frequency
Associated diseases (adults)
- Indolent systemic mastocytosis ? 90 - 95%
- Clonal mast cell disease
50% of children clear by adolescence
Outlook for paed cases that do not remit is the same as for adults with indolent systemic mastocytosis —> progression to sognificant haem disorders is rare, even with proven systemic mastocytosis
10% adults spontaneous resolution
Cutaneous mastocytosis - maculopapular cutaneous mastocytosis
Fixed erythema predominant clinical feature
Adults with persistent red macules
May or may not show obvious telengiectasia esp on the trunk
On rubbing —> flush, but do not urticate
Excess mast cells on skin bx will confirm dx, but madt cells may mot be numerous
Pure TMEP ? Better prognosis vs extensive urticaria pigmentosa with marked telengiectatic component
Not responsive to Rx
Cutaneous mastocytosis - mastocytoma
Infancy/early childhood
Red, pink, yellowish nodules/plaques
3-4cm in diameter
Usually solitary
If multiple —> difficult to differentiate from nodular urticaria pigmentosa
When rubbed —>
- tend to blister esp in napkin area of infants —> bullous mastocytoma d/t intense subepidermal oedema resulting from mast cell degranulation
- Flushing attacks
Involutes over 1st few years of childhood
Systemic disease very unlikely
Reasonable to avoid skin bx to confirm clinical dx if there is convincing Darier’s sign
Cutaneous mastocytosis - diffuse cutaneous mastocytosis
Presents in neonatal period
Itch may be intense
Mast cells infiltrate entire skin diffusely
Skin tends to be thickened and doughy in consistency
May be smooth
Skin colour normal or almost red
Pigmentation usually absent
Blistering after minor trauma/scratching common —> bullous mastocytosis d/t intense subepidermal oedema resulting from mast cell degranulation
Epidermis may be lost over large area —> resemble impetigo
At risk of systemic disease
Resolves spontaneously
Systemic mastocytosis
WHO CRITERIA 1 major + 1 minor OR 3 minor on bone marrow bx
- Multifocal aggregates of at least 15 mast cells in bone marrow or another organ (pther than the skin)
- > 25% of mast cells in infiltrates are spindle shaped (bone marrow bx, or other tissue other than skin) OR > 25% of mast cells in bone marrow aspirate smears are immature or atypical
- Activating mutations in KIT i.e. codon 816 (bone marrow, blood, tissue other than skin)
- Co-expression of CD117 with CD2 and/or CD25 (bone marrow mast cells, blood, tissue other than skin)
- Serum tryptase > 20 ug/L (unless assoc with clonal myeloid disorder)
Not all patients with proven bone marrow involvement will be symptomatic
Symptoms d/t release of skin mast cell mediators which have distant effects, partly local effects of mast cell infilration in other tissues i.e. GIT -
- N & V & D
- Fatigue
- “Brain fogginess”
- Headache
- Syncope
- Hypotension
- Palpitations
- Dyspnoea
- Wheezing
- Bone pain
- Bone cysts
- Osteoporosis, osteosclerosis, spontaneous fractures
Majority of adults with urticaria pigmentosa investigated —> will have indolent systemic mastocytosis
IX (bone marrow involvement) Persistent Serum tryptase > 20 ug/L (however this is not specific for mastocytosis, can be elevated in other conditions) Urinary MIMA (methyl imidazole acetic acid) or methylhistamine
Risk of progression of indolent systemic mastocytosis —> systemic mastocytosis with an assoc haem clonal non-mast cell disease, or aggressive systemic mastocytosis UNUSUAL —> no reliable marlers to identify who is at greatest risk flr this progression
Causes for persistent;y raised serum tryptase without skin lesions
HAEM Systemic mastocytosis CML MDS Myeloproliferative neoplasm Eosimiphilic and basophilic leukaemias
Chronic urticaria
Atopic disorders
Renal failure
Normal healthy ppl
Monoclonal mast cell activation syndrome
Evidence of clonality on bone marrow bx, but do NOT meet criteria for systemic mastocytosis i.e. less than 3 minor criteria
Implies these patients are at risk of developing systemic mastocytosis
Patients should receive ongoing review
Mast cell activation syndrome
Patients who increasingly present with symptoms of mast cell mediator release but do NOT meet criteria for mastocytosis
Dx of exclusion
Mast cell mediator symptoms in at least 2 body systems
- Skin
- Resp
- GI
Respond to anti-mediator therapies
Have evidende of mast cell mediator release during an episode
- Rise and fall in serum tryptase
- Increase in urinary breakdown products i.e. methylhistamine, MIMA, prostaglandin
Diagnostic work-up of children with suspected mastocytoma/urticaria pigmentosa
Don’t require extensive Ix if well
INITIAL ASSESSMENT Hx Examine for LN and HSM FBC + diff LFT Serum tryptase Skin bx to confirm clinical dx (if convincing Darier’s sign in very young children, solitary mastocytoma —> delay bx, observation is appropriate)
Diagnostic work-up of adults with suspected mastocytosis
INITIAL ASSESSMENT Hx - Allergic reactions incl. stings, bites Bowel symptoms incl. peptic ulceration Bone pain
Exam - BP Weight Photos FSE LN + HSM exam
Standard Ix -
Skin Bx -
- 4mm PBx lesional skin
- Atraumatic Ring block LA
- Placed in formalin for H&E and mast cell stains (toluidine blue, Giemsa, tryptase, chloroaxetate esterase)
Bloods -
- FBC + diff
- Serum tryptase —> isolated increase without other bone marrow features
- RAST for bee and wasp venoms
- If allergic disease suspected —> Total IgE, RAST for specific allergens as suggested by history + refer to Allergy
Imaging -
If HSM —> abdo USS
If vertebral bone pain —> thoracolumbar spinal XR
If peptic ulceration suspected —> refer gastroscopy
repeat serum tryptase if initial level greater than lab range
If FBC abnormal —> refer to Haem
If serum tryptase > 20 ng/mL on at least 2 occasions —> refer to Haem for staging work up
- BMAT and KIT D816V mutation analysis
- DEXA and vit D + refer to metabolic bone disease specialist +/- Rheum
- Thoracolumbar spinal XR (if bone pain/fracture/collapse suspected) —> if abnormal refer to metabolic bone disease specialist
If Abdo USS abnormal (organised d/t HSM) —> CT scan
ANNUAL MONITORING if suspected/proven systemic disease
FBC + diff
Serum tryptase
Triggers of mast dell degranulation
Physical triggers
- Rubbing
- Heat
- Exertion
Insect and snake venoms
- Aspirin
- Ibuprofen
- Diclofenac
- Codeine
- Morphine
- Hyoscine
Non-depolarising muscle relaxants
- Atracurium
- Mivacurium
Plasma volume expanders
- Dextrans
Radiocontrast media esp iodine-based ionic agents
Management cutaneous mastocytosis/indolent systemic mastocytosis
GENERAL MEASURES Reassurance re: nature and prognosis Explain Rx aims Symptomatic relief Early detection of systemic disease causing signifidant blood and bone complications Avoid mast cell degranulation triggers
TOPICALS (for symptoms, improve appearance of lesion)
Potent/very potent TCS under occlusion for 2 weeks or without occlusion i.e. 0.05% clobetasol propionate BD for up to 6 weeks (second line, UP in adults, body)
4% sodium cromoglycate cream (children)
INTRALESIONAL (second line, individual mastocytomas)
PHOTOTHERAPY (second line, pruritus, urticaria, improve appearance of UP) —> temporary benefit
SYSTEMICS (for systemic and skin symptoms d/t mast cell mediators)
Non-sedating H1 antihistamines up dosing as in urticaria (first line, mild attacks of flushing, urticaria)
H2 antihistamines (first line, hyperacidity)
PPI (first line, hyperacidity, indigestion)
Oral Sodium cromoglycate (second line, bowel symptoms)
Anticipation of anaphylaxis —> prescribe Epipen for all adults with proven/suspected systemic mastocytosis, children with widespread cutaneous mastocytosis, IgE sensitisation to bee and wasp venoms
Corticosteroids and antihistamines before GA (however will not prevent mast cell degranulation)
IMMUNOTHERAPY Venom immunotherapy (Hymenoptera sting anaphylaxis) for life
Vit D and calcium supplements
Management options for systemic mastocytosis with organ dysfunction/failure
Oral CS at high doses (temporary symptomatic improvement in aggressive systemic mastocytosis)
- Help systemic features
- Does not alter number or appearance of skin lesions
- Can induce partial remission
- May help with symptoms (systemic, skin)
- Risk of myelosuppression —> increased risk of infections
KIT tyrosine kinase inhibitors
- Imatinib*** (useful for KIT D816V wild type patients)
- Midostaurin (targets both KIT D816V mutant and wild type patients)
- Masitinib (trial drug for cutaneous mastocytosis, indolent systemic mastocytosis, smoldering shstemic mastocytosis)
Management for associated clonal haematological non-mast cell disease