Reactions to the Vietnam War Flashcards
What are some examples/events Civil Rights Protestors against the Vietnam War?
- Muhammed Ali member of the Nation of Islam went to jail instead of fighting in Vietnam.
- Martin Luther spoke against it during protest with speeches.
- Black Soldiers were twice more likely to die in Vietnam as they were sent on more duty’s, racism.
What are some examples/events Students against the Vietnam War?
- In 1950 there were 2.2 million students. This changed to 8.5 million in 1970.
- The Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) set up in 1960 had 3,000 members and groups over 80 US campuses.
What are some examples/events Draft Dodgers against the Vietnam War?
- People who didn’t believe in Wars.
- Conscientous Objectors.
What are some examples/events Vietnam Veterans against the Vietnam War?
- In 1967, Veterans formed ‘Vietnam Veterans against the War’ group.
- John Kerry was a leading figure.
- Winter Soldier Investigation
- Fulbright hearings
What are some examples/events Religious Groups to the Vietnam War?
- 2 November 1965, Norman Morrison, a Quaker burned himself to death outside the Pentagon, copying Buddhist monks in Vietnam.
- Roger Allan La Porte, a Catholic, burned himself to death outside the UN building in New York.
What was ‘The Living Room War’?
The news showed footage from the war in often unconfortable detail. They also said the truth about the war, not the government narrative creating a war in media. For example in 1968 Walter Cronkite told the truth on the Tet Offensive showing the war was unwinable and not a success. Furthermore they reported anti-war protests, such as a 100,000 protest to Washington on the 21 October 1967.
Why did Politicians oppose the Vietnam War?
- Popular Political Move- Nixon won the election in 1968 by promising to end the Vietnam War (‘peace with honour’) so anti-war is a clear vote winner
- The Cost was 167 billion dollars
- Some politicians were pacifists
- Saw the war as unwinable because the NV will always be there when US leave, only fighting a limited war to stop a war with China/USSR meant they would never fully destroy NV and VC guerilla tatics.
- International relation would better as to stop the chance of war between the USSR/China and stop critism from other nations.
Why were Civil Rights Protestors against the Vietnam War?
Johnson promised black people a ‘Great Society’ and better Ghetto conditions. But this was not happening as the Vietnam War was costing $20 billion a year.
The N of I thought why should they fight for a country that doesn’t give them equal rights.
MLK said ‘It costs half a million dollars to kill a VC soldier; but we are only spending $53 on every poor american black home.
Why were Students against the Vietnam War?
Students became part of ‘counter-culture’ movement where they rejected old-generations belifs on war.
They held sit-ins, boycotts and marches. They burnt draft tickets and tricked on class. This gained media attention dut to violent demonstration but mainly because they were white and middle class.
The SDS angered people as they opposed the war but also supported the NV (communists).
Why were Draft Dodgers against the Vietnam War?
Contienous Objectors did not believe in any violence and killing.
Many people didn’t believe in the War of killing the VC people fighting for their freedom, reason was not justified.
Why were Vietnam Veterans against the Vietnam War?
Veterans led a march to Washington with 500,000 people in April 1971 where 700 medals were thrown away.
John Kerry led the ‘Winter Soldier Investigation’ in 1971 which veterans gave true, horryfying accounts of their experiences.
Kerry used these accounts in the fulbright hearings, to show soldiers were misled to kill people fighting for their freedom not killing communists.
What was The My Lai Massacre, 1968?
It was a search and destroy mission to My Lai village, which they were told there was VC but there was only women, children and old men.
Despite this over four hours the troops led by leuitenant Calley, killed all the people and animals leaving 500+ dead. Even stopped for lunch.
How did the US military try to cover up the My Lai Massacre?
- Immediatley the military announced a succesful mission saying they destroyed the My Lai VC base and 128 VC killed. But some soldier and other chief reported the massacre.
- The army organised a cover-up of a quick investigation of 20 accidental civilian deaths.
- A new equiry began on 15 July 1970 with photos tacken by Sergant Ron Haeberle and eye witness acounts from soldiers, led the CID to find 347 civilians were killed and that 35 members of Charlie Company should be charged.
What was ‘Calley’s Trial’, 1970-71?
Only Luitenant Calley was brought to military trial and on 29 March 1971 he was convicted of killing 22 civilians and sentenced to life imprisonment. Some saw it as unfair as he was a cover up for higher officals as he was ‘acting on orders’.
And on 5 December the photos of Seargant Ron Haeberle photos were shown on CBS News.
How did the My Lai Massacre lead to more US opposition?
- People wonder whether it is worth it as vietnam id being destroyed in order to save it from communism.
- The action of the US soldier makes the public question who is the agressor in Vietnam and if the US morally be there.
- Further breaks the trust between the US government and the US public about Vietnam due to the cover up.
- Shows the public how damaged emotionally and mentally their soldiers had become, people wanted to stops this.
What were the events of The Kent State shootings in 1970?
- May 1 1970 - After Nixon annouced the invasion of Cambodia, almost 500 people took part in a peaceful protest.
- May 2 1970 - Officer Traing Corps building was burned down with now over 1000 demonstrators. The mayor declared an emergancy and 900 National Guard’s arrived.
- May 3 1970 - There were several demonstrations, brocken up with tear gas by the National Guards.
- May 4 1970 - Officals banned demonstration planned for 12 am but 2,000 ignored this. Tear Gas could not break it up as the student threw it back aswell as bricks at the National Guard’s. There was rumours of a sniper. Then the Nagional Guard shot into the crowd, killing 4 students.
Why do people support the War?
- Fear of Communism
- Patriotism
- Ignorance
- Morally right to fight in Vietnam
How did Congress show opposition to the War?
- On 24 June 1970, Congress repealed the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, no longer take any necessary action.
- In June, congress set a limit on the funding for US troops in Cambodia and 30 June as the cut off point for any involvement in Cambodia.
- Set the date for the final withdrawals of troops at the end of 1971.
Why was there World Wide opposition to the War?
- Saw America supporting a corrupt reigime and fighting a war with a very high civilian death toll, losing reputation for freedom and goodness.
- USSR and China could easily critise the US and show them (communism) in a good light.
- Events like the My Lai Massacre caused world wide protests.