REACT Flashcards
What is React?
a JS library/framework for building user interfaces
What is a React element?
a JavaScript Object that describe what a DOM element should loop like
How do you mount a React element to the DOM?
calling root.render(element)
what is the difference between a library and a framework
inversion of control
What is Babel?
a javascript compiler that can convert modern JS or other plugins to something more backwards compatible
What is a Plug-in?
external software add-ons that help customize stuff
What is a Webpack loader?
it runs through code and turns it into backwards compatible JS before sending it to Webpack
How can you make Babel and Webpack work together?
by downloading babel-loader from NPM
What is JSX?
a syntax extension for JS to work with REACT to help structure the UI
Why must the React object be imported when authoring JSX in a module?
because JSX produces REACT elements
How can you make Webpack and Babel work together to convert JSX into valid JavaScript?
with architecture plugins
What is a React component?
a function or class that returns or defines a react element
How do you define a function component in React?
function Name(props) { return }
How do you mount a component to the DOM?
query for an anchor point, assign it as a root of ReactDOM,
call root.render() and pass as the argument
What are props in React?
arbitrary imputs(arguments) for react components