Re mid year assesment 2. Flashcards
What are 2 reasons the Old Testament is important to Christians?
1:Its the begining of Gods relationship with humans.
2:It tells us Gods plan for humanity.
‘Role’ of God the Father? God the son? God the Holy Spirit?
One essence/nature defines what God is, while the three persons define who God is and are different but the same ‘body’.
Whats the Title given to the person Jews were awaiting?
The Messiah.
What did John the Baptist preach people should do?
He said before the Messiah came for people to give up their sins and start fresh and for people to repent.
Whats the Importance of Jesus’ Baptism?
The importance is that God could be in a human form and like one of us to be closer with us.
What is a marginilised person?
Someone whose worthless to society and is on the edges.
What are some examples of marginilised people that God may have encountered?
The poor people, women and sick people.
How did Jesus treat Marginilised people?
With respect and like any other person.
What is a disciple? What is an apostle?
Disciple:follower of Jesus and an apostle was 12 close frends of Jesus.
Hindu name for God?
Trimurti - names? Role of each?
Vishnu- Preserver, Shiva- Destroyer and Bhrama- the Creator.