R.E - Conor Flashcards
Who was the first known Christian Martyr in Britain
St Alban
What was the Priest who converted St Alban called
What did the govener tell Alban to do if he wanted to survive
Offer incense to the Emperor
Why didn’t St Alban offer incense to the Roman Emperor
He didn’t want to betray his new found faith in Jesus
Why did the Romans need a second executioner to Execute St Alban
The first executioner was so impressed by Albans courage and faith that he wanted to die for Jesus aswell
Who sent St Augustine To preach Christianity to the English
Pope Gregory the Great
How many Benedictine monks did Pope Gregory the Great send to England
Why did many of the Monks want to go back to Rome by the time they got to France
They were told many times how fierce the English were
When did the Monks and French priests arive in England
Which English King welcomed the monks and priests to England
King Ethelbert
Where was St Augustine’s See
What are the 4 main colours a Priest wears
When does a Priest wear purple
In a time of preparation like advent or lent
When does a priest wear yellow
At a time of celebration like Christmas or Easter
When does a priest wear red
At a time of the holy spirit or to remember the death of a martyr or Saint
When does a priest wear green
On ordinary days
Who is the current Pope
Pope Francis
What was Pope Francis original name
Jorge Mario Bergoglio
When was Pope Francis elected Pope
March 13th 2013
Why did Pope Francis choose the name Francis
An act of honor towards St Francis of Assisi
After the Pope dies what 2 of his possestions are destroyed and remade for the next Pope
His fisherman ring and his personal seal
What is the name given to the cardinal who is temporarily in charge until a new Pope is elected
A camelango
How many days of Mourning are there after the Popes Funeral
9 days
What is a conclave
A meeting in which all the Cardinals under the age of 80 meet in the Sistine Chapel to elect a new Pope
Why can’t Cardinals over 80 years old go to the conclave
They are too old to be elected Pope
How many voting meetings are there every day
How many votes are needed to elect a new Pope in the first 2 weeks
Two thirds of the votes plus one
How many votes are needed to elects a new Pope after 2 weeks
Half the votes plus 1
If no Pope gets enough votes what happens to the voting papers
The voting papers are burned with a chemical which makes black smoke go out the chimmney for the people outside to see.
If a Pope is elected what hapens to the voting paper
Voting papers are burned without the chemical which makes white smoke go out the chimney
What does the Dean of the college of cardinals do once a Pope has been elected
He announces from the balcony in St Peter’s square Habimus Papam
What does Habimus Papam mean
We have a Pope
Why does the Pope wear a fishermans ring
To show that they are all successors of St Peter who was a fisherman
Which artist created the artwork in the Sistine Chapel
Which country does the Pope live in
The Vatican
Why does the Pope live in the Vatican
The Popes are the succesors of St Peter who was crucified on Vatican hill so they are continuing his legacy were he left off
Who are responsible for the security of the Pope and the Vatican
The Swiss Guards
How many miracles does a person need to do to become a Saint
2 however if this person was a martyr they only had to do one miracle
True or false
A person has to have been dead for at least 5 years to become a Saint
What does Heroic Virtue mean
To live a good Christian life
What is the first Title given to a person on their way to being a Saint
A Servant of God
What is the Second title given to a person on their way to becoming a Saint
What does a person have to do to be declared Blessed
The Pope has to recognise a miracles that happend to somebody who prayed for the Servant of God for help
What is a martyr
A person who was killed because of their faith
How does a person with the title Blessed become a Saint
Have the Pope recognise a second miracle that happend after somebody prayed to the person with the title blessed
What is canonisation
When a person has been declared a Saint
What is Beatification
When a person is Given the Title Blessed
Who chooses the Cardinals
The Pope
What is a Cardinal
A servant of the Church who advises the Pope.They often lead big diocese’s or whole countries
What is the Sacred College
A group of Cardinals chosen by the Pope to help run the Catholic Church
If you were to meet a Cardinal,How would you adress him
Your Eminence
What are the two hats a cardinal wears
A Zuchetto and a Biretta
What colour robes does the Cardinals wear
Crimson red
Why do the Cardinals wear crimson red robes
To symbolise the comitment of each Cardinal to defend the church to death
Who was the first Pope
Simon Peter
What is a Diocese
A certain area of churches which is looked after by a bishop
What are Bishops
They are successors of the apostles who look after a diocese
What is a Papal Encyclical
A letter written by the Pope to people in the Catholic church all around the world
What does Pope mean in English
It means Father
Waht are some titles given to the Pope
Holy Father
Bishop of Rome
Vicar of Christ
Servant of the servants of God
Why is the Pope called the Holy Father
It shows that the Pope must be like a loving father to God’s people on earth
Why is the Pope called the Bishop of Rome
The Pope is the Bishop of Rome because they are the successors of Peter who was the Bishop of Rome
Why is the Pope called the Vicar of Christ
It shows that he acts in Christ’s place as head of the church on earth.
Why is the Pope called the servant of the servants of God
Because the Pope is even more of a servant to God than everybody else
What does the word Orthodox mean
Right belief
What is the head of the Orthodox church called
Patriarch of Constantinople
Who is the head of the Church of England
The English Monarch
Who is the leader of the Church of England
The Archbishop of Canterbury
Are Women allowed to be priests in the Church of England
What does Protestant mean
Are divorce and remarriage allowed in the Church of England
What is the order of the Catholic mass
Penitential Rite
Liturgy of the Word
Eucharistic Prayer
Sign of Peace
Blessing and Dismissal
What happens in the Penitential Rite
People say their sins and they get forgiven
What happens during the Liturgy of the Word
Readings from the
Old Testament
New Testament
Bidding Prayers
What happens during the offertory
The bread and wine is brought to the alter
What happen during the Eucharistic Prayer
The bread and wine becomes the body and blood of Jesus
What happens during the Sign of peace
A gesture of good will to each other
What happens during the Sign of peace
A gesture of good will to each other
What happens during communion
The body and blood of christ is received
What happens during the Blessing and Dismissal
The people are sent out to spread the good news