RE - Component 1 - Topic 1 - Christian Beliefs And Teachings Flashcards
Monotheism vs polytheism
Belief in one God vs many gods
Different sects of a larger religion with different interpretations of it
Roman punishment which killed an accused criminal by nailing them to a cross and waiting for them to die
The Christian belief that Jesus rose from the dead - 3 days after crucifixion
The Christian belief that Jesus was lifted up to heaven - 40 days after resurrection
The belief of 3 persons in one God (Father, Son, Holy Spirit)
Special or sacred because of its connection to God
All powerful
All knowing
All loving
Has always and will always exist
Beyond human understanding and the universe
Natural evil
Evil beyond human control
Moral evil
Evil caused by humans
Inconsistent triad
The idea that God cannot be omnipotent, omnibenevolent while evil exists
Epistemic distance
The idea that we cannot fathom God’s existence as there is a difference in knowledge between us and him
Apostles creed
An early statement of Christian faith
Nicene creed
A second statement of faith after the apostles creed, confirms the co-substance of father and son
Ex nihilo
Out of nothing
As flesh - in human form
Someone who believes the word of God should be taken literally
Writing something against religious teachings
Jewish authorities/ council
Uprising or rebellion
Reparation for sin
Day of judgement
The day in which God decides who is allowed eternal life (heaven) and who isn’t
The second comping of Christ
An action or thought that separates humans from God and goes against God’s laws and teachings and moral principles
A place of eternal happiness in Union with God and ruled by God
A place of eternal suffering here God is not present
An intermediate state where the soul is cleansed to enter heaven
Development of the Christian religion
When is Jesus born
Development of the Christian religion
When did Jesus die
Development of the Christian religion
When were the gospels written
65 - 110 AD
Development of the Christian religion
When does Emperor Constantine issue the Edict of Milan, receive a vision of the burning cross and the words ‘in hoc signs vinces’ - by this sign conquer - making Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire?
321 AD - remember it with 3 = 2+1
Development of the Christian religion
When is the Great Schism - when Western Roman Orthodox Christianity splits from Eastern Orthodox Christianity?
1054 (1 = 5-4)
Development of the Christian religion
When is the Break With Rome?
Development of the Christian religion
What are two denominations that originate from Protestantism
Puritanism and Calvinism
Development of the Christian religion
Give 3 denominations of Christianity
Protestantism, Catholicism, Eastern Orthodox
Development of the Christian religion
Who were the four gospels written by?
Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
Creation - the Word and the Spirit
On day 1 what 3 things were created
Light and heaven and earth
Creation - the Word and the Spirit
On day 2 what was created?
Sky by separating waters
Creation - the Word and the Spirit
What happened on day 3?
Land (by separating waters), named seas and plants
Creation - the Word and the Spirit
What happened on day 4?
Stars and Sun were made
Creation - the Word and the Spirit
What happened on day 5?
Sea creatures and birds created
Creation - the Word and the Spirit
What happened on day 6
Land animals and humans (Adam and Eve)
Creation - the Word and the Spirit
What happens on Day 7?
God rests
Creation - the Word and the Spirit
What was it like before creation?
The earth was formless and empty, and the spirit of God was hovering over the waters (there was only water and darkness)
Creation - the Word and the Spirit
What would be a fundamentalist approach to the creation story?
Every word is literally true. The world was really created in 6 days.
Creation - the Word and the Spirit
What would someone who believed the creation story was inspired by true events say about it?
It is a general description of events
Creation - the Word and the Spirit
Is it true that you could interpret the creation story as metaphorical
Yes, you could argue it explains questions like ‘what is my purpose?’ and ‘why do I exist?’. It simply says we exist because we were created by God and he has created the earth for our use.
Oneness of God and the Trinity
What is one paradigm Christians can use to understand the trinity?
The idea that ice, water and steam are all H2O but not each other. The father, son and Holy Spirit are all God but not the same as each other
Oneness of God and the Trinity
What role does the Father have in the trinity?
Designer and creative force
Oneness of God and the Trinity
What is the role of the son in the trinity?
God incarnate, the spreads message of God on Earth, is God and with God at creation
Oneness of God and the Trinity
What is another name for the Son in the holy trinity?
The Word
Oneness of God and the Trinity
What is the Holy Spirit symbolised by?
A dove
Oneness of God and the Trinity
Where was the Holy Spirit when the world was formed?
Hovering over the waters
Oneness of God and the Trinity
True or false: the Holy Spirit is active after the death of Jesus, guiding believers
Oneness of God and the Trinity
Give a quote to support the statement that the son is both with God and is God at the creation - supporting the idea of the trinity
‘The word was with God, and the word was God’ (John 1:1-3)
Heaven and Hell
What is heaven?
A place of eternal happiness in Union with and ruled by God
Heaven and Hell
What is hell?
A place of eternal suffering where God is not present
Heaven and Hell
Give one quote explaining the conditions in hell
‘Everlasting destruction’ (Thessalonians 1:9)
Heaven and Hell
Give one quote showing how to get to heaven
‘No one comes to the father except through me’ (John 14:6)
Heaven and Hell
Give one quote describing heaven
‘Free from the law of sin and death’ (Tomans 8:12)
Heaven and Hell
Give a quote which shows that anyone has the potential to go to heaven
‘Prepare a place for you’ (John 14: 2-3)
The Problem of Evil and Suffering
What words describe the problem atheists have with believing that God is omnipotent, omnibenevolent and evil exists
The inconsistent triad
The Problem of Evil and Suffering
If God is powerful enough to prevent our suffering and loves us (wants to prevent it) - the question is…
Why is there evil?
The Problem of Evil and Suffering
If God is omnipotent and evil exists the question is…
How could God love us?
The Problem of Evil and Suffering
If God is omnibenevolent and evil exists the question is…
How could God be omnipotent?
The Problem of Evil and Suffering
Give one quote to support the idea that God is responsible for natural evil
Hint: Noah’s arc
‘I am going to put an end to all people ‘ (Genesis 6: 13)
The Problem of Evil and Suffering
Give a Christian response to the inconsistent triad using the devil
‘The devil prowls around like a roaring lion’ (Peter 5:8)
The Problem of Evil and Suffering
Give a response to the inconsistent triad using free will
Free will creates evil
The Problem of Evil and Suffering
Give a Christian response to evil using the idea of heaven
Evil exists to make us earn our place in heaven - it is a test of faith and devotion
The Problem of Evil and Suffering
Give a response to the inconsistent triad using the nature of humans
Evil came from the first sin committed by Adam and Eve
The Problem of Evil and Suffering
Give a response to the problem of evil relying on epistemic distance
We can’t understand why evil exists in the world - it’s just God’s plan
The Problem of Evil and Suffering
Give a response to the problem of evil relying on a Manichaean idea of justice
Evil is the necessary underside of goodness - if god is good there must also be evil
The Problem of Evil and Suffering
Give a response to evil relying on the idea of God’s justice - use a quote
‘A just balance and scales belong to the Lord’ (-Proverbs 16:1) - God gives us just the right amount of evil that we deserve and can bear
The crucifixion
What was Jesus’ challenge to the authority of the Sanhedrin?
He was called the Messiah and had teachings (such as saying it was fine to work on the sabbath) which went against the Jewish council’s views
The crucifixion
What was Jesus’ challenge to Roma authority?
Many claimed him to be the son of God
The crucifixion
What are 3 possible reasons for Jesus’ death
God’s plan, challenge to Roman authority, challenge to Sanhedrin (Jewish council) authority
The crucifixion
Put these events in order:
Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a donkey (Palm Sunday)
Accused of blasphemy, handed to Romans who sentence him to crucifixion
Attacks traders in the Holy Temple for not being devoted to God in a place of worship
Eloi Eloi lama shabachthani - my god my god why hast thou forsaken me?
Mark’s Gospel said: ‘the sky went dark…the curtain of the temple separating the holiest part from the rest, split’ (mark 15:33)
Swap the accused and attacks stages
The nature of God
What is God, according to Anselm?
God is that than which nothing greater can be conceived
The nature of God
What is one quote supporting God’s omnipotence
‘Nothing is impossible with God (Luke 1:37)
The nature of God
What is one quote supporting God’s omnibenevolence
‘God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son so that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life’ (John 3:16)
The nature of God
What is one quote supporting the fact that God is omnipresent?
‘The Lord you God is in your midst’ (Zephaniah 3:17)
The nature of God
Give one quote supporting the idea that God is just
Hint: it’s obvious
‘God is not unjust’ (Hebrews 6:10)
Give two contrasting quotes describing the ascension
‘He left them and was taken up into heaven (Luke 24:50-51)
‘He was taken up into a could…they could no longer see him’ (acts 1:9-11)
Why may Christian’s not take the ascension story literally?
The disciples didn’t actually see him go to heaven, and it’s vague (given the magnanimity of the occasion it should be specific)
When did the ascension happen (date it from the resurrection. - which was 3 days after Jesus’ death)
40 days
Give 3 reasons why the resurrection story is important
Supports afterlife
Demonstrates omnipotence (gives evidence for faith)
Shows power of good over evil
Shows God is omniscient as he predicted Jesus’ resurrection
True or false: both Luke and Matthew agree on the time of Jesus returning to the world
‘Fists day of the week at early dawn’ (chapter 24 Luke and chapter 28 verse 1 for Matthew)
Which two people do both accounts of the resurrection have in common?
May magdalene and the Virgin Mary
Which gospel has more witnesses to the resurrection - who are they?
Mary mother of James and Joanna
Which account of the resurrection recorded ‘two men in dazzling clothes’ and which recorded one Angel?
Luke - dazzling clothes
Matthew - Angel
Is Jesus there in both description of the resurrection? Which one is he there in - give the quote?
No - ‘Jesus met them’ - Matthew 28:9)
Who checks the tomb to find its empty in Luke’s gospel?
Which branch of Christianity believes in the following:
Resurrection of the body
Day of judgement
Evangelical Christian’s
Give a quote about the resurrection of the body
‘It is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body’ (Corinthians 15:42-44)
Who do evangelical Christian’s believe can get to heaven/hell?
Good = heaven
Bad = hell
Which denomination doesn’t believe in these:
Resurrection of the body
Day of judgement
True or false: Protestants and evangelicals have the same beliefs about who goes to heaven and hell
Who believes you god straight to heaven or hell (no day of judgement)
Who believes that resurrection will happen with new bodies
Catholics (use quote about natural vs spiritual body)
Do Catholics believe in the day of judgement where souls will reunite with bodies?
True or false: only Catholics believe in purgatory