RE-Christian beliefs- key words Flashcards
Apostles Creed
A statement of Christian belief from the Early Church.
Jesus being taken up to heaven on the 40th day after Easter.
The action of making amends for wrongdoing
All loving God
An offence against God or religion / an insult / disrespectful act or words. Jesus was accused of this and crucified.
Church of England
The Protestant Church set up by Henry VIII to be the church of the state of England, rejecting Papal authority.
A capital punishment used by the Romans which nails a person to a cross to kill them.
The name for the different branches of the Christian church.
Forever- never ending
To pardon / accept and move on / give someone a second chance
Free Will
The belief that God has given humans a choice - to do good or evil.
Christians who take the Bible literally, i.e. word for word is true and must not be changed.
The names of the books about the life of Jesus in the Bible
Unconditional love that god shows to people who do not deserve it.
Holy Spirit
Part of the Trinity, this refers to God’s power or spirit.The Holy Spirit is also there to help believers today experience God in a personal way.
Holy communion
Also known as Eucharist - the Christian practice of taking bread and wine to remind them of Jesus’ last supper. It symbolises his death and reminds them of the sacrifice that Jesus has made for them.
God in human form
A just god
The idea that God is just = fair, believes in justice, does what is right
Christians who do not read the Bible as God’s word exactly. Instead they interpret the Bible and decide on the truth that is being written by humans
Nicene Creed
A statement of belief used in Christian services. This was put together in the year 325 in the city of Nicaea in order to unify Christian beliefs. This led to a slightly different version called the Apostles Creed.
God is all powerful
oneness of god
God is “one”
To make clean / wash away sins
Another place after death- not heaven or hell
The physical return of Jesus on the third day after he died / rising from the dead.
The saving of the soul from sin
An offering or a price which is paid
Breaking gods rules/commandments
Original sin
The story in the Bible of Adam and Eve’s first sin was eating the apple from the tree of knowledge. As a result, sin and punishment came into the world and they were thrown out of Eden.
St Paul
A man who taught the teachings of Jesus – originally Saul of Tarsus before his conversion.
Ten commandments
A set of 10 rules given by God to Moses to teach people how to live. The rules tell people that God is one and they should only worship him.
The belief in God the father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit - the three persons of the one God.