RBC disorders Objectives Flashcards
HGB rule of 3
HGB *3 +/-3= hematocrit
-if way different then they need to have it repeated because it could be a lab error.
Recognize which wbc nucleus volume is equal to the volume of an rbc
Lymphocyte= 8 microns
Define anemia, recognize its three basic causes, and interpret HGB, HCT, MCV, and MCHC to determine if anemia is present and if it is hypochromic or normochromic; macrocytic, microcytic, or normocytic.
Anemia: low HGB and HCT -Men <13.5 -Women <12 3 main causes: -blood loss -impaired RBC production -accelerated RBC destruction
Hypochromic: Low MCHC
Hyperchromic: high MCHC
Normochromic: normal MCHC
MCV < normal range: microcytic
MCV> normal range: macrocytic
MCV: in normal range: normocytic
Recognize the significance of increased reticulocytes, and recall the key criteria needed to diagnose iron-deficiency anemia, and folate vs B-12 deficiency anemia; does B-12 or folate deplete quickest?
REticulocytes= immature circulating rbcs
-Bone marrow trying to replace blood for a reason… usually an anemia.
Iron deficiency= most common deficiency in the world
<20 Ferritin= Iron deficiency
>20 Ferritin= normal and probably a thalassemia
Serum B12 levels are the key criteria and how fast B12 depletes
Folate depletes the fastest (3 months)
B12 deficiency you can have more neuro problems (3 years)
Identify the vegetable and two medications associated with hemolysis due to G6PD deficiency, and recall the parasite that G6PD deficiency and sickle cell anemia protect against.
Vegetable: fava beans
2 medications: NSAIDS, Anti malarial, sulfa-containing drugs
G6PD and Sickle cell protect against Malaria
Differentiate a and b thalassemia, identify the region of the world where thalasemia is most prevalent, and the anemia thalassemia is most often confused with.
Alpha chain: where you have deficient production of HGB A chain
Beta chain: where you have deficient production of HGB B- chain
Mediterranean: most prevalent
Anemia Thalassemia is most often confused with Iron deficiency Anemia?