Raptor Flashcards
american kestrel
pale when seen from below and warm, rusty brown spotted with black above, with a black band near the tip of the tail. Males have slate-blue wings; females’ wings are reddish brown.
American White Pelican
pure white pelican
Bald Eagle
should be known
Barn Owl
white heart-shaped face and white chest with small brown spots. The back is tawny, marked with black and white spots.
Brown Pelican
brownish-gray bodies, and the head is bright yellow and white.
Burrowing Owl
small, sandy colored with bright-yellow eyes
California Gull
slate-gray back and wings, white head and body, and black wingtips with white spots. black wingtips. eye is dark, and its legs are greenish-yellow
Common Tern
white with black cap and black wingtips
double-crested Cormorant
black body. orange chin. whitish grey beak with hook on end.
Eastern Screech Owl
very short, stocky body, with a large head and almost no neck. Its wings are rounded; its tail is short and square. Pointed ear tufts. wood color body.
Ferruginous Hawk
rust colored
Golden Eagle
dark brown, with lighter golden-brown plumage on their heads and necks
Great Black-backed Gull
seagull with black back
Great Grey Owl
silvery gray overall, patterned with fine white, gray, and brown streaking and faint barring. yellow eyes shine through the fine gray-and-brown concentric circles of the facial disk. Two pale arcs form an “X” between the eyes.
Great Horned Owl
light gray to dark brown feathery ear tufts, white on throats