Raphex 18-21 Flashcards
Why are there no naturally occurring isotopes w/ Z > 92?
Z > 92 isotopes can be produced artificially, but they are all radioactive and decay w/ short t1/2s 2/2 repulsive forces b/w protons
What and how does the e- interact with during bremsstrahlung production?
- Interacts w/ atomic nucleus
- Inelastic collision (energy lost as bremsstrahlung)
What’s 1 amu?
- Def: 1/12th the mass of a C-12 atom
- 1.66 × 10-27 kg
- 931 MeV
What parameters of the gantry-mounted XR tube are automatically 𝛥 to produce the best brightness
- mA
- kVp
How do Linacs minimize MLC leakage?
By having the jaw track along w/ the MLCs
Beem-steering electronics in a Linac maintain which aspects of the beam?
- These electronic monitor two halves of the monitor chamber and steer the beam to compensate for consistent output
– Symmetry - Secondarily:
– Dose rate
– Output
– Quality
What’re the different functions of a Magnetron and a Klystron?
- Magnetron: Generate RFs to accelerate e-s
- Klystron: Requires an RF source, and amplifies the RFs to accelerate e-
Mnemonic: Make e- accelerate
For a Compton interaction, what’re all the possible scatter angles for the scattered photon?
0 (forward scatter) - 180 (backscatter)
If two LInac treatments deliver the same output (cGy/MU) but different dose rates (ΜU/min), how does the dose delivered differ?
- For a Linac, the dose does not change with dose rate (Μ/min) as long as the output remains the same.
– This is why dose rate is not a part of the Μ/Dose equation!
– The Linac automatically adjusts the treatment time to accord w/ the dose rate
After exposure, how do the OSLDs fade?
- Fade significantly in the first 10 mins
- Stable afterwards
How does the energy of neutrons (photonuclear disintegration) from a Linac (>10 MV) depend on beam energy?
- The energy of neutrons is independent of beam energy
- The # of neutrons, however, increases w/ beam energy
How do TMR and PDD vary w/ increasing SSD?
- TMR remains the same
- PDD increases (takes into account i/r2)
How does penumbra vary with beam energy?
- ≤ 6 MV: ↓ penumbra w/ ↑ energy
- > 6 MV: ↑ penumbra w/ ↑ energy
What’s the main purpose of a Linac QA program?
To ensure that machine characteristics do not deviate from the baseline values determined during machine install
To send/share DICOM images, what do you need to know about the recipient computer?
- IP address
- Port number
- application entity (AE)
What’s the utility of using a large focal spot for XR machines?
- Helps w/ heat dissipation
- Required when high mA is required
- Has an inferior image quality as compared to a small focal spot
How does T1 relaxation compare to T2 relaxation?
- T1 ≥ T2
- T1 relaxation is in the z-direction
- T2 relaxation is in the x- y-direction
For two plans for the same treatment, which plan would require more beam modulation based on its ΜUs?
The plan w/ more MUs → smaller aperture sizes → more modulation
For castration-resistant prostate cancer, how is the dose for 223Ra calculated?
- 1.49 μCi/kg
- We use mass to calculate the dose
After HDR source exchange, the activity of the source should be within what % of the manufacturer’s certificate?
What’s the max allowable deviation between measured and intended dwell positions and step-size spacing b/w dwell positions?
For which 2 LDR sources does the inverse square (1/r2) law not hold within ± 5 cm?
- Sources
– Pd-103
– I-125 - Reason?
– Due to their low energy, their attenuation is much larger than the scatter, so it does not cancel out.
– For other sources, their attenuation (↓ dose) and scatter (↑ dose) are equal within the first 5 cm, so they follow the 1/r2 law
How does the thickness of lead compare to water(tissue) for e- range calculations?
Thlead = 1/10 × Thmed
How does the penumbra of a PBS proton beam compare to that of double scattered beam?
PBS has a less sharp penumbra 2/2 the absence of a physical aperture
What phenomenon causes the formation of horns in an XR beam after it passes through the flattening filter?
FF attenuates the center of the beam a lot more, decreasing the central fluence more than the peripheral fluence → horns
How does the mass attenuation coefficient of lead compare to that of water in the Compton range?
They are ~ equal
Which instruments are the gold standard for measuring surface dose?
Extrapolation chambers
How does the beam quality of FFF beams compare to flattened beams?
Flattened beams have a 5% higher quality 2/2 increased energy and penetration
When you use lower photon energy, how do the MUs required to deliver the dose compared to the MUs used for a higher-energy beam?
More MUs are required for lower energies because lower energy beams are less penetrating.
How often do you need to check light and radiation field coincidence for QA purposes?
Which regulatory authority oversees the sale of medical linacs?
What property of a material determines US wave echoes or reflections?
Acoustic Impedance: Z × Speed of sound in the medium