Ranking And Recommendation Flashcards
Q: What is the objective of ranking in information retrieval (IR)?
A: The objective of ranking in IR is to provide maximum relevance to the searcher. The items are ordered by decreasing probability of being relevant.
Question: What are the main sources of this slide deck on defining fair rankings and recommendations?
Answer: The main source of this slide deck is Carlos Castillo’s paper “Fairness and Transparency in Ranking” published in SIGIR Forum, 2018.
What is the importance of fairness in ranking?
Fairness in ranking is important to ensure that individuals or groups are not unfairly advantaged or disadvantaged in the ranking process.
What are the different phases of processing methods of fairness in ranking?
Fairness in ranking can be achieved through pre-processing, in-processing, or post-processing methods.
What is the significance of data in fairness in ranking?
Data plays a crucial role in the fairness of ranking as it provides the information needed to determine which groups or individuals should be protected and how the ranking should be conducted.
What are some post-processing methods for achieving fairness in ranking?
One method is FA*IR, which
- ranks protected and non-protected groups separately and
- ensures that a minimum number of protected elements are included in every ranking position.
How does FA*IR handle multiple protected attributes?
FA*IR handles multiple protected attributes by ranking candidates of all protected groups separately and ensuring that a minimum number of protected elements are included at every ranking position based on their individual probabilities.
What is the ranking approach proposed by Singh and Joachims?
Singh and Joachims proposed a probabilistic ranking approach that maximizes utility and reduces disparate treatment and disparate impact.
What is amortized fairness?
Ensuring that
Every element receives attention or exposure
proportional to its utility across multiple queries
while also taking into account past accumulated attention/utility deficits or surpluses.
What is DELTR?
DELTR is a learning to rank approach that optimizes LTR with a combination of two losses:
- L, which is the difference between ranking predictions and training elements, and
- U, which is the expected difference in exposure.
What is the significance of pre-processing methods in fairness in ranking?
Pre-processing methods are important as they ensure that rankings given as input satisfy a fair ranking condition, which can help to reduce disparate impact.
What is the iFair approach?
The iFair (pre-processing) approach transforms input data to reduce the extent to which the distance between items is affected by protected attributes, resulting in individually fair data representations for algorithmic decision making.
What is the importance of transparency in algorithmic rankings?
Transparency in algorithmic rankings is important to ensure that the ranking factors and composition of the list are clear and that fairness tests are conducted to avoid unfairness in the system.
What are some possible pitfalls of lacking transparency in algorithmic rankings?
Lacking transparency in algorithmic rankings can lead to sneaking positive/affirmative action without a consensus or certifying an algorithm that is part of an unfair system or used in conditions of unfairness.
What are the key take-home messages regarding fairness in ranking?
Remember the importance of pre-processing, in-processing, and post-processing methods in achieving fairness in ranking.
Be aware of the different problems that different solutions address.
Ensure transparency in algorithmic rankings to avoid unfairness and promote ethical compliance.