Range Reference Areas Flashcards
Where Does the Subalpine Altai Fescue Occur in BC?
Northern BC, including the Spatzizi, Stikine and portions of the Muskwa-Ketchika areas.
Landscape wise, where does the Subalpine Altai Fescue Range Type occur?
In cold air drainages that exist in the valleys between mountains.
What type of soils do Subalpine Altai Fescue Range Types usually have?
Brunizols or podzols.
What are the PNC shrubs expected in the Altai Fescue Range Type?
willow, bog birch, shrubby cinquefoil, kinnickinnick
What are the PNC grasses/ sedges expected in the Altai Fescue Range Type?
Altai fescue, sedge, hairy wildrye
What are the PNC forbs expected in the Altai Fescue Range Type?
Mountain monkshood, wiry fern moss, alpine milk vetch
What is the scientific name and code for altai fescue?
Festuca altaica, FESTALT
What is the scientific name and code for hairy wildrye?
Elymus hirsutus, ELYMHIR
What is the scientific name and code for willows?
Salix sp., SAL
What is the scientific name and code for sedges?
Carex sp., CAR
What is the scientific name and code for bog birch?
Betula pumila, BETUPUM
What is the scientific name and code for shrubby cinquefoil?
Dasiphora fruticosa, DASIFRU
What is the scientific name and code for kinnickinnick?
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, ARCTUVA
What is the scientific name and code for mountain monkshood?
Aconitum delphiniifolium, ACONDEL
What is the scientific name and code for wiry fern moss?
Abietinella abietina, ABIEABI