Random Walk Down Wall Street Flashcards
Frenzy, Fashion, vogue, мания, повальное увлечение
concise, краткий
throw smth violently
obscure, make difficult to understand
stupid or careless mistake
fiendishly clever/complicated
very; extremely
under the aegis of somebody/something
with the protection or support of a particular organization or person
ученик, последователь
toil (at) many weary hours in office
усиленно трудиться много утомительных часов
stroll down the street
craze, mania
fickle crowd, weather
Changeable, volatile, capricious
tumble down
to fall suddenly and in a dramatic way
staid old England
boring, old-fashioned
watch with chagrin
Disappointment, dismay, annoyance
binge, активность
confer with his colleagues
confer something (on/upon somebody)
give somebody an award or right
She was indicted on charges of embezzlement
peculations, pilfer, fraud, растрата, хищение
She was indicted for peculation
embezzlement, graft, pilfer, fraud, растрата, хищение
Avaricious speculators
ravenous, greedy, rapacious, voracious
What’s for lunch? I’m absolutely ravenous
starving, greedy, rapacious, voracious, avaricious
Life is often likened to a journey
compare with
Crimes allegedly committed during the war
purportedly, supposedly, будто бы, якобы
veritable theatre of absurd
a call option confers on the holder the right to buy
give a right, provide, grant, bestow
I have no apt answer
Babies are apt to put objects into their mouths
suitable or appropriate
prone, inclined
Rational arguments no longer hold sway
Rebel forces still hold sway in the country
to have great influence;
control, dominate
Financial system ushered in a sharp recession
The change of management ushered in fresh ideas
herald, greet, initiate
She felt daunted by the task ahead
The prospect of going in a helicopter daunts me
intimidate, hector, terrify