Random Terms Flashcards
Skin conditions characterized by darkened skin patches common in people whose body is not responding correctly to the insulin that they make in their pancreas
Acanthosis Nigricans
Hormone produced by the alpha cells in the pancreas that raises blood glucose
One of the simplest forms of sugar
Excessive blood glucose
Condition when someone’s blood glucose is lower than normal
The first objective of the electrologist is to determine the
depth which to treat the hair in a given area
The distance from the surface of the epidermis to the bottom of the bulb
Hair depth
The electrologist selects a _____ hair to gauge the depth to which she will insert
later anagen
Which type of hair is deal for the electrologist
Hair B , 1/4 inches above the skin , LATE ANAGEN
Average time of hair reappearance after tweezing / waxing for deep , coarse , bulbous terminal hair (as in chins)
5-6 weeks
Average time of hair reappearance after tweezing / waxing for medium depth terminal hair (side of face/body)
6-7 weeks
Average time of hair reappearance after tweezing / waxing for medium depth intermediate or accelerated vellus hair
7-9 weeks
Regrowth time for shallow vellus hair (downy, general face)
8-10 weeks
Term that applies to a superfluous hair that has not been tweezed , cut , or tampered with in the previous 8+ months
Virgin Growth
The _____ of the hair determines the degree of kinkiness of the hair
Always use a _____ point and a needle diameter that equals that of the widest part of the hair shaft
well rounded
Appears to be a short thick brownish hair that can be tweezed from the pore without traction
Vellus Comedones (Trichostasis / Spinulosa / Bundelhaar)
The malpighian layer consists of which two layers of the epidermis
basal / spinosum
Large egg shaped cells responsible for the onset of inflammation and play a vital role in the healing process
Mast cells
Burning - shocking sensation
Burning sensation
High Frequency
Chemical that prevents blood from clotting and speeds removal of lipids
Chemical that enhances nerve transmission and is a vasoconstrictor
A chemical for wound healing , promotes vessel dilation and permeability , and activates white blood cells
These defend the body from microorganisms that have invaded the tissues or bloodstream
These certain leukocytes attack , engulf , and digest invading microorganisms with enzymes
Neutrophils / Monocytes
These make thick gel like collagen that fills the border of the wound and entire follicle
Blood vessels bridge the dead follicle by sprouting buds that join to form tiny capillary loops called
Happens when galvanic current causes excessive chemical decomposition . They’re open and oozing
Weeping follicles
These may result from improper insertions or from oversized needle
Black or blue marks / lumps
Five main variables which effect treatment
length of time current is applied
intensity of current
depth of insertion
needle diameter
moisture gradient
Determining the correct depth for an insertion is done by inserting to a depth of about ____ of the needle length , applying _____ , then grasping the ____ and pulling slightly upward
half , current , hair shaft
The distance between the bottom of the hair root and the point at which the forceps grip the successfully epilated hair becomes the ____
depth gauge
The electrologist must examine the hair to be treated and select a needle the ____ diameter
The ______ will establish the heating pattern that is formed in the follicle when the current is applied
diameter of the needle
The _____ the diameter of the needle, the more slowly the heating pattern rises to the skin
A needle with a _____ diameter delivers more concentrated current
Using too ___of a needle can also be a primary cause of over treatment due to current rising to the skin
The shaft of this needle is covered with teflon sheath which focuses the heat at the tip of the needle and keeps it from rising to the surface as rapidly
Insulated bulbous needles
Cataphoresis with sea breeze , witch hazel , or an appropriate antiseptic solution is great _____
after care
This type of keloid will form a scar no matter how minor the injury , if a problem arises they will need a cortisone injection to silastic gel sheeting
systemic keloidosis
These are common on the neck (near the crease and blow), the shoulders , and chest wall
Which modality is best for deep , coarse , dark and curly terminal hairs in dark skin
Electrolysis does NOT cause _____ to form in face or neck unless the follicle becomes severely infected
An asymptomatic disease characterized by flat or elevated dark brow black papular lesions of different sizes (often mistaken for moles) that usually begin near the eyes
Dermatosis Papulosa Nigra (DPN)
Often mistaken for PFB, this is very aggressive and large sausage like keloids will form and eventually ni hair will grow in affected area
Keloidal folliculitis
Use of the negative pole to increase blood supply (promotes redness), softens skin, and stimulates nerves
Use of the positive pole to close follicle, decrease redness, and re establish pH
Unit of electrical PRESSURE
Unit of electrical STRENGTH
Unit of electrical RESISTANCE
Unit of POWER
Watt (ampere x volts )