Random Questions Flashcards
Where is the Anticlinalis vertebra located in each species?
T16 - eq T13 - Ru T10-11 - Car
How many cervicals do each species have?
7 - 7 - 7
How many Thoracic do each species have?
eq - 18 bo - 13 ca - 13
How many Lumbars each species have?
eq-6 bo-6 Car-7
How many Sacral vertebra do each
species have?
eq-5 bo-5 Car-3
How many Caudal vertebra do each
species have?
eq-15-21 bo-18-20 Car-20-23
on the Atlas:
?Who has the Foramen alare
Ru & eq
car have an incisura alare*
on the Atlas:
Who has the Foramen transversarium?
Ca & eq
Ø Ru
which species have proc. fibularis?

which bones surround the Canalis tarsi?
Canalis tarsi –vascular chanel for perforating vessels in Un between os tarsi centrale - os tarsale III - os tarsale IV et V

Which species have inc. glenoidalis?

Which species have divided
Sulcus intertubercularis?

What suits into the Fossa olecrani?

Proc. anconaeus
Which surface connects the Radius the the Ulna proximally?
Circumferentia articularis

Which is true for the coffin bone?
a) the medial wall angle is steeper then the lateral one
b) the parietal groove reaches the margo solaris
c) the lateral facies articularis is larger then the medial one
d) the medial arch of the margo solaris is longer then the lateral one
Which is not typical for the C7?
a) the shortest cervical vertebra
b) it has fovea costalis caudalis
c) it has fovea costalis tranversalis
d) it has no for. transversarium
Which features’ fusion develops the crista sacralis intermedia?
a) proc. spinosus
b) proc. articulares
c) proc. transversus
d) arcus vertebrae
Which species have crista sterni?
What is the proportion of the sternal : asternal ribs in carnivores?
9sternal : 4asternal
in carnivores
(Ruminants: 13 (8 sternal, 5 asternal
(Horses 18 (8 sternal, 10 asternal
Where is the Fossa olecrani?
a) on the medial side of the olecranon
b) above the trochlea of the humerus
c) between the two epicondyles of the humerus, cranially
d) etween the two epicondyles of the humerus, caudally
Which species have Os carpi radiointermedium?

Name the five layers of the Diaphragm
- Pleura
- Fascia endothoracica
- M. Phrenicus
- Fascia transversa abdominis
- Peritoneum