Random Questions Flashcards
What information to gain from the informant/complainant which will assist the investigation?
- identity and location of the suspect
- a first hand account of what the complainant/informant knows
- precise details of the location of the scene
- circumstances leading to the discovery
- identity of the victim
- details of anyone else at the scene
- full contact details of the complainant/informant
- demeanour of the complainant/informant
- relationship of the complainant/informant, to the victim or suspect
- details of action the complainant/informant has taken and where they have been
- details of any hazards or safety issues that may affect Police approaching the scene/victim.
What is the first priority when attending a scene?
The first priority will always be to ensure the safety of the attending Police members.
Initial actions to preserve the scene?
- Consider the best path into the scene.
- Record any movements/action taken in the scene
- Preserve what is there and leave it ‘in situ’. Ensure nothing is touched or moved. The scene must be kept in its original state.
- If no immediate life is at risk, consider using stepping plates.
- Be prepared to take immediate action to preserve and/or record evidence that may change if nothing is done. For example, rain may damage a footprint or bloodstain.
How an ILO can help an investigation?
In the case of homicide or serious crime involving a Mäori victim, an Iwi liaison Officer must be engaged as early as possible. This will support an understanding and awareness of the Mäori traditions, protocol and beliefs, and enhance relations between the investigation, family of the deceased and the Mäori community.
What to do if media are present at the scene?
If members of the media are present at the scene, keep them away from the immediate crime scene cordon and make no comment about the incident. Consult with the OC Investigation on arrival and explain what has happened, identify media members and where they are located.
What to cover in a debrief after speaking to the complainant/informant?
Debriefed and a full record made of their account. This record could become crucial if the informant is later
identified as a suspect. In some circumstances, consideration should be given to interviewing such officers as investigatively important witnesses.
Who should be appointed as O/C body?
The OC Body should be an experienced investigator with awareness of forensic issues. Where this is not possible, the OC Body may require additional support and/or
What is the primary role of the O/C body during a post mortem examination?
The primary role of the OC Body during a post-mortem is to observe, document and deal with exhibits associated with the body, in a structured, methodical manner.
When can you write down notes during a post mortem?
The OC Body must not make any notes of discussions concerning the post-mortem examination, unless specifically directed to by the OC Investigation and/or the
What directions must you give the photographer in relation to the body at the mortuary?
- the body, before it is stripped
- the body, after it is stripped
- close up photographs of any wounds, marks, internal injuries and unusual features.
These photographs must include a measuring scale placed in proximity to the feature being photographed, to make a permanent record of the dimensions of the feature.
What is the primary function of the FLO?
The role of the Family Liaison Officer (FLO) involves the day-to-day management of the partnership between the family of the deceased and the Police investigation. The primary function of an FLO is that of an investigator and not a support person. However, in performing this role, the FLO must also offer, facilitate and co-ordinate support that addresses the needs of the family.
What does the term family include?
- includes partners, parents, siblings, children, guardians, whänau and any others who have had a direct and close relationship with the victim
- includes ‘chosen’ family
- should reflect the victim’s culture and lifestyle.
The main objectives of an area canvass?
- identifying the offender
- identifying and locating evidence, such as vehicles, discarded clothing, weapons and other articles
- identifying witnesses
- gathering information.
Specialist Police units such as Criminal Profiling unit, geographic profiling may assist with what in an area canvass?
Setting parameters or identifying locations where suspects are likely to frequent or to reside.
Where practical, parameters may be set to correspond with natural boundaries such as railway lines or roads.
At the conclusion of the area canvass the OC should issue a report to the OC investigation outlining what?
The report should include; a summary of all action taken, any significant findings highlighted and attention drawn to any action that has been undertaken which was outside of the original phase strategy
In investigating an alibi the O/C suspects must?
- make enquiries of people other than the persons whose particulars have been supplied to confirm or rebut evidence in support of the alibi
- complete enquiries to establish where the suspect was at the time of the offence, who they were with and what they were doing
- wherever possible, corroboration of the alibi provided by the suspect should be sought from forensic or other sources that are independent of the suspect.
What to debrief you suspects team on?
The enquiries they have conducted and the results of these enquiries so that they can maintain a constant
flow of information at conferences, between the members of the suspects team and other investigation staff.
Interviewing a suspect the OC suspect must ensure the interviewer?
- the interview is conducted in accordance with the ‘Investigative interviewing suspect guide’
- the interview is monitored by a supervisor or experienced Detective to ensure that all key points and areas are covered
- ensure an explanation is sought from the suspect in relation to any exhibits found.
Something about what the File manager has to do to assist the 2IC?
The File Manager must assist the 2IC to prepare daily bulletins/sitreps, Police and special notices, organisation charts and daily rosters and ensuring these are well-displayed within the Investigation Headquarters, preferably on a notice board.
What must the Crown be provided in relation to disclosure?
The Crown should be provided with an identical copy of all material that is disclosed to defence counsel. The Crown should also review an un-edited copy of the material, where appropriate. This material should remain under the control of the File Manager while it is being reviewed.
O/C exhibits is responsible for the evidential value of each exhibit and what else?
- evidential value of each exhibit
- investigative opportunities presented by each exhibit
- further enquiries that are needed.
What are 4 responsibilities of the OC Exhibits?
The OC Exhibits is responsible for establishing required standards for the recovery, handling, labelling, storage, submission to experts, presentation at Court and disposal of exhibits and ensuring these processes are completed in accordance with the requirements set by the OC Investigation and the Serious Crime Template. The OC
Exhibits must communicate required standards to all investigation team members, usually at investigation conferences.
Establishing and maintaining exhibit management systems and for maintaining the physical security and continuity of all exhibits. Their duties will culminate in the provision of an accurately recorded exhibit package and the availability of exhibits as required throughout the Court process.
Topics covered in the forensic strategy meeting?
- What examinations ESR and others could conduct on exhibits.
- The priority each examination should receive.
- Whether any further work is needed to assist a reconstruction.
- A plan for any work to be completed that is required to assist the reconstruction.
- An agreed reconstruction of the events relevant to the crime under investigation.
A prompt prelim interview with a witness may rapidly progress the investigation by?
- early identification or arrest of a suspect
- recovery of evidence or information relevant to the offence
- prevention of the imminent disposal or destruction of evidence connected to the investigation
- prevention of the commission of other offences.
The actions of the first responding Police have a critical effect on an investigation and on the potential for capturing evidence. Enquiries will vary depending on specific circumstances. The general investigation to us is?
Victim Appreciation Witnesses Scene Exhibits Ingredients Powers Offender
The OC Exhibits must ensure that all exhibits are fully examined, in accordance with Forensic Strategy meeting decisions. The OC Exhibits maintains an awareness of the significance of each exhibit and what examinations may be available. The OC Exhibits will?
Determine, plan and record the examination and interrogation of every exhibit and establish its relevance to the investigation.
Investigate all suspects thoroughly in order of priority as decided in consultation with the OC Investigation. Aspects that might influence the setting of priorities are?
The relative weight of evidence against a person or the likelihood of their leaving the area. You may also be influenced by a particular urgency in solving the case or the availability of staff. Suspects must be investigated in order of priority.
Actions Police should take on initial arrival to preserve the scene?
- Consider the best path into the scene.
- Record any movements/action taken in the scene
- Preserve what is there and leave it ‘in situ’. Ensure nothing is touched or moved. The scene must be kept in its original state.
- If no immediate life is at risk, consider using stepping plates.
- Be prepared to take immediate action to preserve and/or record evidence that may change if nothing is done. For example, rain may damage a footprint or bloodstain
What to update the O/C investigation on as O/C Exhibits?
- what exhibits have been found, and their movements
- any examination results
- whether any further enquiries are required.
As O/C exhibits attend all investigation team conferences and?
- make the Exhibits Register available
* update others regarding exhibits which have been found and the results of expert examinations conducted.
Arrange Forensic Strategy meetings in consultation with the OC Investigation. Ensure an appreciation is conducted to ensure?
Every exhibit is interrogated to establish its evidential value and investigative relevance, and to identify any further enquiry required.
The File Manager, where there is no logistics officer appointed, must liaise closely with the 2IC to establish the requirements for the Investigation Headquarters, including?
- location
- office support staff
- transport
- equipment
- communications
- ICT requirements.