File Management Flashcards
The File Manager, where there is no logistics officer appointed, must liaise closely with the 2IC to establish the requirements for the Investigation Headquarters, including?
- location
- office support staff
- transport
- equipment
- communications
- ICT requirements.
The File Manager has an important role to play in?
Establishing and maintaining the flow of communication throughout the investigation, both verbal and documentary. A critical aspect of this function is ensuring a constant flow of correspondence between the 2IC
and the investigation team.
The File Manager must assist the 2IC to prepare?
Daily bulletins/sitreps, Police and special notices, organisation charts and daily rosters and ensuring these are well-displayed within the Investigation Headquarters, preferably on a notice board.
What is the 10000 series for?
Generally disclosable documents
What is the 50000 series for?
Restricted disclosure documents
What is the 70000 series for?
Can be used when a covert phase is undertaken.
As a general principle, on receipt of documents for the investigation file, the File Manager will assign each a?
Unique document number from the numerical sequence
established for the enquiry.
In some situations, it may be necessary to group a number of documents under a?
Single number. Examples may include area canvass forms, notebook entries or email messages.
Examples of other documents which are generally appropriate to include in the 10000 document series include?
- Formal Statements
- Job Sheets
- Video interview transcripts
- Specialists reports
- Notebook entries (refer to Note 1, below)
- Briefs of Evidence (refer to Note 2, below).
Examples of other documents which are generally appropriate to include in the 50000 document series include?
- Search warrant applications.
- Email messages.
- Covert Human Intelligence Source (CHIS) Information Reports.
Due to the security limitations with CID, CHIS documents must not be loaded into CID. The 2IC may choose to use this method to discreetly record documents which relate to covert Police activities such as surveillance logs, or other sensitive documents, such as?
- Analytical material – charts, schedules etc
- Operation orders / briefing material
- Conference notes
- Surveillance logs
- Notes in relation to covert investigative techniques
- Interception applications.
It can be reasonably anticipated that a minor amount of material stored in the 50000 series document category, may be disclosed. This may include?
- Email messages that are assessed as being relevant to the investigation
- Search warrant applications that have been assessed and if necessary, redacted
- Material in respect of which a judicial direction has been given, directing Police to disclose the material in question.
If the File Manager numbers documents out of sequence or fails to allocate a range of numbers completely, the unused document numbers must be?
Recorded as unallocated, both on the File Management Spreadsheet as well as on the Disclosure Index.
Material generated by a covert phase may not be?
Forwarded to the File Manager until the phase has been concluded.
Ensure the documentation submitted by investigation squad staff to the Investigation Headquarters meets the expected standards, including?
- the directive, including an updated progress report
- any related documents
- the required number of copies. This is normally the original plus three copies.
Documents submitted you should read to?
- to make an initial assessment for the purpose of bringing critical information to the attention of the 2IC
- to highlight key information throughout the body of the document, that the File Manager will use to form a synopsis.
Outlined below are some issues the File Manager should consider when preparing the hard copy file?
- Jobsheets may be easier to manage if they are all printed on white paper.
- The use of double sided documents should be avoided wherever possible.
- Staples, pins, file pins should not be used to attach documents together. Bulldog clips, paper clips and plastic sleeves are a better alternative.
- Documents should not be hole-punched or bound.
- Submitted documents should be uniform in size and not larger than A4 size, although A3 size may be acceptable in some circumstances.
- A4 notebooks are easier to disclose than A5 notebooks.
During investigation conferences and briefings, the File Manager must ensure that all staff employed on the investigation are fully briefed on?
The standards and requirements of all documents submitted during the course of the investigation.
After reading a document, the File Manager will record a brief?
Summary of the key points of the document on the appropriate synopsis tab of the File Management Spreadsheet.
The File Manager should be the only person to handle the?
Main file, containing original documents.
The File Manager is responsible for checking the?
Accuracy of all numbered documents submitted to them by the typist, which have been typed from handwritten original documents.
Throughout the investigation, the File Manager should regularly audit?
Staff folders to ensure all documents have been appropriately stored in the electronic file.
It is the File Manager’s responsibility to continually populate the?
Spreadsheet throughout the course of the investigation.
On a daily basis, the File Manager should complete an update of the?
ISYS Directory
What is ISYS?
ISYS, the text retrieval tool, indexes every word in every document so that users can search on a word or combination of words to produce a list of documents where the word or combination of words is found.
The File Manager is responsible for maintaining a media file. This should contain copies of all?
Newspaper articles, website articles and recordings of television reports.
The File Manager must maintain an Administration Folder which is used to store investigation administrative documents that are not processed through the document
numbering process. Examples of such documents include?
Invoices, travel requests, meal claims etc.
The File Manager must record the details of all employees who attend the?
Daily briefings.
The File Manager, under the direction of the 2IC, must review the file in order to?
- establish if any enquiries remain outstanding
- conduct an assessment of the enquiries currently underway, to establish whether they are still relevant
- review sub-investigations and critical phases of the investigation
- prepare for any external reviews that may occur, for example ‘Family Violence Death and Child Homicide Review’
The File Manager should ensure all documents have been processed correctly by?
- auditing the contents of staff electronic QID folders within the Serious Crime Template
- contacting external people who have submitted hard copies of documents in order to obtain electronic versions of those documents by e-mail, so the documents can be added to the electronic file.
The File Manager should prepare witness?
Briefing packs for all trial witnesses and send
them out early.
The File Manager, through Court staff, must arrange and secure suitable?
Accommodation at Court for Police, witnesses and where relevant, the Crown prosecutors.
The File Manager must arrange with the Photography Section to provide sufficient?
Photograph books for the Judge, prosecutor, defence and Police. The File Manager must also create jury folders, taking instructions on final presentation from the Crown prosecutor.
The equipment required for presentation of the case at trial, subject to any specific requirements of the Crown Solicitor, is specified in this table.
Laptop, Projector, Projector Screen.
The File Manager is responsible for preparing the Coroner’s?
Inquest file, in consultation with the Inquests Officer.
The File Manager is also responsible for filing the main file and any associated or part files.
Whilst there is an administrative component to the File Manager role, they are first and foremost an?
The system administrator will establish and set up?
CID and serious crime template, where none is available the file manager will do this.
Police policy requires CID to be used for all?
Serious crime investigations.
It is recommended that electronic documents for disclosure that have been redeacted are stored outside?
The serious crime template folders so they dont duplicate.
Any document fails to meet the required standard, should be rejected and returned to their author for correction, for example?
A job sheet with multiple enquirers on it.