Random oral questions Flashcards
Flex Prohibited?
MELs prevent it Contaminated / slippery runway OAT > flex Windshear Special Dep Procedure Performance does not allow it > 25% reduction in thrust
Repair Intervals
A - as specified B - 3 days C - 10 days D - 120 days L - 365 days (CDL) R - 120 days (NEF)
Order of Actions
Memory Items OEB ECAM Vol II QRH
Autoland Warning Lights
RA difference +15 feet
Autopilot loss
ILS signal failure
Localizer/GS deviation excessive (1/4 dot loc or GS 1 dot)
Dimensions & Turn radius
A320: 112 x 123 x 40 (sharklet 118 wingspan). TR 75’
A319: 112 x 111 x 40. TR 68’
Minimum Runway Dimensions
5000’ x 100ft/30m unless authorized by director
Master Warning Button will not cancel?
“Landing gear” below 750’
When does CVR come on?
- 5 minute self test upon power-up
- At 1st engine start
- Inflight
- Until 5 minutes after shutdown of 2nd engine
How to erase CVR?
2/2 HOP
Hold for 2 seconds to erase up to 2 hours
On the ground
Parking brake set
(Except for the last 30 mins)
Evac Switch, horn sounds for how long?
3 seconds
Engine Fire pb pushed
2- silences CRC, arms squibs
1- Hyd SOV closed
2- LP fuel valve closes, FADEC de-energized
1- IDG deactivated
2- Eng Bleed valve closes, pack flow valve closes
APU Fire pb pushed
2- Silences CRC, arms squib
0 hydraulics
2- LP fuel valve closes, APU fuel pump shuts off
1- APU gen deactivates
2- APU bleed valve closes, crossbleed valve closes
On batt power, what is powered in the cockpit?
Slowing down on RAT?
BATT only: PFD 1, E/WD
RAT……….: PFD 1, ND 1, E/WD, MDCU 1
—140kt-125kt: Rat begins to stall
—100kt: 2 screens in the flare (DC Batt bus connects)
—50 kt: No screens (AC ESS Bus shed)
—Stopped: can do 3 things: MAV: Move outflow, APU fire det & prot, VHF-1
Commercial button
Galley Entertainment (not live TV. we don't have this) Toilets Cargo Lights Cabin Lights Drain Masts (2)
APU Start Button does what?
ECB self test Flap opens Fuel pump on Fuel pump isol valve opens ECAM shows
Battery check?
Turn off IRS
25.5v min. Ensures 50% charge. 20 min charging cycle. Verify 60 amps in 10 seconds
Don’t turn off IRS until 10 sec after shutting off battery (takes 10 sec to memorize position)
Galley Fault
Any generator above 100%
IDG Fault?
How long to press the button?
High oil temp, low oil pressure
3 seconds max, to protect disconnect mechanism from damage
Gen 1 fault
GCU tripped or
Line contacter open
AC ESS feed fault
AC ESS BUS not powered
Will lose PFD1, ND1 and EWD. EWD will go to SD
GEN 1 LINE fault
What other faults happen?
Then what?
Smoke in avionics
Blower and Extract Fault
GEN 1 disconnected from AC Bus 1, and powers one fuel pump in each wing tank
RAT & EMER GEN fault
How long does RAT take to deploy?
Emergency Generator is not supplying power, but should be (AC1 and
AC2 are not powered).
8 secs
APU master switch fault
Auto shutdown
Engine start/shutdown N2 checkpoints
16% ignition on (immediately in flight)
22% fuel flow (15% in flight)
50% start valve closes
2-min stabilizing time starts when gray box around N2 disappears
20% on shutdown, engine drain mast opens
If autothrust runaway?
Hold a/thr disconnects for 15 secs. Permanently disables a/thr for remainder of flight
Engine start fault
Automatic start abort
HP fuel valve disagree
Fuel transfer valves open when?
1650 lb in either inner tank, both open and stay open until next refueling cycle
When do center tank pumps operate?
During both engine starts for 2 mins
Slat retraction*
At 550 lbs center tank quantity, run for 5 mins
*exception: if all tanks full, center tank pumps will not run until 1,100 lb burned from each inner tank (fuel return issue from IDG fuel return line)
Center tank mode sel fault
If wing tank is below 11,000lb and center tank more than 550 lb
Fuel imbalance limits
3300 (1100) lb between wings, 1520 (800) within each wing
Cabin oxygen masks last for how long?
13 mins
Pneumatic system supplies air for:
WEHAW: Wing anti ice Engine ice Hydraulics Air conditioning Water pressure
Engine bleed fault
LOOSA: Leak Overpressure Overtemperature downstream Start in progress & valve not closed APU in use and & valve not closed
APU bleed fault
Blower fault
SACO: Smoke Air pressure low* Computer power failure* Overheat*
*horn sounds if on the ground and engines off
Extract fault
Air pressure low*
Computer power failure*
*horn sounds if on the ground and engines off
Red guarded switch means?
Tied to battery bus
Red collared circuit breakers
Wingtip brakes & flight control computers
BMC failure
If one BMC fails, the adjacent BMC takes over the monitoring of the bleed system to
issue the following ECAM warnings if necessary:
– Overpressure.
– Overtemperature.
– Wing leak.
Nevertheless, the associated bleed FAULT light on the AIR COND panel is lost, and the
associated bleed valve does not close automatically.
ENG BLEED LEAK warning is lost for the associated engine, as is also the APU BLEED
LEAK warning if BMC1 has failed.
Ram air valve PB pressed
Outflow valve will open to 50% open, if psid less than 1.0
If less than 115 pax?
Pack flow control switch to low
Ditching PB selected
6 things: 2 pack flow control valves Avionics in @ out valves (blower & extract) Ram air inlet Outflow valve (unless selected manually)
When does active cabin pressure controller channel automatically switch channels
70 secs after landing
If operating system fails
May occur if deselect MODE SEL pb for 10 seconds and re press
Hot air fault
Overheat detected, and:
Hot air valve closes
Trim air valve closes
If 30c or greater, retract slats?
No, keep flaps selector to 1
Emer exit lts switch to auto, when do emer lts illuminate?
Loss of AC1 bus illuminates only: -Overhead Lights Loss of DC ESS SHED bus illuminates: -Overhead Lights -Exit Signs -Path Lighting
When do emer exit light batteries charge?
On ground: emer exit lts switch to OFF
In flight: no smoking to AUTO and gear UP
When is speedbrake extension inhibited?
SEAFAT: SEC 1&3 faulted Elevator L or R fault Alpha prot active Flaps full Alpha floor active Thrust lever > MCT
Speedbrakes limited to 1/2 deflection?
A320 with autopilot on
When are wingtip brakes activated?
ROAM: Runaway Overspeed Assymetry Movement uncommanded
Slat retraction from 1 to 0 inhibited when?
If AOA greater than 8.5° or airspeed falls below 148 kt retraction from 1 to 0 is inhibited. Inhibition removed when AOA below 7.6° or speed exceeds 154 kt
ELAC functions
Abnormal attitudes
Aileron droop
Autopilot acquisition
Activates the protections
SEC functions
Abnormal attitudes
FAC functions
Beta target (flaps 1,2,3 & one N1 ≥ 80% & 35% N1 split)
“Speed, speed, speed” (flaps 2+, below 2000’ to 100’)
Windshear (reactive, 3-5 sec after liftoff, 50’-1300’ & 1300’-50’)
Flight envelope protections (left side PFD/commands α-floor shown on FMA & E/WD)
Rudder limiting Alternate law yaw Turn coordination Trim Yaw damping
What is beta target? What does it indicate?
If one engine fails, FAC modifies sideslip indication to blue.
Conditions: flaps 1,2,3 & one N1 ≥ 80% & > 35% N1 split
Indicates optimum aircraft performance.
- When available?
- Indications?
- How to cancel?
Protection that commands TOGA thrust.
- Available from liftoff to 100’ RA on approach.
- “A FLOOR” green, amber flashing box on FMA, amber on E/WD.
- “TOGA LK” green, amber flashing box on FMA when leaving α-floor conditions. TOGA thrust frozen.
- “Match & mash”. Move TLs to TOGA, a/thr pb’s. Then, CLB detent or as appropriate.
Multiple failures of systems, explain degradation of flight control laws
Broken airplane --> Alternate law (check Vol 2 for type) --> Gear down w/ AP on = Alt Law Gear down w/ AP off = Direct law for landing flare
“Jet upset”, explain degradation of flight control laws
Abnormal Upset –>
Abnormal Attitude Law
Explain low speed stability
- Replaces normal α protection
- Available for all configurations from 5 kt to Stall Warn +10kt
- Progressive nose down signal introduced
- Bank angle compensation to maintain constant α
- α-floor inoperative
Explain high speed stability
- Nose up demand introduced
- Aural overspeed warning remains available
Normal law protections
Bank Yaw Pitch AOA Load Speed
Alternate law protections
Bank Yaw Pitch AOA Load Speed
Direct law protections
Bank Yaw Pitch AOA Load Speed
Mechanical backup
Pitch control via THS
Yaw control via rudder pedals
α-prot does what?
Bank limit 45º Autopilot disconnect Speed brakes retract α instead of load factor protection Pitch up trim inhibited
High speed protection does what?
Bank limit 40º
Autopilot disconnect
Stick aft movement
Seeks wings level (spiral static stability to 0º)
“Jet upset” abnormal attitude laws triggered at what parameters?
see handout
How long does APU take to shut down?
When cam we turn off the batteries?
Up to 2 mins.
Wait until flap is fully closed (about 2 mins after AVAIL light goes out) to turn off the batteries.
Can we load late bags after jetbridge removed?
Yes, must shut down engine first
When is the PTU inhibited?
- parked at gate, NWS disc pin installed, only 1 eng master on
- parking brake on, only one engine master on
- 40 secs after cargo door operation
- ptu switch off
Emergency gear extension lever operation
1st turn: isolates LG from hydraulics
2nd turn: unlocks doors
3rd turn: gravity allows gear to drop
Adirs operation while on battery power
All 3 on batt for 5 mins. Then, only one remains on (1 or 3 as selected by captain)
Takeoff inhibit system non inhibited items?
When does the t.o. inhibit start and cease?
- apu fire
- engine fire
- dual engine failure
- FWCs failed (both)
- Elevators both failed
- dual input
- sidestick fault
-starts at 80kts, ceases 1500’ or 2 mins after takeoff