Random facts from the MCQs - just facts not questions Flashcards
Don’t treat gastrointestinal symptoms in children with antibiotics in the absence of positive stool cultures
For children with depression go for psychological therapies as first option
All breastfed babies need supplemental vitamin D
Rotator cuff tears need surgery
Treat hypercalcaemia with intravenous fluid resuscitation
Familial contacts of n. meningitidis meningitis need rifampicin (or ciprofloxacin)
Never biospy a testicular mass
Someone who has had a mastectomy might have a long thoracic nerve injury
Fecal occult bloods are only a screening tool for bowel cancer not an investigation
Provide PEP to all household contacts of a pertussis case
(erythromycin, clarithromycin, and azithromycin)
Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography or MRCP is noninvasive and for imaging only
Zika can be sexully transmitted and couples need to use barrier methods of contraception for three months
Up to 20% of patients with inferior STEMI develop either second- or third degree heart block. This may be because of ischaemia of the AV node
Fever, chills, rigor, hypotension, headache, tachycardia, hyperventilation, vasodilation
1–3 hours after a first dose of antibiotics
Think Jarisch–Herxheimer reaction.
Usually seen in syphilis treatment.
Elderly people presenting with microcytic anaemia have bowel malignancy until proven otherwise
Antenatal corticosteroid therapy reduces infant mortality and reduces necrotising enterocolitis risk by 60%
Intrahepatic chloestasis of pregnancy increases risk of neonatal prematurity and death
Antenatal steroids can be administered between 23 and 34 weeks
Endoscopy every 3 years in cirrhosis patients without known varices
Diabetics with albuminuria need ACE inhibitors
Give osteoporotic hip fractures calcium, Vitamin D and bisphosphonates
Correct chronic hyponatremia slowly to avoid osmotic demyelination syndrome
Abdominal x rays first investigation in suspected bowel obstruction
Don’t use barium enhancement for X-Rays of a ?perforated viscus or toxic megacolon
CT is more sensitive than MRI for acute subarachnoid haemorrhage
Left sided varicoceles are associated with infertility and right sided with renal pathology
If you think the patient has a sarcoma do an MRI before you biopsy it
Bleeding after thyroidectomy is life threatening-remove both the skin clips and deep layer sutures and evacuate the hematoma beneath. Do this at the bedside not in theatres.
IGF-1 levels, not growth hormone, to diagnose acromegaly
Tension pneumothorax
Needle thoracostomy 2nd ICS mid clavicular line
Chest tube 5th ICS anterior axillary line
Simple febrile seizures do not require investigation
Failure to report children who may be in need of protection, including instances of suspected child abuse, to the appropriate child welfare authorities constitutes an offence.
In an emergency, when the patient (or substitute decision maker) is unable to consent, a physician has the duty to do what is immediately necessary without consent. Treatments should be limited to those necessary to prevent prolonged suffering or to deal with the imminent threats to life, limb, or health.