Obstetrics & Gynaecology Flashcards
Treating Herpes Simplex, including pregnant and immunocompromised pts
Acyclovir 400mg TDS 7-10d first ep, 3-4 days recurrent episodes.
Fine in pregnancy.
Valcyclovir- more expensive. Both reduce viral shedding. Reduce symptoms. Also shorten viral excretion time and the duration of illness.
Immunocompromised pts require IV acyclovir
Complications of PCOS
- Endometrial cancer
- Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis
Maternal and fetal complications of shoulder dystocia
1) hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy (chest compression by vagina or cord compression by pelvis can lead to hypoxia)
2) brachial plexus injury (Erb’s palsy: C5-C7; Klumpke’s palsy: C8-T1), 90% resolve within 6 mo
3) fracture (clavicle, humerus, and cervical spine)
4) death
1) perineal injury
2) PPH (uterine atony)
The window for antenatal treatment with corticosteroids
23-34 weeks
Risk factors for ovarian torsion
- Women of repro age in 20s and 30s
- Pregnancy
- Anything involving induction of ovulation
- Ovarian tumours (benign) (usually dermoid cysts)
Management of endometrial polyps
dx: pelvic ultrasound and treatment is d/c + bx to exclude cancer
Risk factors for amniotic fluid embolus
placental abruption
rapid labour
uterine rupture
uterine manipulation
induction medication and procedures
Endometrial cancer risk factors
- Oestrogen exposure
- Nulliparity (2-3x increase)
- Early menarche Late menopause
- Unopposed menopausal oestrogen use
- PCOS (relative risk of 3)
- Diabetes
- Oestrogen producing ovarian tumours
- Obesity (2-3x increase in risk)
- High doses of tamoxifen
- Hypertension
- Thyroid disease
- Gallbladder disease
- Caucasian
Management of placenta previa
Two categories of management: Not ready to deliver eg fetal immaturity. Stabilise the patient. Give a tocolytic to suppress labour. It buys time. Then give corticosteroids to promote fetal lung development. Deliver by caesarean if you have mature lungs. Fetal distress is a good reason.
How to treat acute pyelonephritis in pregnancy
Acute pyelonephritis in pregnancy is treated in hospital with ivabx (Ceftriaxone) until the pt is afebrile for 24-48h and symptomatically improved
Complications of uterine rupture
Maternal death 1-10%
1) maternal hemorrhage, shock, DIC
2) amniotic fluid embolus
3) hysterectomy if uncontrollable hemorrhage
4) fetal distress, associated with infant mortality as high as 15%
Shoulder dystocia- risk to fetus of long term disability
Name a specific maternal contraindication to antenatal corticosteroids
Active TB
atrophic vaginitis tx
topical estrogen
Gardnerella vaginalis is the cause of what? And with which other organism is it commonly associated?
Bacterial vaginosis
Associated frequently with Mycoplasma Hominis
Management of seizures in eclampsia
Loading dose of magnesium sulphate 4-6g followed by an infusion 2g/hr.
Treatment of endometritis
Tx clindamycin + gentamicin
Complications of bacterial vaginosis
- second and third trimester premature labour and birth
- Post natal endometritis
- Sometimes PID
Risk factors for placental abruption
- Trauma
- Cocaine
- Polyhydramnios
- Chronic hypertension
- Pre-eclampsia Eclampsia
- PROM- prolonged
- Chorioamnionitis
- Previous ischaemic placental disease (IUGR)
- Maternal age
- Parity
- Smoking
- Male infant
Name the condition:
Agalactorrhea, post-partum amenorrhea, secondary hypothyroidism, adrenalinsufficiency
Sheehan’s syndrome
Definition of post partum haemorrhage
Blood loss >500mls after the third stage of labour
Name the most common STI in Canada
Indications for the induction of labour
Bad fetal signs
Placental abruption
Preg is 42w or more
Sites of endometriosis
Ovaries 60%
Broad ligament
Vesicoperitoneal fold
Cul de sac
Rectosigmoid colon + appendix
Also reported in liver, brain, lung & old scars