random apc questions Flashcards
What are Preambles?
- Preambles are there to provide an explanation of how a document is to be used in order to help
with its interpretation. - Preambles do not form part of the cost of the project and may include:-
o A description of the parties to the contract.
o A description of the competence of the parties.
o A background of the project.
o Summaries of any negotiations that have taken place.
o The tendering procedure that has been adopted.
what are preliminaries?
Preliminaries provide a description of the project that allows a contractor to assess costs which,
whilst they do not form part of any package of works, are required by the method and
circumstances of the works.
Their purpose is to describe the works as a whole and to specify general conditions and
requirements for their execution.
They include the following:-
o The site (description, access and parking).
o The works.
o Contract conditions (rectification, payments, insurance and collateral warranties).
o Management of the works (working hours and supervision requirements).
o Security, health and safety.
o Site setup and welfare requirements.
What items would you expect to find in the pre-construction
- A project description.
- The Client’s considerations and management requirements for hoarding, welfare facilities, traffic
restrictions and permits to work. - Environmental restrictions and existing on-site risks such as site restrictions, previous H&S files,
ground conditions, existing services, asbestos surveys, contamination and unsafe structures. - Significant design and construction hazards such as design risks assessments, suggested method
statements, arrangement for coordination post contract design work and changes. - Health and Safety File requirements
What would you find in the Construction Phase Plan?
- A Project description.
- Processes for management of the works including site inductions, training, communication, welfare
facilities, design coordination, site rules and emergency procedures. - Arrangements for controlling significant site risks such as handling of deliveries, working at height, deep
excavations, preventing falls, site segregation, maintenance of plant and equipment, removal of
asbestos, reducing noise and vibrations and manual handling.
what would you find in the H&S file?
- H&S information that is useful for the planning of future works or maintenance.
- This comprises:-
o A brief description of the work carried out.
o Any residual hazards which remain and how they have been dealt with for example surveys oother information concerning asbestos, contaminated land, water bearing strata and buried
o Key structural principles for example, bracing and sources of substantial stored energy.
o Hazardous materials used for example lead paint, pesticides, special coatings which should notbe burnt off.
o The nature and location of significant services, including underground cables, gas supply
equipment and fire-fighting services.
what is an F10?
- The F10 form is used to notify the HSE of the project.
- It should contain:-
o The address of the construction site.
o The name of the local authority where the site is located.
o A brief description of the project and the construction work it entails.
o Contact details for the client and Principal Contractor.
o It should give an indication of the time allowed by the client for the PC to plan and prepare for
the construction work
o It should provide a planned date for the start of work, duration of construction phase and give
a number of people at work on site at any one time.
What does RIDDOR stand for?
- Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 2013.
- (RIDDOR) requires the ‘responsible person’ to notify any death, reportable injury, disease or
dangerous occurrence to the HSE (on-line or by phone for death and serious injuries). - The responsible person is the employer or, for the self-employed, the contractor or principal
5 steps to risk assessment?
- Step 1 - Identify the hazards.
- Step 2 - Decide who might be harmed and how.
- Step 3 - Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions.
- Step 4 - Record your findings and implement them.
- Step 5 - Review your assessment and update if necessary.
What is COP26 and what does COP stand for?
- COP is the Conference of the Parties and is attended by countries that signed the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) - a treaty agreed in 1994. - The 2021 meeting was the 26th meeting which is why it’s called COP26.
What are the key principles of sustainability?
- Social - Building healthy communities with sufficient numbers and range of buildings.
- Economical - Build strong, responsive, competitive economies ensuring sufficient land and right types.* Environmental: - Contributing towards the protection and enhancement of our natural, built and
historic environment.
what is the paris agreement?
- The Paris Agreement is a legally binding international treaty concerning climate change.
- It was adopted by nearly every nation and came into affect in 2016.
- The goal of the Paris Agreement is to limit global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius whilst
targeting levels below 1.5 degrees Celsius when compared to pre-industrial levels. - The agreement commits all major emitting countries to cut their climate pollution.
- It also creates a framework for the transparent monitoring and reporting of each individual countries
name some sustainable building methods?
- Use of recycled materials such as reclaimed timber, recycled tiles and plastics.
- Ground Source Heat Pumps.
- Air Source Heat Pumps.
- Solar Panels.
- Wind Turbines.
- Solar Shading.
- Rain water harvesting.
- Green Roofs.
- Automated Building Systems (Lighting sensors).
Can you explain your understanding of the term carbon neutral?
- Carbon neutrality is to have a balance between the carbon emitted and the carbon absorbed from the
atmosphere in carbon sinks. - This is an important measure of the impact that businesses and projects have on the environment and
global warming. - To date no artificial carbon sinks are able to remove carbon from the atmosphere at the levels required
to offset global warming.
How does a ground source heat pump work?
- Heat from the ground is absorbed at low temperatures into a fluid inside a loop of pipe (a ground loop)
buried underground. - The fluid then passes through a compressor that raises it to a higher temperature, which can then heat
water for the heating and hot water circuits of the house. - The cooled ground-loop fluid passes back into the ground where it absorbs further energy from the
ground in a continuous process as long as heating is required.
What are the benefits of rainwater harvesting?
- It decreases the demand for water.
- It reduces the need for imported water.
- Rainwater harvesting promotes both water and energy conservation.
- Improved BREEAM compliance can be achieved.
- Lower operational costs can be gained.
What is concrete spalling?
- A breakdown of concrete via natural weathering and or chemical reaction that results in sections of cement chipping off the main body.
what is a conflict of interest?
A conflict of interest is anything that impedes or might seem to impede an individual’s or firm’s ability to act impartially and in the best interest of a client.
what is the role of PD under CDM?
Principal Designer:-
o Plan, manage, monitor and coordinate health and safety (pre-construction).
o Identify, eliminate or control foreseeable risks.
o Ensure Client and designers are aware of their duties and advise the Client on bringing together
the pre-construction information.
o Provide relevant information to other duty holders.
o Liaise with Principal Contractor in the planning management, monitoring and coordination of
the construction phase.
what is the role of client under CDM?
o Appoint competent duty holders.
o Allow sufficient time and resources.
o Prepare and provide relevant information to duty holders.
o Ensure that the Principal Designer and Contractor carry out their duties.
o Ensure welfare facilities.
what are the breakdowns of approved document B?
2 volumes. Volume 1: Dwellings. Volume 2: buildings other than dwellings.
5 break downs in each volume.
- Requirement B1: Means of warning and escape
- B2: Internal fire spread (linings)
- B3: Internal fire spread (structure) Requirement B4: External fire spread B
- B5: Access and facilities for the fire service Regulations: 6(3), 7(2) and 38
Which HTM relates to Fire?
Tell me what you know about the fire HTM?
3 sections.
Health Technical Memorandum 05-01: Managing Healthcare Fire Safety
Health Technical Memorandum 05-02: Firecode Guidance in support of functional provisions (Fire safety in the design of healthcare premises)
05-03: Firecode – Fire Safety in the NHS – Operational provisions
how can you spot concrete spalling?
exposed rebar
cracked concrete
why does concrete spalling occur? give me 5 reasons?
- Freeze-thaw Cycle
- De-icing salt
- Poor Finishing techniques
- Improper Curing
- High temperature
- Inadequate compaction of concrete
- Fire Exposure
- Corrosion of reinforcement induced by carbonation
- Corrosion of reinforcement induced by chloride attacks
- Corrosion of reinforcement induced by sulfate attack
- Expansive effect caused by the Alkali Silika Reaction
- Inadequate Cover to the Reinforcements
what is carbonation?
Carbonation of concrete is a chemical process where calcium hydroxide in the concrete reacts with carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to form calcium carbonate and water.
This process begins at the concrete surface and gradually moves inward. It’s a slow and continuous process that can eventually lead to the corrosion of steel reinforcement when the carbonation front reaches it. This happens because carbonation lowers the pH of the concrete, which can disrupt the protective oxide layer around the reinforcement, making it susceptible to corrosion in the presence of oxygen and moisture.
what is a carbonation test?
A carbonation test is a procedure used to determine the depth of carbonation in concrete structures.
Principle: Concrete naturally absorbs carbon dioxide from the air over time. When carbon dioxide reacts with the calcium hydroxide in the cement paste, it forms calcium carbonate. This process is called carbonation.
Purpose: The carbonation depth is critical because it affects the durability of reinforced concrete structures. If carbonation reaches the steel reinforcement, it can lead to corrosion and structural damage.
talk me through a carbonation test?
Phenolphthalein Test: This is a common method for assessing carbonation depth.
- A solution of phenolphthalein (usually in alcohol) is applied to the surface of the concrete.
- If the concrete is carbonated, the phenolphthalein changes color from pink to colorless.
- The depth of carbonation is measured by comparing the color change with the original surface color.
- Deeper colorless areas indicate greater carbonation depth.
- A shallow carbonation depth (less than a few millimeters) is generally acceptable.
- Deeper carbonation (beyond the cover depth of the reinforcement) requires attention and potential repair
what are the remedial methods of spalling concrete?
- concrete overlay
- patch repair
- full depth repair
talk me through a concrete overlay concrete repair?
This involves the application of a thin layer of new concrete over the existing damaged concrete surface. This method is cost effective and quick, but its only a temporary solution.
talk me through a conventional patch repair concrete spalling?
For minor spalling, patch repairs are often sufficient. They start by removing loose concrete and cleaning the affected area thoroughly. A patching compound specifically designed for concrete is then applied. It’s vital that it’s compatible with the existing concrete to ensure a long-lasting repair. The patch must be smoothed and leveled with the surrounding surface before it begins curing, which could take several hours or days depending on the product used.
talk me through a full depth concrete repair?
When spalling penetrates more than a third of the concrete’s depth, full-depth repairs become necessary. This process involves removing the damaged concrete to the base layer, then replacing it with new concrete. Steel reinforcement may be required for structural integrity. One must be cautious during the curing process as proper hydration is critical for the patch’s durability.
what is a general concrete defect other than spalling?
- crazing
- delamination
- dusting
- curling
concrete crazing
tern of fine cracks on the concrete surface, but not considered to be structurally serious or an indication of future deterioration. Causes of crazing are related to rapid changes in temperature and loss of moisture during the curing process. Prevention of crazing includes protecting the surface from any rapid changes in temperature and moisture if possible.
concrete curling
is the rising of a slab’s corners or edges when there are differences in moisture content or temperature between the top and bottom of the slab. It is usually caused when the top dries out or cools and begins to shrink before a wetter and warmer bottom. Prevention of curling is achieved using low-shrink mixes, proper control joints, large amounts of reinforcement steel or thickened edges.
concrete delamination
is similar to blistering where areas of surface mortar crack and separate from the underlying concrete. The cause of delamination is also similar to blistering in that bleed air and bleed water become trapped under a prematurely sealed surface. Prevention includes using proper finishing techniques to get as much of the bleed water and air out before the surface becomes too dense and seals them under the surface.
concrete dusting
is the formation of a fine, powdery material easily rubbed off the concrete sur-face. The cause of dusting is related to working excess water on the surface during the finishing stage allowing the finest particles to rise to the top and subsequent wear results in dust forming on the sur- face. In this case, similar to blistering and delamination, proper finishing and protection of the surface are required to prevent dusting.