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What opioids can you use as pain relief in pregnancy and what are the SE and guidelines of it?
pethidine, diamorphine
SE: dizziness, nausea, vomiting
If given IV/IM = give an anti-emetic
Do not enter the pool within two hours
What stage of labour does epidural analgesia prolong?
second stage of labour
When should you offer a continuous CTG?
maternal pulse >120beats/min on two occasions epidural analgesia (offer for 30mins) temperature 38 or above suspected chorioamnitis/sepsis presence of significant meconium fresh vaginal bleeding in labour
In a low risk labour, what foetal monitoring should you do?
intermittent auscultation of FHR after contraction for one minute every 15 minutes
palpate maternal pulse hourly
If a rising baseline/decelerations are suspected, what foetal monitoring should you do?
If a rising baseline/decelerations are confirmed, what foetal monitoring should you do?
intermittent auscultation more frequently
summon help/advise continuous CTG
Outline first, second, third and fourth degree perineal tears
1) fourchette, vaginal mucosa are damaged. underlying muscles are exposed, not torn
2) posterior vaginal walls and perineal muscles torn but anal sphincter intact
3) tear extends to anal sphincter but the rectal mucosa is intact
4) anal canal opened, rectum may be opened
what are the indications for episiotomy?
rigid perineum
a tear seems imminent
instrumental delivery
mediolateral method is used
what are the consequences of perineal trauma?
interfere with breast feeding and bonding of the baby
aggravate postpartum depression
what are risk factors for perineal tears?
large babies
shoulder dystocia
forceps delivery
What is the management of shoulder dystocia?
Stop mother pushing
McRoberts manouvre (patient hyperflexes and abducts hips against abdomen)
Rubin’s manouvre (reverse woods screw, post to ant)
Woods screw (ant to post)
How does Erb’s palsy present?
Due to shoulder dystocia. brachial plexus palsy
‘waiter tip’ arm, slightly rotated
What are the risk factors for stillbirth?
Fetal growth restriction Preterm birth Afro-Caribbeans Nulliparity Age <25 or >40 BMI >30
List some possible causes of stillbirth
Congenital abnormality Premature labour P-PROM IUGR Cord prolapse
What is the management of stillbirth?
When death is diagnosed antenatally = prostaglandins (2-3 days)
BP, urinalysis, temperature
FBC, clotting screen, Kleihaeur test HbA1c
What is the initial management of a suspected antepartum haemorrhage?
Estimate amount of blood loss Fetal distress = urgent delivery Fetal monitoring USS (exclude praevia) FBC (group and save), clotting studies, Kleihauer test,