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“Athens of the North”
Edinburgh, Scotland. Center of Scottish Enlightenment (18th century)
Cogito ergo sum
deductive reasoning
Middle Eastern lands placed under the authority of Western countries
Leaders of France’s Enlightenment most admired the political system of what country?
Significance of year 1848
A year of revolutionary fervor. Revolutions in Austria, France, northern Italy, Prussia, etc.
19-20 centuries
heads of state in U.S., Italy, France, and Austria assassinated by anarchists
Austria (1914)
Germany’s one strong ally in WWI
Germany’s goal (1914)
to defeat France then fight Russia (Schlieffen Plan) (plan did not work)
refers to economic systems of early modern France and Britain
Social Darwinist
Herbert Spencer=creator of Social Darwinism (survival of the fittest)
“Philosophy is written in this grand book”
Galileo wrote this quote, referring to the universe
Significance of year 1688
England’s Glorious Revolution; created constitutional monarchy (Parliament=majority of power)
“The source of all sovereignty resides essentially in the nation”
From Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
lightning war; Hitler’s mode of attack early in WWII. (Sweden remained neutral)
theological system that emphasizes free will