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Cutaneous manifestations of dermatomyositis
- Gottrons papuls
- Red, violacious erythemas (V-sign, Shawl sign, Holster sign)
- Mechanic’s hands
- cutanous calcinosis
- heliotrope rash
- erythroderma
- nailfold abnormalities
Causes of subcutaneous nodules
- RA
- Gout
- Rheumatic fever
- sarcoidosis
Causes of dactylitis
- Ank spond
- Psoriatic arthritis
- IBD-related arthritis
- reactive arthritis
- undiff. spondyloarthrits
Hand deformities in RA
- Ulnar deviation
- subcutaneous nodules
- Z deformity of thumb
- Boutonniere’s deformity
- Swan-neck deformity
Biological agents to treat RA
- TNF inhibitors
- IL-6 inhibitor
- B-cell depletion
- Co-stimulation modulation
- methotrexate
- sulfasalazine
- chloroquine
- lefluonomide
X-ray findings in RA
- uniform joint space narrowing
- periarticular osteopenia
- juxta-articular bony erosions
- sub-luxation and gross deformities
- peri-articular soft tissue swelling
- capsular erosions
X-ray findings in OA
- joint space narrowing
- osteophytes
- subchondral cysts
- subchondral sclerosis
- fibrillated cartilage
- early cartilage loss
Nail manifestations in psoriatsis
- pitting
- onycholysis
- subungual hyperkeratosis
Differentials of OA
- ank spond
- avascular necrosis
- RA
- psoriatic arthritis
- gout
- psuedogout
Clinical features of diffuse systemic sclerosis
- severe ILD
- renal involvement
- diffuse skin involvement
- anti-topoisomerase Ab
- short duration of Raynauds
Clinical features of limited systemic sclerosis
- isolated pumonary hypertension
- no renal involvement
- limited skin involvement
- anti-centromere Ab
- long duration of Raynauds
Drug used for renal involvement of systemic sclerosis
Autoantibodies specific to systemic sclerosis
- anti-centromere antibody SCL70
- anti-topoisomerase
6 types of systemic involvement of systemic sclerosis
- GIT (oesoph dysmotility, microstomia)
- Pulm (ILD, PHPT)
- Cardiac (pericarditis)
- renal (scleroderma renal crisis)
- musculoskeletal (arthralgia)
- vascular (Raynauds)
- cutaneous (progressive skin fibrosis)
6 systemic manifestations of idiopathic inflammatory myositis
- Constitutional
- Skeletal (prox muscle weakness, pharyngeal weakness, weak neck flexors)
- skin (DM)
- lungs (ILD)
- cardiac (carditis, CMO)
- joints (arthritis)
Differentials of proximal muscle weakness
- genetic muscle disorders (muscular dystrophies)
- congenital myopathies
- neuropathies (SMA, MG, GBS)
- metabolic (storage disease)
- endocrine (thyroid)
- infection
- drugs (AZT, steroids)
- granulomatous disease
Causes of Raynaud’s phenomenon
- Idiopathic (primary)
- scleroderma
- Sjogrens
- RA
- dermatomyositis
- drugs (Bblock, sulfasalazine)
Differentials for gout
- septic arthritis
- reactive arthritis
Bedside test for renal flare in SLE
Dipstix - proteinuria and haematureia
Clinical findings for APS
- tendency to thrombosis, recurrent fetal loss, thrombocytopenia, false positive tests for syphilis
- Ab: anti-cardiolipin, anti-glycoprotein1, anti glycoprotein B2, anti-lupus coag
Treatment of APS
long-term anticoagulation with Warfarin
Definition of osteoporosis
Generalised bone disease characerised by decreased bone mass and deterioration of bone micro-architecture, resulting in increased fracture risk
Primary OP
bone loss related to decline in gonadal function associated with aging
Secondary OP
bone loss that results due to a variety of conditions that adversely impact bone metabolism
Causes of secondary OP
- endocrine - thyrotoxicosis, cushings
- hypogonadal (anorexia, turners)
- drugs (glucocorticoids)
- haematological malignancy (MM, thalassemia)
- GIT (IMB, malabsorption)
- Neurological (Parkinsons)
- other (RA, AS, SLE, CRF)
Radiographic diagnosis of OP
Dexa score of -2.5 and below or T-score of -1 and below
Treatment of OP
- prevention of falls
- calcium and vit D supp
- bisphosphonates
- calcitonin
- strontium ranalate
- selective oestrogen receptor modulator
SLICC immunological criteria
- anti-dsDNA
- anti-Sm
- positive Coomb’s test
- anti-phospholipid antibody
- low complement