Random Flashcards
Static rollover Dynamic rollover 3 requirements
-42* -15* -rolling moment, pivot point, thrust greater than weight
Blade stall: -indication -recovery steps
-vibration, nose pitchup, roll to left -lower collective, aft cyclic
Effective transitional lift is?
16-24knts helicopter will want to climb vortices are washed out causing rapid increase in lift
When does transverse flow effect occur?
Vibration Frequencies: -low -medium -high
-main rotor -engine -tail rotor
Airspeeds: -minimal drag -max range
-53 -83
Manifold pressure marks: -upper red -yellow
-24.1 -19.6 to 24.1
Engine ratings: -Max Continuous -5Minute takeoff -Derated
-124 bhp -131 bhp -145 bhp
Engine rpm?
2652 rpm
Engine Tach Markings: -upper red -green -lower red -bottom yellow
-104 to 110 -101 to 104 -90 to 101 -60 to 70
Airspeed indication markings: -green arc -upper red
-50 to 102 -102vne
Engine make and model?
Lycomming o-360-j2a(beta2)
Rotor tach markings: -upper red -upper yellow -green -lower yellow -lower red -bottom yellow
-110 -104 to 110 -101 to 104 -90 to 101 -90 -60 to 70
5 Compass errors?
-magnectic variation -magnetic deviation -magnetic dip -acceleration error(ands=accel north decel south) -turning error(unos=unshoot north overshoot south)
What is the standard lapse rate for temp and press?
-temp=-2c(-3.5f) per 1000 ft elevation increase -pressure=-1hg per 1000 ft elevation increase
What elements onboard interfere with the compass?
-metal components -engine -radios -electric accessories
I-illness M-medication S-stress A-alcohol .04 and 8hrs F-fatigue E-eating
Main rotor: -diameter -chord -twist -tip speed
-25ft 2in -7.2 –8 degrees -672 fps
Tail rotor: -diameter -chord -twist -precone angle -tip speed
-3ft 6in -4in -0degrees -1 degree 11 minutes -599 fps
Powerplant type
4 cylinder, horizontally opposed, direct drive, air cooled, carbureted, normally aspirated.
never exceed speed is ___kias up to 3000 feet density altitude
-Max gross weight -minimum gross weight -max per seat -max baggage
-1370 -920 -240 -50
Max temp for cylinder head
Max oil temp
Oil pressures: -minimum during idle -minimum during flight -maximum during flight -maximum during startup
-25 -55 -95 -115
3 conditions for settling with power?
-less than etl -at least 20% power -greater than 300fpm descent
OODA loop stands for
observation orientation decision action
DECIDE stands for
Detect-detect a change has occurred Estimate-estimate need to react Choose-which is more favorable Identify-identify theres change Do-do something Evaluate-evaluate the effect of what you did
PAVE stands for
pilot-physical and emotionl readiness aircraft-capable of task, within weight, enough fuel enViroment- how will weather affect DA external pressures-dont override good judgment, dont feel pressured
Lost procedures
-climb -conserve -communicate -confess -comply
For flights away from departure airport you must review what specific info.
-weather -fuel requirements -alternates I case flight can’t be finished -any traffic delays known by atc -runway lengths intended -takeoff/landing distance
What is SRM
Single pilot Resource Management Managing information for safe flight such as weather briefing, weight and balance, aircraft operating limitations, runway lengths, alternate routes, etc.
5 dangerous attitudes to have as a PIC
-antiauthority:follow rules -invulnerability:it could happen to you -resignation:I’m not helpless -macho:taking chances is foolish -impulsivity:think first, not so fast
What is dissymmetry of lift
One blade producing more or less lift than the other and do to forward momentum of air striking one blade one will always produce more than the other countering this by blade flapping
3 types of LTE
-main rotor disc interference -tail rotor vortex ring state -weathercocking
Low G conditions can cause what 3 things
-mast bumping -roll -cutoff tail boom