random Flashcards
juvenile hyaline fibromatosis
capillary morphogenesis protein 2
0.5% w ocular involvement a/w: NF1 and juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia (JMML)
Lipomas- a/w
bannayan-riley-ruvacalba syndrome gardner syndrome men-1

angioma serpiginosum
small, red punctate macules in serpiginous pattern, esp over extremity
x linked recessive diseases
CHAD’S Kinky WIFE, CHaNdra
Chronic Granulomatous Disease, Hunter disease, Anhidrotic hypohidrotic ectodermal dysplasia, Dyskeratosis Congenita, SCID, Kinky hair disease, Wiskott aldrich syndrome, Icthyosis, x linked, Fabry dz, Ehlers-danlos (Type V and IX), Chondrodysplasia Punctata NOT Conradi-Hunermann type, Hypohidrotic ED w immunodef, Agammaglobulinemia Bruton, LEsch-Nyhan syndrome
x linked dominant diseases
Bazex syndrome, IP, Goltz, CHILD, Oro-Facial-Digital syndrome, MIDAS (micrognathia, dermal aplasia, sclerocornea), Chondrodysplasia Punctata conradi hunermann type
Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP)
Nucleotide excision repair pathway
*neuro abl, deafness
XP variant -DNA polymerase- no neuro abl
Cockayne syndrome
ERCC6, 8
CS-A and CS-B
unable to repair cyclobutane pyrimidine dimer products after xrt
Cachectic dwarfism, mickey mouse ears, salt and pepper retinitis pigmentosa, dentac caries, basal ganglia calcification, photosensitivity, cataracts
Trichothiodystrophy (TTP)
sulfur deficiency in hair- tiger tail deformity, PIBIDS-> photosens, icthyosis, brittle hair, intellectual impairement, decreased fertility, short stature
TTP=2 Ts= ERCC Two, Three
Bloom Syndrome

RecQL2 or 3
DNA helicase family
mutation = inc rspont sister chromatid exchanges, breakage and rearrangements
photodistributed erythema/telangectasias over cheeks
short stature, normal intelligente
IMMUNE DEFICIENCY–>respiratory & GI infections, dec fertility, dec IgM, IgA, high pitched voice
BLM–> Butterfly rash, Leukemia/Lymphoma, dec IgM
Rothmund Thompson Syndrome
(Pokiloderma congenitale)
ReQL4 (DNA helicase)
photodistributed erythema, vesicles on face in first few mo of life–>evolves to poikiloderma, hypoplastic thumbs, inc r/o osteosarcoma
Rothmund Thomposon–>Reduced Thumbs
ROTH=4 letters, RecQL4
Dyskeratosis Congenita
XLR and AD
DKC1 gene–>encodes dyskerin, interacts w/ telomerase, inc sister chromatid exchanges, poikiloderma, premalignant leukoplakia, thrombocytopenia, pancytopenia, inc r/o cancer (mucosal SCC, hodgkins lymphoma, AML)
DYSkeRaTOSis- DYStrophy, mR, Thrombocytopenia, Oral premaligant leukoplakia, Sun avoidance
Ataxia telangectasia syndrome
ATM gene mutation
sensitive to ionizing radiation
first syndrome- ataxia
defects in immunity
inc r/o breastCA
Fanconi syndrome
inc chromosomal breakage
hypoplasia of radius and thumb
TH1 cytokines
IL-2, IL-12, IFN-y, TNFa
a/w allergic contact derm, tuberculoid leprosy, cutaneous leish, psoriais (latter th17)
cell mediated immunity
*TH2 downregulates INFy*
TH2 cytokines
humoral immunity (not cell- mediated)
IL-4, IL5, IL6, IL10
AD, lepromatous leprosy, disseminated leish, sezary syndrome, parasitic infections
IL10 downregulates Th1 response
What two signals do T cells need to activate?
CD28/B7 binding
proinflamatory, steroids downregulate IL1 production
part of TH2 response.
IL 8
neutrophil chemotaxis
downregulates TH1 response
increases Th1 response
inc TH1 response
aberrant TGF beta expression = fibrosis in systemic sclerosis
Classical complement pathway
proteins indicated By C followed by #
C1, C2, C3, C4
IgG4 does NOT activate classical pathway
Alternative complement pathway
Factor B, D, H, C3 and properdin
hbeta d-2 and LL37 are down in____, up in ______?
down in AD
up in psoriasis
Mast cell preformed mediators
histamine, heparin, trypatase, chymase, carboxypeptidase A, cathepsin G
Mast cell newly-formed mediators
prostaglandin D2 (PGD2) leukotrienes (LTC4, LTD4, LTE4, platelet activating factor (PAF)
IgA-mucoosal, activates alternative pathway
IgG- opsonization/fixing complement (IgG1, IgG3), cross placenta
IgM-pentamer, primary immune response, most efficient at activating complement cascade, NOT a/w opsonization
psoriatic arthritis HLA?
Behchet’s disease HLA?
psoriasis most definitive HLA?
LP pemphigus vulgaris?
chronic urticaria
DQ2 (DQw2)
Goltz Syndrome
(Focal Dermal Hypoplasia)
XLD (big chomp)
osteopathia striata
lobster claw deformity of hands
*think of a lobster using its claw along the sand causing linear striations (osteopathia striata)
Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome
KIP2 gene
circular depression over helix rim, linear earlobe creases, midline facial vasc malformation, macroglossia, visceromegaly, hemihypertrophy, wilms tumor and hepatoblastoma
Basal cell nevus syndrome
(Gorlin’s syndrome)
PTCH gene, inhibits hedgehog singnaling
normall PTCH inhibits smoothened…when inactivated, smoothened is constitutively activated and activates Gli
Multiple BCCs, palmar/plantar pits, odontogenic keratocysts of jaw, frontal bossing, hypertelorism, cataracts, glaucoma, bifid ribs, ca of falx cerebrum, ovarian fibromas, medulloblastoma, meningioma, no corpus callosum
NF Type 1 Criteria
2 of 6:
1) 6 or more CALMs (>0.5cm prepuberty, >1.5cm postpuberty), 2 or more neurofibromas, 1 plexiform nf
2) axillary/inguinal freckling
3) optic glioma
4) lisch nodules
5) sphenoid wing dysp/thinning of long bone
6) 1st deg rel w/ NF
Carney syndrome
(tumor suppression)
PRKAR1A gene
NAME:nevi, atrial myxoma, myxoid tumor, ephilides
LAMB: lentigines, atrial myx, mucocut myxomas, blue nevi
*psammomatous melanotic schwannomas
Muir Torre syndrome
Tumor suppression syndrome
DNA mismatch repair genes
seb neoplasms, KAs
inc r/o colon adenoca
*subtype of HNPCC*
More and more sebacous neoplasms!
Tuberous sclerosis
Tumor suppression syndrome
hamartin, tuberin (TSC1, TSC2)
ash leaf macule (1st finding), facial angiofibromas, ct nevi (shagreen patch), fibromas, CALMS, dental pits, renal angiolypomas, retinal hamartomas, seizures, pulm lymphangioleiomyomatosis, tubers, cardiac rhabdomyoma
Cowden Syndrome (Multiple hamartoma sx)
Tumor suppression syndrome
PTEN mutation, AD
tricheliMOOmas, cobblestone appearance of mucosa, acral keratotic papules, breat ca (1/3 of pts), thyroid follicular ca, GI polyps
*Cows pee ten gallons, PTEN*
PTEN syndromes
1) Cowden’s
2) Banayan-Zonana
3) Lhermite-Duclos syndrome
men1 gene mutation
aka Wermer syndrome
Panc, para, pit
macular and lichen amyloid, angiofibromas, collagenomas, lipomas, CALMs
MEN 2a
Sipple syndrome
RET mutation
lichen or macular amyloid , hemangiomas, genital lentigines, hamartomas, lipomas
parathyroid, phaeochromo, medullary thyroid
2a=amyloid, sipple=rippled
MEN 2b
ret mutation
aka multiple mucosal neuroma sx
medullary, phaeochromo, mucosal neuromas, marfanoid habitus
2b=blueberry lips 2/2 mucosal neuromas
Bannayan-Riley-Ruvacalba syndrome
genital lentiines, lipomas, hamartomas, hemangiomas, MR, macrocephaly
brown banana
LEOPARD syndrome (multiple lentigines syndrome)
(tumor suppression syndrome)
ECG abl
Ocular hypertelorism
Pulmonic stenosis
Abl genitalia
Retarded growth
Peutz Jeghers Syndrome
(tumor suppression syndrome)
STK11/LKB1 gene encodes serine threonine kinase
inc r/o GI adenoca
Gardner syndrome
(tumor suppression syndrome)
APC gene
epidermoid cysts, osteomas, supernumerary teeth, odontomas, fibromas, CHRPE
GI adenoCA (inevitable, need colectomy)
birds chrp in the garden
Birt-Hogg-Dube Syndrome
(tumor suppression syndrome)
BHD gene, encodes folliculin
multiple fibrofolliculomas, trichodiscomas, skin tags
a/w renal cell ca, medullary thyroid ca, spont pneumothorax (multiple pulm cysts)
*Birt HOGG Dube- hog w/ rough skin bc of fibrofulliculomas and trichodiscomas*
Dysplastic Nevus Syndrome
(tumor suppression syndrome)
pancreatic CA, astrocytomas, melanoma
Clouston syndrome
connexin 30
KID + Vohwinkel
Connexin 26
erythrokeratoderma variabilis
connexin 31, 30.3
duhrigs dz=?
dermatitis herpetiformis
transglutaminase 3
mold a/w paronychia + distal onycholysis?
scytalidium dimidiatum
most specific gene in sjogrens?
what activates NK cells?
IL 2
what downregulates TH2 response?
what downregulates TH1 reponse?
IFN downreg th2
IL 10 down reg th1 resp
PTEN syndromes (3)
Richner Hanhart Syndrome
Painful PPK + pseudoherpetic keratitis
needs diet low in tyrosine/phenylalanine
Stewart-Treves syndrome
angiosarcoma a/w chronic lymphedema
>20 yrs
strep iniae causes?
hand cellulitis in fish handlers (tilapia)
De Sanctis Cachione Syndrome
XP variant w/ MR, dwarfism, gonadal hypoplasia
Werner Syndrome
(Adult progeria)
- RECQL2, encodes helicase
- normal growth until 2nd decade, then short stature/thin limbs, grey hair, central obesity, beaked nose, pinched facial expression, high picthced voice, mottled hyperpig., sclerodermoid changes, cataracts, DM, premature atherosclerosis, chronic leg ulcers
- inc r/o soft tissue sarcomas, osteosarcomas, scc
Lamin-A mutation (LMNA)
median lifespan is 12 y/o, large cranium, prominent scalp veins, beaked nose, micrognathia, plucked bird appearance, sclerodermoid sin, alopecia, high pictched voice, avg intelligence, SEVERE premature atherosclerosis
Familial chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis
recurrent, progressive candidal infections (skin/nails/mucosa)
crusted plaques, nail dystrophy and thrush
Hyper-IgE syndrome (Job syndrome)
STAT3 gene
Inc IgE levels, peripheral eosinophilia, pna, retained primary teeth, eczematous derm, lung abscesses, pneumatocele, otitis media, osteopenia w recurrent fractures
Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome
WASP gene (controls assembly of actin filaments)
- TCP, plt dysf, petechiae and echymoses of skin, epistaxis, melena, hematemesis, hematuria
- AD
- r/o lymphoma (non-Hodgkins)
- death is from infxn>hemorrhage>malignancy
- BM transplant
JAK3 or adenosine deaminase (ADA)
deficiency of gamma chain of IL2
def or absence of circulating lymphs
Autoimmune Polyendocrinopathy-Candidiasis-Ectodermal Dystrophy
AIRE gene (autoimmune regulator gene)
candida, endocrione issues (thyroid, parathyroid DM, hypoadrenocorticism), skin AI d/o like aa, vitiligo, pernicious anemia
FTT, chronic diarrhea, multiple infections
OCA Type 1a
tyrosinas deficiency
no melanin, white hair, amelanotic nevi, inc skin ca, nystagmus, strabismus, dec visual acutity
OCA Tybe 1b
aka yellow mutant
dec tyrosinase activity
little or no pigment at birth, can get some pigment over time, milder eye sx
OCA type 2
(tyrosinase positive)
P gene (dec eumelanin production)
MOST common, OCA, broad phenotype, pigmented nevi dev over time, light brown skin/hair
OCA Type 3
TYRP1 (tyrosinase related protein 1)
light brown hair, skin, blue or brown irides, nystagmus, dec visual acuity
Chediak Higashi syndrome
LYST/CHS1 gene mutation
lysosomal trafficking regulator
GIant intracytoplasmic granultes
albinism w/ immuno deficiency, silvery metallic hair, recurrent infections, neurologic deterioration, slate gray skin color
-accelerated phase- pancytopenia, lymphohistiocytic infiltrate of reticuloendothelial system
Tx: stem cell transplant
**evently distributed chunks of melanin*
Hermansky-Pudlack Syndrome
HPS gene mutation or AP3B1
OCA, hemorrhagic diathesis, ABSENT DENse boDies in platelet (different from Chediak Higashi, which has giant inclusions), ecchymosis, pulm fibrosis, granulomatous colitis
albino bleeding acrobats, fall in net and get pulm fibrosis, granulomatous colitis
Griscelli syndrome
myosin 5A, Rab27a
pigment dilution, silver hair, pyogenic infxns, pnacytopenia, neuro inv, immune def, UNEVEN clumps of melanin in medulla-unlike Chediak HIgashi*
Hypomelanosis of Ito
whorled/linear/patchy hypopigmentation
NEMO mutation (NFkB)
- Vesicular
- verrucous
- hyperpigmented
- hypopigmented
- absent/peg shaped teeth, alopecia, etc
defective melanocyte migration
white forlock
see kit get hit in the face w a pie and get piebaldism!
Waardenberg Syndrome
- Type 1- PAX3- heterochromia iridis, synophrys, dystopia canthorusm*
- Type 2-MITF- deafness common
- Type 3-PAX3-upper limb alb
- SOX10 or endothelin-hirschsprungs
pack your mitts, pack your sox and endothelin!
eyes, ears, arms, belly