blistering disorders Flashcards
Epidermolysis bullosa simplex (EBS)
AD, keratin 5, 14
bullae in basal keratinocytes- multiple subtypes
Type of EBS, AD, keratin 5, 14
palmoplantar, localized
Type of EBS, AD, keratin 5, 14
widespread bullae, + mucous inv, +larynx/esophagus, nail dystrophy, early death
Koebner sx
generalized EBS, AD, k5/14, mild mucosal inv
EBS w/ muscular dystrophy
plectin mutation, AD
EBS w/ pyloric atresia
plectin mutation, AD
EBS w/ mottled pigmentation
k5 mutation, AD
k14 mutation, AD
EBS Ogna variant
plectin mutation
EBS w/ contusiform bruising
Junctional EB (JEB)
AR, laminin 5, BPAg2 (BP180, collagen 17)
blisters in the lamina lucida
Herlitz, non-Herlitz, JEB localized, Generalized atrophic benign epidermolysis buloosa (GABEB)
Herlitz type (JEB)
laminin 5, generalized bullae, perioral granulation, tooth dysplasia (enamel problems), tracheobronchial infections, anemia, growth retardation, fatal by age 3-4
Non-Herlitz type JEB
laminin 5=332, BP180, heal w/ atrophic scars, normal lifespan; also b4 integrin
JEB localized
BP 180
Generalized atrophic benign EB (GABEB)
BP180, extensive atrophy of anterior LE
GEB w/ pyloric atresia
a6-b4 integrin
JEB inversa
laminin 5, acral bullae
Dystrophic EB
collagen 7
Dominant- hyperplastic cockayne touraine, albopapuloid pasini variant, barts syndrome, transient bullous dermatosis of the newborn
Recessive - hallopeau-siemens
Hyperplastic Cockayne-Touraine
dominant dystrophic EB, localized to extremities, resolve w/ milia and scarring, dystrophic nails, mild mucosal inv
Albopapuloid pasini variant
Dominant dystrophic EB
widespread bullae healing w hypopigmented scar like white papules, nail dystrophy, mild mucosal inv
Bart’s syndrome
dominant dystrophic EB, ACC of the shins, nail dystrophy
Transient bullous dermatosis of newborn
tranisent form of dominant dystrophic EB, , pretibial, pruriginosa, subcorneal cleavage (EB “simplex” superficialis
Recessive dystrophic EB (Hallopeau-Siemens)
generalized bullae, chronic scars, numerous SCCs, digital fusion w/ mitten deformity, flexion contractures, mucosal scarring, dysplastic teeth, malnutrition, death
Epidermolytic hyperkeratosis
keratin 1, 10
bullae and erythroderma a tbirth
generalized verrucous icthyosis later
icthyosis bullosa of siemens
keratin 2e gene
fragile blisters at birth
hyperkeratotic plaques on elbows and knees later
hailey hailey
calcium atpase IIc1, acantholytic
dilapidated brick wall
Kindler syndrome
AR KIND1 acral blistering in infancy photosensitivity poikiloderma, progressive wrinkling esp of dorsal hands/feet palmoplantar hyperkeratosis nail dystrphy, dental caries, phimosis, diital webbin, pseudoainum