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Acts of Union: England and Wales
Acts of Union: England and Scotland
Acts of Union: England and Scotland share monarch
Acts of Union: Great Britain + Ireland
1801 (U.K. of G.B.)
Southern Ireland leaves, becomes independent
Act of Supremacy in 1558
King Henry 8th declared himself head of Church of England
Book of Common Prayer
number of prayer books of CoE and other Anglican churches
Thomas Cramner
leader of English Reformation
killing the king
life peers
title that is not inheritable
hereditary peers
people with ‘royal blood’, title is inherited
spouse of royalty, usually not in line for throne
Lady Jane Grey
occupied the English throne for nine days
Henry 8ths wives:
Catherine, Anne, Jane etc.
Maastricht Treaty in 1992
changed the European Community to European Union
Clause 4
nationalization of industries
Magna Carta
first document forced onto an English King by a group of subjects (barons) in an attempt to limit the king’s power by law
transactions between private parties are free from state intervention
The Butler Act
law prohibiting school teachers to deny Biblical account of man’s origin, prevented the evolutionary theory taught
Beveridge Report
influential document in the founding of the welfare state
Great Plague
massive outbreak of disease in UK that killed 20% of London’s population
Great Fire of London
swept through the central parts of the city, lasted for 5 days
The Glorious Revolution
overthrow of King James II by union of Parliamentarians, William of Orange succeeded the throne as first constitutional monarch
Pax Britannica
Period of relative peace in Europe when the British Empire was at its peak, had control of key naval trade routes, unchallenged sea power
The Great Depression
the decade post-WWII, crash of the stock market on Wall Street
Treaty of Versailles
one of the peace treaties at the end of WWI
Act of Settlement
specified that monarchs must be protestant
Bill of Rights
passed by Parliament to William and Mary inviting them to become joint sovereigns of Enland
the Boer Wars
two wars fought between UK and two independent Boer republics (Orange Free State and South African Republic)
Battle of Culloden
final confrontation of Jacobite Rising
Hundred Years’ War
series of separate wars lasting for a hundred years between two royal houses for the French throne. Henry the 8th sold France to Calim
New Amsterdam
Dutch colonial settlement, later became New York City
Entente cordiale
series of agreements signed between the UK and the French Republic
Easter Rising
aimed to end British rule in Ireland
North-South divide
refers to economical and cultural differences b. Southern and Northern England
list with names of soldiers who died in WWI
economic theory, export as much as you can
The Bismarck
most famous German warship in WWII
Good Friday/Belfast Agreement
political development in N-Ireland peace process
sympathy strikes
industrial action made by a trade union in support of a strike initiated by workers
Schengen Agreement
led to the creation of Europe’s borderless Schengen Area
Post-war consensus
time b. WWII and Thatcher’s election as PM
Clement Attlee
PM from 1945-1951, Leader of the Labour Party from 1935-1955
M. Thatcher
PM from 1979-1990, first female in office, served longer than any other
T. Blair
PM from 1997-2007, threw out Clause 4
G. Brown
D. Cameron
Current PM
the government should be doing little, let it run itself
Arthur Scargill
miners’ strike for a year
Blair’s Third Way
refers to various political positions which try to reconcile right wing and left win politics
T. May
Conservative politician, current Home Secretary
National Health Service
many things for free
A. Smith
Scottish moral philosopher, pioneer of political economics
the right to vote
Privy council
has 400 members who only meet when a monarch dies, to confirm his death
Chancellor of the Exchequer
minister of Finance
Hung parliament
occurs when neither major political party has absolute majority of seats in the parliament
diplomatic policy aimed at avoiding war by making concessions to another power
person(e.g. monarch) ruling with unlimited authority
Sinn Féin
political party in Ireland, Gerry Adams is the president
newly elected parliamentary member
'’shadow cabinet’’
parliamentary member specialized in finance, health, if a party loses
Civil list
list of individuals to whom money is paid by the government
J. Callaghan
once PM and Leader of Labour Party
The Falkland Islands
self-governing British overseas territory, the Brits won the war
Aneurin Bevan
Welsh Labour Party politician, early 20th c., rights of the working people
removal or simplification of government rules and regulations that constrain market forces
Winter of Discontent
winter that saw many strikes, e.g. grave diggers, truck drivers, rubbish collectors
O. Cromwell
military and political leader, involved in turning England into a republican Commonwealth, Lord Protector (1653-1658)
alliance of Britain’s former colonies+free trade association
A. Toffler
American, wrote ‘‘The Third Wave’’
John Locke
‘Father of Liberalism’ English philosopher and physician, Enlightenment thinker
7/7 terrorism
series of coordinated suicide attacks in London
Democratic Unionist Party
larger unionist party in N-Ireland
Rev. Ian Paisley
founded the Democratic Unionist Party
'’permanent underclass’’ (2011 riots)
lowest possible position in class hierarchy
The Ghost of Britain past
the time when GB was an empire
Nick Clegg
deputy PM, Chairman of liberal democratic party
credit crunch
economic crisis, G. Brown was blamed
national referendum
entire electorate is asked to accept or reject a particular proposal
Fabian socialists
association of British socialists advocation the establishment of democratic socialism by gradual reforms within the law