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Why is the new English Y9 SoL different and potentially tricky?
New Y9 SoL is ‘bespoke’ and will require teachers to generate materials based on their own knowledge and interest.
This raises questions about equity - the better / smarter the higher the quality of your resources.
What is the quality control approach for this unit?
How will leaders assess the relative merits of different approaches?
FROM ADU: Just sharing this SOL Pip has written - it addresses many of our department targets - we’re starting to embed some key principles in our work e.g.
- assessment for learning e.g. hinge questions
- assessment - not just GCSE style but aligning with curric intent
- component intent/knowledge - specified and sequenced
- broadening KS3 Curriculum
- our approach as a team to planning/implementing SOL - not just teachers firing up pre-exisiting slides - we should see a degree of autonomy and responsive teaching
What is GAG funding?
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General Annual Grant (GAG) paid by government to schools