Progress data Flashcards
The subjects of the EBacc form a strong academic foundation for the key stage 4 curriculum. The EBacc entry rate in this school in 2022 was
Comment on value added in languages, humanities and science (putting in order and national context)
Value added in science (-0.7), languages (-2.0) and humanities (-1.2) was significantly below national and in the lowest 20% of all schools in 2022.
Comment on the attainment of grade 4+ in languages and humanities in 2022 (and give national context)
Attainment of grade 4+ in languages (22%) was significantly below national and in the lowest 20% in 2022. Attainment of grade 4+ in humanities (49%) was significantly below national and in the lowest 20% in 2022.
For the following subject(s) outside of the EBacc, the average point score was in the highest 20% and the proportion of entries was at or above the national average:
For the following subject(s) outside of the EBacc, the average point score was in the highest 20% and the proportion of entries was at or above the national average: Sports Studies (5.9), Small Business Management (5.9)
Overall Progress 8 ..?
Overall Progress 8 (-0.4) was significantly below national and in the lowest 20% in 2022.
Detail about English and maths elements of Progress 8?
There is nothing to highlight for the English element of Progress 8 in 2022.
There is nothing to highlight for the mathematics element of Progress 8 in 2022.
The EBacc element of Progress 8..?
The EBacc element of Progress 8 (-0.8) was significantly below national and in the lowest 20% in 2022.
Open element of Progress 8?
There is nothing to highlight for the open element of Progress 8 in 2022.
Where does the IDSR comment on attainment in 2022?
Where does it not?
There is nothing to highlight for overall Attainment 8 in 2022.
There is nothing to highlight for the English element of Attainment 8 in 2022.
There is nothing to highlight for the mathematics element of Attainment 8 in 2022.
The EBacc element of Attainment 8 (11.4) was significantly below national and in the lowest 20% in 2022
There is nothing to highlight for the open element of Attainment 8 in 2022.
Comment on attainment in KS5 2022.
Attainment at key stage 5 - 2022
There is nothing to highlight for average point score per entry for A level in 2022
There is nothing to highlight for average point score per entry for applied general in 2022.
There is nothing to highlight for average point score per entry for tech levels in 2022.
There is nothing to highlight for average point score per entry for the best 3 A levels in 2022.
There is nothing to highlight for the percentage of students achieving at least AAB in 3 A levels in 2022.
Comment on HPA and DA 2022 progress
For high prior attainers, the English element of Progress 8 (-0.8) was significantly below national and in the lowest 20% in 2022. The mathematics element of Progress 8 (-1.0) was significantly below national and in the lowest 20% in 2022. The open element of Progress 8 (-0.9) was significantly below national and in the lowest 20% in 2022. Overall Attainment 8 (57.9) was significantly below national and in the lowest 20% in 2022. The English element of Attainment 8 (12.3) was significantly below national and in the lowest 20% in 2022. The mathematics element of Attainment 8 (11.6) was significantly below national and in the lowest 20% in 2022. The open element of Attainment 8 (17.4) was significantly below national and in the lowest 20% in 2022.
For disadvantaged pupils, the English element of Progress 8 (-1.0) was significantly below national and in the lowest 20% in 2022. The open element of Progress 8 (-1.1) was significantly below national and in the lowest 20% in 2022.