RAN OSB Preparation Flashcards
What are the requirements for the swim test?
- 3 metre safety jump from a platform
- 10 metre underwater swim (body fully submerged under water)
- 50 metre swim using survival strokes only (breaststroke, back scull or sidestroke)
- 15 minutes treading water in overalls
What are the top 4 highest ranks in the Navy
Admiral of the Fleet
Vice Admiral
Rear Admiral
Who is in the Navy senior leadership group
Chief of Navy Australia Deputy Chief of Navy Commander of Australian Fleet Head of Navy Capability Head of Navy Engineering Warrant Officer of the Navy
Who is the Governor-General of Australia?
Sir Peter Cosgrove, to be replaced by General David Hurley on 28 June 2019
Who is the Chief of the Navy?
Vice Admiral Michael Joseph Noonan
Who is the Deputy Chief of the Navy?
Rear Admiral Mark Hammond
Who is the Commander of the Australian Fleet?
Rear Admiral Jonathan Dallas Mead
Who is Head of Navy capability?
Read Admiral Peter Quinn
Who is Warrant Officer of the navy?
Warrant Officer Gary Wright
Who is the Minister for Defence?
Christopher Pyne
What is Command?
The AUTHORITY which a commander in the military service lawfully exercises over subordinates by virtue of rank or assignment.
What is Leadership?
- The ART of influencing, motivating and directing people to achieve a common goal.
- setting the example.
- knowing everyone’s strengths and weaknesses.
- being able to lead from the front, middle and back.
What is Management?
The PROCESS of planning, organising, directing and controlling in pursuit of common goals.
What are the roles of the ANZAC Frigate?
- Air defence
- anti-sub warfare
- surveillance
- reconnaissance
- interdiction
What are the specifications of the ANZAC Frigate?
- 164 Company.
- Propulsion, 1 General Electric Gas Turbine.
- 2 MTU Diesel engines, driving 2 propellers.
- 27 knots
- Aircraft: 1 Seahawk
What are the weapons Systems on the ANZAC Frigate?
- 1 5-inch MK 45 automatic rapid fire gun.
- Sea Sparrow anti-air missile system.
- 2 MK 32 triple-mounted anti-sub torpedoes.
What are the initial fitness requirements of the RAN?
- 15 push ups.
- 20 sit ups.
- 6.1 shuttle run.
What is NEOC?
The New Entry Officers’ Course (NEOC) teaches the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to be an effective junior naval officer. The course is approximately five months long and is residential, requiring students to live at HMAS Creswell.
What are the Navy values?
- Honour
- Honesty
- Courage
- Integrity
- Loyalty
What is operation Accordion?
Operation ACCORDION’s mission is to support the sustainment of Australian Defence Force (ADF) operations, enable contingency planning and enhance regional relationships in the Middle East Region (MER).
From Australia’s main logistics base in the MER, around 400 ADF personnel provide support to Australian operations throughout the region, including Operations OKRA, HIGHROAD and MANITOU.
Operation ACCORDION’s supporting Units are:
Force Communications Element (FCE)
The Force Communications Element (FCE) is an ADF joint unit primarily made up of Army and Air Force personnel with a small number of Navy personnel. The Force Communications Element is responsible for the provision of national command and welfare communications and information systems to deployed Australian members throughout the MER.
What is operation Manitou?
Operation MANITOU is the Australian Government’s contribution to the international effort to promote maritime security, stability and prosperity in the Middle East region (MER). An enhanced security environment ensures Australia’s safe and open access to the region while fostering trade and commerce.
The Government of Australia routinely commits a Royal Australian Navy vessel and personnel to support the US-led Combined Maritime Forces (CMF) to defeat terrorism, prevent piracy, encourage regional cooperation, and promote a safe maritime environment.
The RAN ship currently deployed is HMAS Ballarat. This is Ballarat’s second and Navy’s 67th rotation of a Navy vessel to the MER since 1990.
The CMF is a multi-national force composed of three principle task forces:
Combined Task Force 150 (CTF-150) (maritime security and counter-terrorism)
CTF-151 (counter-piracy) and
CTF-152 (Arabian Gulf security and cooperation).
Nations that have participated with the CMF include Australia, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Republic of Korea, Netherlands, New Zealand, Pakistan, Portugal, Singapore, Spain, Turkey, the United Kingdom and the United States.
What is operation Highroad?
The ADF’s commitment to Afghanistan is known as Operation HIGHROAD and is fulfilled by personnel serving with the ADF’s Task Group Afghanistan.
Task Group Afghanistan’s Headquarters is at Kabul’s Hamid Karzai International Airport and comprises a command element of about 45 ADF personnel, which coordinates administration, communications and logistics support for all ADF members deployed to Afghanistan.
Australia remains committed to a stable and secure Afghanistan and continues to support the NATO-led train, advise and assist mission called RESOLUTE SUPPORT which has replaced the previous NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) mission.
Around 250 ADF members from the Royal Australian Navy, the Australian Army, the Royal Australian Air Force and Defence civilians are deployed in Afghanistan as part of Operation HIGHROAD.
Explain your Initial Military Training as a Helicopter Pilot.
Australian Defence Force Academy Pilots complete New Entry Officer Course (NEOC) at the Royal Australian Naval College (RANC), HMAS Creswell at Jervis Bay on the NSW south coast immediately following entry to the Navy.
This 22 week course covers drill and ceremonial, physical training, officer development, oral and written communications, naval message writing, management and leadership, officer of the day duties, Navy organisation, Defence studies, character guidance, Navy history, swim test, first aid, small arms training, adventure training, and a training cruise.
What is your Initial Employment Training?
Aviation Medicine Training - 1 Week
Combat Survival Training - 3 Weeks
Basic Military Flying Training - 25 Weeks
Military Flying Training - 37 Weeks
Pilot Basic Rotary Training - 26 Weeks
Operational Flying Training - Dependent of aircraft type selection.
What is involved in 1FTS and 2FTS?
The Pilot Basic Course will be 24 Weeks in duration and students will fly about 60 hours in PC21 aircraft and simulators. The flying disciplines on pilot basic course include General Flying (GF), Instrument Flying (IF), Night Flying (NF) and an introduction to medium level visual Navigation (NAV). GF includes manoeuvres such as flying circuits, basic aerobatics, stalling and emergency handling. IF instruction covers basic instrument interpretation skills and flying instrument approaches. Ground training will also be conducted in Aerodynamics, Aircraft Systems, Airmanship, Air Power, Air Traffic Control, Aviation Medicine, Cockpit Systems, Meteorology, Morse Code, and Navigation.
Upon completion of the Pilot Basic Course, students will proceed to 2FTS at RAAF Base Pearce for Pilot Intermediate Course. Flying at 2FTS is also undertaken in the PC21. The course is approximately 30 weeks duration with 135 hours of flying and simulation. Aside from developing the flying skills learnt on Pilot Basic Course, students will also be introduced to formation flying and low-level navigation. Students will also learn how to operate an aircraft and not just fly it. Following completion of Pilot Intermediate Course students will complete Pilot Advanced course, if they have been streamed to fast jets, or complete an operational conversion on a transport or surveillance aircraft.
What does rotary training look like?
From RAAF Base Pearce, officers move to 723 Squadron at HMAS Albatross to undertake Basic Pilot Rotary Training on the EC135 helicopter. Pilots then consolidate their flying skills on the EC135 for up to 12 months before commencing Operational Flying Training on either the MH-60R or MRH90.
Who is Head of Navy Engineering?
Rear Admiral Colin John Lawrence
What are the Signature Behaviours of the Navy?
- People
- Performance
- Professionalism
Which RAN vessels utilise helicopters, and what are their capacities?
Canberra Class (Landing Helicopter Dock) - The 990 square metres hangar deck can accommodate eight medium-size helicopters, and an additional ten can be carried if the light vehicle deck is used for additional helicopter space.
Hobart Class (Destroyer) - Carries one MH-60R Seahawk
Anzac Class (Frigate) - Carries one MH-60R Seahawk
Adelaide Class (Frigate) - Carries two MH-60R Seahawks
Leeuwin Class (Survey) - Carried 1 AS 350B Squirrel until they were retired
Durance Class (Replenishment) HMAS Success - May carry 1 MH-60R Seahawk or MRH-90 Taipan
HMAS Sirius (Replenishment) - Helicopter Landing Pad