Rambert Flashcards
AD : Norman Morrice
1966 - 1974
AD : John Chesworth
1974 - 1981
AD : Robert North
1981 - 1986
AD : Richard Alston
1986 - 1992
AD : Christopher Bruce
1994 - 2002
Pierrot Lunaire
(date, ad + choreographer )
Date: 1967
AD: Norman Morrice
Choreographer: Tetley
Ghost Dances
(date, ad + choreographer )
Date: 1981
AD: Robert North
Choreographer: Bruce
Lonely Town, Lonely Street
(date, ad + choreographer )
Date: 1981
AD: Robert North
Choreographer: North
(date, ad + choreographer )
Date: 1984
AD: Robert North
Choreographer: Alston
Death and the Maiden
(date, ad + choreographer )
Date: 1984
AD: Robert North
Choreographer: North
Soda Lake
(date, ad + choreographer )
Date: 1986
AD: Robert North
Choreographer: Alston
(date, ad + choreographer )
Date: 1994
AD: Christopher Bruce
Choreographer: Bruce
Date: 1995
AD: Christopher Bruce
Choreographer: Bruce
Period 1 ?
Dates and works included + ADs within that period
1966 - 1974
- Pierrot Luniare (1967)
- Norman Morrice
Period 2 ?
Dates and works included + ADs within that period?
1974 - 1986
- Ghost Dances (1981)
-LTLS (1981)
- Wildlife (1984)
- DatM ( 1984_
- John Chesworth
- Robert North
Period 3 ?
Dates and works included + ADs within that period?
1986 - 1992
- Soda Lake 1986
1. Richard Alston
Period 4?
Dates and works included + ADs within that period?
1994 - 2002
- Rooster (1994)
- Swansong (1995)
- Christopher Bruce
Early Influences of Marie Rambert
- Dalcroze
- Isadora Duncan
- Eurythmics
The Birth of British Ballet
1966 changes (7)
- original ETHOS - no soloists and all of equal status
- 18 dancers
- short , new creative works as well as preserving old works
-Graham Incorporated - Nurture talent
- develop education
- modernise styles practiced
The Tetley Season
Date and info ?
- Tetley creates 4 works for the company
- His style is made up of a muscular blending of ballet and Graham
- He toured with the Martha Graham Dance Company
- Minimalistic use of set and props ( similar to Bruce )
- Key Themes: Humour, Humanity
- Introduces Graham Technique to the company
Glen Tetley’s contribution:
- Introduces a new style : Ballet and Graham Technique
- Supports Ramberts efforts of nurturing talents e.g Bruce
- Encourages collaboration
- Influences and inspires Christopher Bruce
- Helps company transition from Touring Ballet Company to Modern Dance Company
Impact of Robert North being Artistic Director
- Known as a populist - music , accessible themes
- Brought in choreographers to popularise Ramberts Repertoire
- Dramatic quality, Physicality and musicality
- Introducing new styles to Rambert - Jazz
- Collaboration with other practitioners -
- Bring choreographers from abroad and UK
- Accessible works drawing on emotive themes
- Interest in developing music for the company
- +++Repertoire consists of Bruce, North and Alston - therefore company class would be in ballet , cunningham , graham
- Create platform to allow lots of collaboration in showcasing bits of arts - share work
- Engaging - height of Rambert
Richard Alston changes as AD
- More abstract work - veering away from the narrative
- Dance for dance sake - presented this kind of ETHOS
- Introduction of more cunningham
- Collaboration ( focal point of his works - design )
- Streamlined the choreography to be abstract
- Cunningham - FOCUS (predominant base classes )
- Rigorous and well thought out - rejecting Graham Tech
Christopher Bruce’s changes as AD
- Develops a fusion of Graham Technique and - Ballet with hints of Jazz, Folk and other dance styles relevant to the theme of his works
- Long association and associate of the company itself
- Expressive dance that helped develop the company
- Collaboration within and outside the company having a positive effect on Rambert
- Wide range and use of musical choices
- Wide range of eclectic ideas that he used as starting points for his pieces
- Develops Ramberts artistic roots and develops their repertoire as a company
- Draws on social as well as political themes
- Develops emotion
Christopher’s Bruce Origins
- Ballet , Tap and Acro at Benson Stage Academy
- Trained at Rambert School 1958
- Ballet Rambert as a dancer 1963
- Assoc. AD = 1975
- Assoc. Choreographer - 1980
Christopher Bruce’s Influences
- Glen Tetley
- Norman Morrice
- Dramatic Quality
( commedia del liarte ) - Human Rights
- Amnesty International
- Human Conditions
- Autobiographical stories
- Martha Graham