Rain Sentences Flashcards
I think it might rain today
idimayu nesha tataa
It is going to rain
egira enchan alotu
We have had rain in Loitokitok, have you had rain here?
Kinoto enchan te Loloopon, inoto intai?
It is very muddy today
Ketii esarngab tataa
It has rained, there is water
Etasha metaa ketii enkare
Do you have a jacket
iata olgoti
Would you like to wear my boots
iyieu ninchop ilbooti lainei
I am stuck in the mud
Atushume tesarngab
Put rocks under the tire
Tepika isoito abori entareri
Push the car
Turrumu engarri
The clouds have covered Kilimanjaro
itoipo inkatambo oldoinyo oibor
My shoes are heavy with mud
iroshiuto enkamoka ainei tesarngab
Move slowly because it is slippery
Shomo akiti, amu ishirtit
Would you like a ride (for me to carry you?)
iyieu nekinapi
Kilimanjaro is clear, because it has moved out of the clouds
ibale oldoinyo oibor amu iwuanga inkatambo
There are many puddles today
sapok enkolelio taata
Look at all that water
ngura enda are
Are you feeling cold
iningito enkijape
Are your clothes wet
keshal inkilani inono
Would you like something warm to drink?
iyieu intoki nairowua niok