Conversation Phrases Flashcards
I am learning to speak Maa
Kagira aitengena enkutuk olmaasai
This is all I can say
Nena ake aidim atejo
I will learn more tomorrow
Kaitoki aitengena kulie taaisere
I am fine, how are you
Kara supat, Ira iyie supat?
You are doing well
Inyokita oleng
Thanks I am going now
Ashe amu etaa kaloito
There has been no rain
Imikibayie enchan
There has been rain
Kibayie enchan
That’s all the news I have
Neaku Taa lelo
My name is chase this is my wife Audrey
Kaaji Olosotua, naa entomononi ai ena naji esupat.
We are from America, in Virginia
Kinguaa enkop e America, te Virginia
We have no children but God will give
Neton mikiata inkera, kake Enkai naishoru
We are working in Kimana near oloitoktok
Kiaisisho te kimana, te mbata oloitokitok
I am 28 years old
Aata ilarin tikitam oisiet
We are working in kenya for 3 years
Kiaisisho tenkop e kenya too larin okuni ake
This is my first day here
Ena enkolong ai endukuya tene
This is her second week there
Ena ewiki enye eare teine
This is our third month in Kenya
Ele olapa lang liokuni tenkop e Kenya
This is their third year here
Ele olari lenye liokuni tene
Thank you very much for your help
Ashe oleng amu kitareto
I only know a little
Enkiti ake ayiolo.
Have a good day, evening, morning night.
Noto endama sidai, enteipa, entedekenya, enkewarie.
No problem, thanks though
Metii enyamali, Ashe oleng
Oh they know the language
Kegira aayiolo enkutuk
See you later
Kiduaa te nkae saa
See you tomorrow
Kiduaa taaisere
I am on the phone
Kagira aosh esimu
I don’t know the word
Maiyolo ororei
We will see each other when God says
Kiduaa te nejo Enkai
Would you like to charge your phone?
Iyieu nipik esimu ino enkima?
Would you like some of the money for your help?
Iyieu nkuti iropiani nikiret?
How was your study?
Kejaa enkisuma?
Are you believer?
Ira olairukoni?
How are your wife and kids?
Aisupati inkera inonok?
How are your animals?
Kejaa eramatare?
What is the news from all over?
Kejaa ilomon lenkop?