Radioulnar and Manus Muscels Flashcards
M. supinator origin
Lateral epicondyle of the humerus and lateral collateral ligament of the elbow
M. supinator insert
Cranial surface of the proximal radius
M. supinator function
Supination of the antebrachium and Manus
M. pronator teres origin
Medial epicondyl of the humerus
M. pronator teres insert
Cranio-medial margin of the proximal radius
M. pronator teres function
Pronation of the antebrachium and Manus
M. pronator quadratus origin
Medial margin of the ulna
M. pronator quadratus insert
Caudal surface of the radius
M. pronator quadratus function
Pronation of the antebrachium and Manus
M. extensor carpi radialis origin
Crista supracondylaris of the humerus
M. extensor carpi radialis insert
Proximo-dorsal ends of McII and McIII
M. extensor carpi radialis function
Extension of the carpus, flexion of the elbow joint
M. extensor digitorum communis origin
Lateral epycondyle of the humerus
M. extensor digitorum communis insert
Dorsal aspect of the Crista unguicularis (P3 of digits II-V)
M. extensor digitorum communis function
Extension of the carpus and digits II-V
M. extensor digitorum lateralis origin
Lateral epicondyl of the humerus
M. extensor digitorum lateralis insert
Dorsal aspect of the Crista unguicularis (P3 of digits III-V) via the tendons of the M. extensor digitorum communis
M. extensor digitorum lateralis function
Extension of digits III-V
M. extensor carpi ulnaris (M. ulnaris lateralis) origin
Lateral epicondyl of the humerus
M. extensor carpi ulnaris (M. ulnaris lateralis) insert
Proximo-lateral end of McV and accessory carpal bone
M. extensor carpi ulnaris (M. ulnaris lateralis) function
Flexion(!!!) of the carpus
M. abductor digiti I longus origin
Lateral surfaces of the radius and ulna
M. abductor digiti I longus insert
Proximo-medial end of McI (there’sa a sesamoid bone in the tendon of insertion)
M. abductor digiti I longus function
Abduction of digit I
M. flexor carpi radialis origin
Medial epicondyl of the humerus
M. flexor carpi radialis insert
Proximo-palmar ends of McII and McIII
M. flexor carpi radialis function
Flexion of the carpus
M. flexor digitorum superficialis origin
Medial epicondyl of the humerus
M. flexor digitorum superficialis insert
Palmar tubercule proximally on P2 of digits II-V
M. flexor digitorum superficialis function
Flexion of the metacarpophalangeal joint and proximal interphalangeal joint of digits II-V; flexion of the carpus
M. flexor carpi unlaris origin
Caput ulnare: Medial surface of the Olecranon
Caput humeral: Medial epicondyl of the humerus
M. flexor carpi unlaris insert
Distal end of the Os carpi accessorium
M. flexor carpi unlaris function
Flexion of the carpus; passive support of the carpus and prevention of excessive over-extension when weight bearing
M. flexor digitorum profundus origin
Caput humeral: Medial epicondyl
Caput radiale: Caudo-medial aspect
Caput ulnare: Caudal border
M. flexor digitorum profundus insert
Tuberculum flexorium of P3 of digits I-V
M. flexor digitorum profundus function
Flexion of the digitd (all joints) and carpus
Mm. interossei origin
Palmar carpal fibrocartilage and proximo-palmar ends of McII-V
Mm. interossei insert
Proximo-palmar ends of P1 of digits II-V
Mm. interossei function
Flexion of the metacarpophalageal joint