Radiology Flashcards
What diagnosis is a Panoramic X-ray used for?
Complete survey of dentition
Locate suspected fractures
Determine position of impacted teeth
Locate tumors, cysts, other pathological conditions
Eval. Growth pattern of the jaw and skull
What is DEVAA
Digital Enterprise Viewing and Acquisition Application
What are the sources of Radiation?
Natural and Man-Made
Sources of natural radiation?
Cosmic: space
Terrestrial: soil
Internal: inhaled and ingested e.g. Radon
Examples of man made radiation
Medical diagnostic and treatment
Consumer and industrial
Other: power plants and nuclear testing
What is the ALARA philosophy?
As Low As Reasonably Achievable
Advantages to panoramic X-Ray
Increased area of diagnosis
Reduce radiation to patient
Provide bilateral view
Easy to operate
What is the Direct Hit Theory?
Photons colliding with important cell chemicals breaking and causing critical damage to molecules
Tissue sensitivity in order
Bone Marrow Reproductive cells Skin Lens of the eye Nerve Muscle Bone marrow
Who discovered dental X rays and when?
Wilhelm Konrad Roentgen in 1895
What are the six components of the digital X-ray system?
High frequency X-Ray Generator Wall Framework Control timer unit Scissor arm On/off switch Rectangular collimating (optional)
Which wavelengths have more penetration?
Short wavelengths
What is the exception to centering the bite block and why?
Bicuspids, due to the curvature of the arches.
What are the four uses for the bisecting angle technique?
Detect proximal caries
Examine pulp chamber
Check for overhangs
Check for calculus
What are two uses of the paralleling technique?
View of the entice tooth for abnormalities
View adjacent tissues for disease or abnormalities