Radiography Flashcards
What bulb wattage would you use in a safe light?
The active ingredient in developer is
Phenidone - hydroquinone
Optimum temperature for a manual processing developer is
The active ingredient in fixer is
Ammonium thiosulphate
How long should a radiograph be washed for prior to drying
15-30 min
What stage is omitted from an automatic processor
Rinse/stop bath
At what temperature should automatic processing chemicals be kept?
The quantity of xrays produced depends on
Miliamperage and length of the exposure
Blurring of one part of the film will occur due to
Poor screen film contact
Out of metal, bone, fat and soft tissue which is the most radiolucent?
Which combination will give you the best definition?
Slow film, slow screen
Which one affects the quality of the xray beam?
The kilovoltage
White patches on a film may be caused by
Fixer splashes onto film before processing
Which one has a higher atomic number than bone?
Blackening of the film is caused by
Kilovoltage and miliamperage
The max dose of radiation a member of general public over 18 may receive in a year is
What could you use to reduce radiation hazards by the greatest amount?
Use of rare earth screens
Which affects radiographic contrast?
What will help to improve definition of x Ray image?
Use of a non screen film
An xray film is too dark that you have processed. How would you correct this error?
Reduce exposure time
A processed film is very grey with poor contrast between image and background
What could be the cause?
Film fogged by radiation
A rad of an aesthesthetised animal is blurred what might be the cause?
Poor film/screen contact
What mark or artefact would insufficient washing after fixation leave on a finished radiograph?
Yellow stains
What are the two major components of an x Ray film emulsion?
Gelatin and silver halides
What are advantages of rare earth screens?
Decreased patient dose
Improved image quality
Reduced tube current
What film fault is responsible for white spots on radiograph?
Dirt on intensifyinh screen
Chemicals that are a constituent of the fixer?
Ammonium thiosulphate
Boric acid
Sodium acetate
Which is the fixing agent used in a fixer?
Ammonium thiosulphate
Which is removed from the film during fixing?
Silver halide
Where would you find an intensifying screen?
In an x Ray casette
You have developed a radiograph using the wet tank methid and film has turned out yellow. What is this due to?
Fixing time is too short
When taking a ventro dorsal rad if the cervical spine, the disc spaces will be viewed most accurately if
The neck is supported with sand bags
When positioning a dog for a bva/kennel club hip radiograph, the beam should be centred on
The public symphysis
Use of rare earth screens may decrease exposure factors by
The speed of the intensifying screen is increased by
A thick fluorescent layer of large crystals
What effect will faster speed have on the definition of film image
What is the exposure fault of a rad with a pale image, of high contrast on a dark background?
Kv too low
The use of a grid requires an increase in the
The latent image of the exposed radiation is the result of
Exposure to light/x Ray photons
If you were developing non screen film manually, how much longer would you leave the film in developer compared to screen film?
Double the normal developing time
What crystal may be found in the rare earth screens?
Gadolinium oxysulphide
What exposure function affects the amount of x rays produced?
The reflective layer of intensifying screen is to
Reflect light photons back towards the film
The latent image of the exposed radiation is of
Exposure to light/x Ray photons
When developing a non screen film manually how much longer would you leave film in developer compared to screen film?
Double the normal developing time
What crystal may be found in the rare earth screens?
Gadolinium oxysulphide
What function affects the amount of x rays produced?
The reflective layer of the intensifying is
To reflect light photons back towards the film
The visible differences between the varying shades of film image is called the
The cloud of electrons Is produced at
The cathode