Radiative Processes Flashcards
Cosmic rays
High energy particles (protons neuctrons nuclei up to Z > 60) that pervade universe and carry relativistic energies. Observatories consist of water tanks with photomultiplier tubes in that record correlated bursts of life as EAS occurs (extensive air showers)
Considered separate from highest energy gamma rays
Gamma ray bursts
Bursts of gamma rays, uniformly distributed in sky
Longer duration bursts are >2s and related to collapse of massive stars that have evolved rapidly and expelled a lot of their outer atmosphere.
Shorter class are much rarer, emit much more energetic gamma rays and have much less luninous after glows, blieved to be from neutron star-neutron star mergers
GRBs also appear more at redshifts 1.5-3 where star formation is most intense.
Dominated by synchotron and compton radiation process in initial stages.
Massive galaxies that exhibit strong, non-thermal emission from a small region at their centre. Often highly variable, polarised, bright over most of the EM spectrum. Require presence of supermassive (>10^6 M_sun) black hole
Observational properties of cosmic rays
Isotropic on sky at E < 10^19.5 eV
Power law energy distribution
Distribution of nuclei consistent with solar abundances with excpetion of He, N, Ar, Ne which are deficient.
Greisen-Zatsepin-Kuzmin (GZK) limit
CMB provides cross-section for interactions with UHECR to create resoncance that decays to pi pion and proton or neutron. In local universe, expected path length is 500-100 Mpc.
First order fermi acceleration
Exact method of CR acceleration not fully understood but most probably mechanism is FOFA. Works by bounding particles across strong, relativistic shock. Most likely site of acceleration of CRs is strong shock formed in early stages of supernova explosion. Outside of galaxy most likely sources of acceleration are in AGN, radio galaxies and clusters of galaxies.
Supernova Remnants
Two classes of supernovae, Type I and Type II - type I don’t exhibit H emission lines, type II do but there are sub-classes: Ia, Ib and Ic and then type II
Type Ia
Believed to occur in binary system when mass is transferred onto C-O white dwarf until it reaches Chandrasekhar limit and begins uncontrolled fusion of C and O. Predictable peak brightness.
Type Ib and Ic SN
Believed to occur when massive star reaches end of its nuclear fuel supply and implodes.
Type II SN
Believed to be related to death of massive star but unlike Ib or Ic, explode before ejecting outer atmosphere, so retain H in ejecta. In initial rapidly expanding shock CR acceleration is believed to be occuring.
Stages of type II SN
Piston phase
Sedov-Taylor Phase
Snowplough Phase
Subsonic Phase
AGN types
Seyfert Type 1 - broad permitted lines (mainly H balmer), narrow forbidden lines and strong coninuum that increases to shorter wavelengths.
Seyfert type 2 - narrow permitted lines, narrow forbidden lines but weak continuum emission
There are also subclasses, and Seyferts are less than 1% of galaxies.
AGN unification
Want to classify the objects by matching them to common geometry - Black hole with large, thick torus and accretion disk around it that is view at different angles.
Black hole masses - estimating
Stellar motion
Stellar Dynamics
Reverberation Mapping
Line widths
Magorrian relation
Mass of BH scales with mass of host galaxy
Cosmological context of AGN
Oerall level of AGN activity traced to Universe being 1GYr old and steep decline since - peak in activity coincides with peak in star formation activity in galaxies and in GRB events.