Observational Techniques Flashcards
New discoveries come from extending obsevational parameter space (5)
Fainter - larger telescopes
Faster - fast, low noise detectors
Higher spatial resolution - AO
Higher spectral resolution - FTS (fourier transform spectroscopy)
New wavebands - eg UV observations in space
Effects of Earth’s atomosphere (4)
Atmosphereic turbulence and seeing
Limiting factors for optical imaging (3)
Characterising image quality
Earth’s atmosphere, turbulence
Telescope and Instrument
Detectors, noise
Metrics : FWHM, Strehl ratio, included ratio. Variation with time and image position
Strehl ratio
Central intensity/diffraction limited central intensity
For small sigma_phi^2: S ~ exp(-sigma_phi^2)
Factors in locations of observatories (4)
Clear skies, good seeing, dark sky, little water vapour
Telescopes - key factors (3) & why large/reflectors? Mounts
Key factors: difffraction, tracking, aberrations
Large telescopes collect more light and achieve better resolution. Reflectors not reflactors because mirrors can be large and supported from behind, don’t suffer from chromatic dispersion, can be made more powerful.
Equatorial Mount or Alt-Az mount - almost impossible to use equitorial for large telescopes.
Focal ratio, plate scale, distance on detector
Focal ratio = effective focal length/ aperture diameter
Plate scale: angle on sky projected on to unit distance on detector
Distance on detector = focal length x angle on sky
Diffraction limited angular resolution (FWHM)
Spatial frequency cut off
theta fwhm = lamda / D
Rayleigh criterion is x 1.22
Spatial freq. cut off: D/lamda (or r_0 over lamda in seeing limited case)
Optical aberrations
Chromatic aberration
Field Curvature
Spherical aberration
CCD specs, typical and normal
Spec, typical, perfect QE, 50-95%, 100% Well depth, ~50,000 electrons, infinate Array, 20 micro m pixels, 2000^2, perfect is tiny Resolution, 16/32 bit, infinate Gain, ~linear, linear Read noise, < 5e^-, 0 Dark current, <<1e per sec, 0
((queer eye was a really great re discovery))
Flux of V=0 magnitude star at top of earth’s atmosphere
1000 photons s^-1 cm^-2 A^-1 (a = amstrong)
No. photons detected
Ndet = (1000). 10^(-m/2.5). pi (D/2)^2. T. delta lamda. mu
SNR = signal/root(signal+n(background + read^2 + dark))
Exoplanet discover methods
Transits, transit timing variations, dopler radial velocity spectroscopy, direct imaging, astrometry, gravitational micro lensing, pulsar timing
Super WASP
Aim to find exoplanets, needs high SNR and field of view. 8 small lenses on a single mount, 2 instruments survey whole sky in <1 month.
Positional accuracy
sigma_ast ~ image width/ SNR_phot
Ideal imaging system
1:1 correspondance between points on object and image. Points on object are infinitesimmaly small as are points on image. Location and brightness of one point relative to another should also be the same in image as object. Colour spectrum of image should be identical to object.
Diffraction pattern
Can be calculated numerically for a general pupil function vai FT. Diffraction pattern calculated thus is equivalent to power spectrum of aperture function.
Point spread function, optical transfer function
Calculating image from PSF
Image = object x PSF x = convolution F(image) = F(object) x F(PSF) (OTF)
Shannon’s sampling theorum
Sigmal must be sampled at freq. at least twice the feq. of the highest harmonic in the signal.
Apodization & Coronagraphy
Square telescope - different diffraction pattern and can search for planets where it is dark
Coronagraphy - blocking out central portion of sun to avoid it saturating image. 2 masksone in image plane to block out central portion of star and one in pupil plane to block out most of the residual light.
Atmospheric turbulence and seeing
Wind shear in atmosphere causes turbulent mixing of air of different temperatures, and hence fluctuations of refractive index
Effects: speckle image (image breaks up but total intensity is constant), scintillation (intensity fluctuation or twinnkling)
Structure function
D(rho) =
Kolmogorov showed optical effects of turbulence can be characterised by sturcture funciton Dn
Dn(r) = = Cn^2(h) r^2/3
D_phi(r) = 6.88(r/r0)^5/3
r0 is proportional to lamda ^ 6/5
Quantifying atmospheric seeing
Fried parameter (coherance length) - r0 omega_seeing = lamda/r0, diameter of an equivalent diffraction limited telescope that would have the same limiting resoluiton in the sabsence of turbulence Coherance time tau0 - time over which the rms phase fluctuation at a single point is ~ 1 radian tau0 = 0.314 r0/veff Coherance angle - on axis beam suffers phase aberration due to the tubulence at height h . theta0 = 0.314 r0/h_eff