Radiation Health and Safety(ev) Flashcards
Which film is frequently used to evaluate apical lesions?
‘‘The periapical radiograph is the film of choice to evaluate apical lesions because it reveals the entire tooth, including the crown, root, and apical region.
Cassettes with intensifying screens are used in extraoral radiography to
decrease patient exposure
‘‘Intensifying screens intensify or increase the effect of radiation, and thus decrease the amount of exposure time needed.
To ____________ is to convert an image into digital form for processing by a computer.
‘‘To digitize, in dental digital radiography, is to convert an image into a digital form that in turn can be processed by a computer.
Radiographs taken at a higher kilovoltage peak will have ______ compared to radiographs taken at a lower kilovoltage peak
long-scale contrast
‘‘Radiographs taken at a higher kilovoltage peak will have long-scale contrast versus radiographs taken at a lower kilovoltage peak.
The collimator
restricts the size and shape of the x-ray beam.
‘’ The collimator is a diaphragm, usually lead, used to restrict the size and shape of the x-ray beam.
Intraoral digital sensors
cannot withstand heat sterilization.
‘’ Intraoral digital sensors come into contact with mucous membranes but cannot withstand heat sterilization or immersion in a high-level disinfectant. The CDC recommends using an FDA-approved plastic barrier that covers the sensor and part of the attached cable.
After an exposed receptor is removed from the patient’s mouth,
wipe saliva off the receptor with a dry 2×2-inch gauze square
‘‘Upon removing an exposed receptor from the patient’s mouth, dry the receptor with a 2×2-inch gauze square or paper towel.
Which will produce a dark film?
A thin, petite, or small-bodied patient.
‘‘A low milliampere setting, shortened processing time, and lengthened source-film distance will produce light or less dense film.
The _____________ allows for the positioning of the tubehead
extension arm
‘‘The extension arm of the x-ray machine is the component that suspends the x-ray tubehead and houses the electrical wires that extend from the control panel to the tubehead; its mobile arm helps in positioning the tubehead.
The x-radiation monitoring film badge.
identifies occupational exposure to radiation.
‘‘The amount of x-radiation that reaches the body of the dental radiographer can be measured through the use of a personnel-monitoring device known as a film badge. The radiographer wears it for a specified time and then the badge is returned to the service company, which in turn provides to the dental office an exposure report for each radiographer.
Carious lesions appear ______________ on processed radiographs
‘’ As demineralization and destruction of the hard tooth structures take place, the tooth density in the area of the lesion allows greater penetration of x-rays in the carious lesion so that the lesion appears radiolucent or dark/black.
Fractures of the mandible will appear
as a radiolucent line.
‘’ On a dental radiograph, a mandibular fracture appears as a radiolucent line at the site where the bone has separated.
If a lead apron is folded after being used, it will __________ and __________.
crack; become ineffective
‘’: Lead aprons and thyroid collars must not be folded when stored. Folding eventually cracks the lead and allows radiation leakage.
Which carious lesion is almost never seen on a radiograph?
‘’ It is not possible to easily distinguish lingual caries on a dental radiograph. This type of lesion is normally observed during the oral examination.
PSPs should never be placed in a
laboratory coat pocket
‘’ Never place PSPs or film in a laboratory coat pocket or uniform pocket
The dental patient is least likely to encounter which type of radiation?
‘‘Tertiary radiation is caused by secondary radiation and is least likely to apply to patient exposure.
The patient’s dental radiographs are the legal property of the
‘‘The dentist legally owns the patient’s dental records, including radiographs; patients may request a copy of their radiographs from the dentist.
The first step in preparing a radiography operatory is to
identify surfaces to be disinfected or protected with barriers.
‘‘The first step in preparing an operatory is identifying which surfaces need to be disinfected and/or protected with barriers. Gathering necessary supplies
A fogged film appears
gray and lacks detail and contrast.
‘’ A fogged film appears gray and lacks image detail and contrast. This condition can result from improper safe lighting and light leaks in a darkroom, improper film storage, outdated films, or even contaminated processing solutions
Which patient protection technique is implemented first?
Proper prescribing of radiographs.
‘‘Proper prescribing of radiographs is the first patient protection technique, because it limits the patient’s exposure to radiation. The professional judgment of the dentist is used to determine the number, type, and frequency of dental radiographs.
Intensifying screens should be checked periodically for
‘‘Intensifying screens should be checked for scratches and cleaned monthly; screens that have visible scratches should be replaced. Cassettes should be periodically checked for warping, worn closures, and light leaks
Which maintains aseptic technique when removing the patient’s lead apron?
Don overgloves to remove the lead apron.
‘’ To maintain aseptic technique when removing the lead apron, wear overgloves or remove the lead apron with bare hands.
When using a daylight loader, remove gloves by
turning them inside out.
‘‘After the last film packet is opened, remove contaminated gloves in the daylight loader by turning them inside out. This prevents film and developing solution contamination and keeps hands clean during glove disposal.
Which is NOT found on a film mount?
Date of processing
‘‘The date of processing is irrelevant data. Commonly, films are processed on the day of exposure, but this may be modified. The important date is the date of exposure
Used radiographic fixer is classified a
‘‘Due to its high silver content, used radiographic fixer is classified as hazardous waste; treatment to remove the toxic silver is required before disposal.
Dental x-rays are which type of radiation?
‘’ X-rays are classified as electromagnetic radiation, along with visible light, radar, radio, and television waves.
Light leaks in a darkroom will cause
fogging of the film.
‘’ Fogged films result from improper safe lighting and light leaks in the darkroom as well as improper film storage, outdated films, contaminated processing solutions, and high developer temperature.
The acronym for the permitted lifetime accumulated dose is
MAD, maximum accumulated dose.
‘‘The maximum accumulated dose (MAD) is the maximum radiation dose that may be received by persons who are occupationally exposed to radiation.
Which entity makes infection control recommendations for dental radiology?
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
‘‘The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has published Guidelines for Infection Control in Dental Health-Care Settings to address concerns regarding cross-contamination in dental radiology
Hands placed through the sleeves of the daylight loader are
‘‘For infection control, only clean dry hands are placed through the sleeves of the daylight loader; gloves are donned inside the daylight loader. Clean hands prevent sleeve contamination.
Radiation leakage is emitted if the x-ray tubehead has
a faulty seal
‘‘Leakage radiation is emitted if the tubehead has a faulty seal. Anode pitting and high x-ray tube currents produce tubehead failure. Loose bolts at the yolk cause tubehead drift.
Exposed films are placed in a paper cup labeled with the
patient’s name.
‘‘Contaminated and exposed films are placed in a paper cup labeled with the patient’s name, for transport to the darkroom
Commercially available barrier envelopes
minimize contamination after exposure of the film.
‘’ Barrier envelopes that fit over intraoral films can be used to protect the film packets from saliva and minimize contamination after exposure of the film.
Gloves are NOT worn in which step
Load the PSP plates into the scanning devices
‘‘PSP plates can be safely handled and loaded into the scanning device with clean bare hands, after the plastic barrier envelopes have been removed. Gloves are worn to remove operatory barriers, open barrier envelopes, and place contaminated PSPs in a paper cup.
The coin test helps identify
the effectiveness of the safelight.
‘‘The coin test is used to test the effectiveness of the safelight. A coin is placed on top of an unwrapped, unexposed film in the darkroom for 3 to 4 minutes; if no image is visible on the processed film, the safelight is functioning correctly.
Dental x-ray equipment is tested for quality control at which interval?
‘’ The American Academy of Dental Radiology recommends a number of annual tests for dental x-ray machines, to identify minor malfunctions and maintain quality control
Root fractures occur most often in the
maxillary central incisors
‘’ Root fractures are more common in maxillary central incisors than in mandibular central incisors or molars.
The quantity of x-rays produced is controlled by
‘’: Milliamperage controls the penetrating power of the x-ray beam by controlling the number of electrons produced in the x-ray tube and the number of x-rays produced. Higher milliampere settings produce a beam with more energy, increasing the intensity of the x-ray beam.
With F-speed film, a single intraoral film results in a surface skin exposure of
100 mR
‘‘With the development of F-speed film, the surface exposure, or the measure of the intensity of radiation on a patient’s skin surface, has decreased significantly
When the voltage is increased
electrons move from the cathode to the anode with more speed.
‘‘When voltage is increased, the electrons move from the cathode to the anode with more speed and the electrons strike the target with greater force and energy, resulting in a penetrating x-ray beam with a short wavelength.
Primary radiation is
often referred to as the useful beam
‘‘Primary radiation is often referred to as the useful beam. Secondary radiation is less penetrating than primary radiation and is created when the primary beam contacts the patient’s tissues. Scatter radiation, a form of secondary radiation, is deflected in all directions of the dental operatory.
In a dental practice where many HIV-positive patients are treated, the film rollers in the automatic processor should be
maintained as specified by the manufacturer.
‘‘Using Standard Precautions, all processing equipment is maintained in the usual accepted manner, as specified by the manufacturer, for all patients
To retrieve extra supplies from an operatory drawer during a radiographic procedure.
don overgloves before touching the drawer or its contents
‘‘To retrieve additional supplies during a radiographic procedure, don overgloves or ask for assistance. Opening the drawer and touching its contents with contaminated gloves will contaminate the contents of the drawer.
Which is NOT optimal for storing photochemicals
Natural light
‘‘Light is the primary cause of chemical deterioration; proper photochemical storage requires a dry, dark, cool environment with appropriate shelving for inventory control
The optimal development time and temperature for manual processing is
68° F for 5 minutes.
‘’ The optimal development time and temperature for radiographic films using manual processing is 68° F for 5 minutes.
Which exposure is particularly beneficial to the orthodontic patient?
‘‘The orthodontist uses the cephalometric radiograph for diagnosis because it reveals the bones of the face and skull in addition to the soft tissue profile of the face.
Film processing solutions must be replenished
daily and changed every 3 to 4 weeks.
‘‘To keep chemicals fresh and produce the best radiographs, film processing solutions must be replenished daily and changed every 3 to 4 weeks.
Which film provides a wide view of the maxilla and mandible?
‘‘A panoramic film is an extraoral radiograph designed to provide a wide view of the maxilla and mandible on a single film.
How many test films are processed daily to check the automatic processor
‘‘Two test films are processed each day, one exposed and one unexposed, to check the functioning of the automatic processor
_____ digital imaging involves digitizing an existing x-ray film using a CCD camera. Indirect digital imaging is _____ to direct digital imaging
Indirect; inferior
‘‘Indirect digital imaging is the method of obtaining a digital image in which an existing radiograph is scanned and converted into a digital form using a CCD camera. This method does not provide the same quality as would direct imaging.
A periapical view extends beyond the apices of the tooth
3–4 mm.
‘‘Periapical radiographs show images of the tooth plus 3 to 4 mm beyond the apices.
The thyroid collar is
a separate shield or part of the lead apron.
‘’ The thyroid collar is designed as a separate shield or is part of the lead apron. A thyroid collar is especially important for pediatric patients because the thyroid gland in children is sensitive to radiation
Taking the film to be duplicated out of the mounts
improves the detail of the duplicates.
‘’: By removing the films from the x-ray mount, it is possible to make better contact between the x-rays and the duplicating film. Without good contact, the duplicate film will appear fuzzy and show less detail than the original film
After the lead apron is used, it should be
hung up or laid on a rounded bar.
‘’ Once the lead apron has been used, it must be disinfected and hung up or laid on a rounded bar. The lead apron should never be folded, as it will crack and permanent damage will make it ineffective.
Preparation of radiographic supplies and equipment involves sterilizing which item
Film-holding device
‘’ The film-holding device can be sterilized, whereas the lead apron and PID must be disinfected. Film is not sterilized
A light-tight device that holds extraoral film and intensifying screens is a
‘‘The cassette is a light-tight device that holds the film and intensifying screens in panoramic radiography.
When fixer is full strength, a film will become transparent or “clear” within
2 minutes.
‘‘At full strength, fixer will clear a film within 2 minutes. If it takes a film 3 to 4 minutes to clear, the fixer is depleted and must be replaced.
An enlarged and bulbous, or club-shaped, root is usually a sign of
‘’ Hypercementosis is a condition characterized by the buildup of cementum on the root of the tooth. The buildup of cementum makes the root appear enlarged and bulbous, or club-shaped, instead of its usual conical appearance.
Digital radiography requires _________ x-radiation than conventional radiography because the sensor is _______ sensitive to x-rays than conventional film.
less; more
‘’ Digital radiography requires less x-radiation than conventional radiography. Less x-radiation is necessary to form a digital image on the sensor because the typical sensor is more sensitive to x-rays than conventional film.
Harmful biologic changes are a possibility, beginning with which amount of radiation exposure?
‘’ Any exposure to radiation, no matter how small, has the potential to elicit harmful biologic changes. Principles of safety are paramount when dealing with radiation.
Caries that involve the dentin are classified as
‘‘Once the carious lesion passes through the dentinoenamel junction and invades the dentin, it is considered to be in an advanced stage.
the lead apron is
recommended for intraoral films
‘’: The lead apron is a flexible shield placed over the patient’s chest and lap to protect the reproductive and blood-forming tissues from scatter radiation; the lead prevents the radiation from reaching these radiosensitive organs. The lead apron is recommended for intraoral and extraoral film exposures and is mandated in many states.
On a radiograph, dentin is difficult to differentiate from
‘’ Dentin and cementum are challenging to differentiate from each other on a radiograph, because they are not as radiopaque as enamel or as radiolucent as the pulp or bone
Which best describes the infection control protocol for digital sensors?
Cleaning and disinfecting procedures vary according to the manufacturer.
‘‘Sensors can be easily damaged if improperly handled; the cleaning and disinfecting protocol differs between manufacturers. Sensors should be disinfected according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
The first step in the darkroom is to
place a clean cup and paper towel on the counter near the processor.
‘’ The first step in the darkroom is to place a clean cup and paper towel on the counter near the processor for infection control
Cement bases under restorations appear ____________ on a radiograph
‘‘A base material appears radiopaque, but compared to amalgam, it is less radiodense and shows distinct margins.
Exposed films should _____ dried and then placed in a _____ for transport to the darkroom for processing
be; disposable container
‘‘Exposed films should be dried and then placed in a disposable container for transport to the darkroom for processing. This will aid in reducing disease transmission and ensure that the films stay dry.
Digital radiography requires less radiation than conventional radiography because the
sensor is more sensitive to x-rays.
‘’ Less x-radiation is required in digital radiography because the typical sensor is more sensitive to x-rays than conventional film.
Treating a patient without proper radiographs is a breach of
standard of care.
‘‘In most cases, a lack of radiographs compromises the patient’s diagnosis and treatment. The use of dental radiographs is now the accepted standard of care.
The hardening agent(s) in processing fixer is (are)
potassium alum
‘’ There are four basic ingredients in the fixer solution: fixing agent, preservative, hardening agent, and acidifier. The hardening agent in the fixer is composed of potassium alum.
Temporary acrylic crowns appear ____________ on radiographs
‘’: Acrylic resin restorations are often used as an interim or temporary crown or filling. Of all the nonmetallic restorations, acrylic is the least dense and appears radiolucent or barely visible on a dental radiograph.
A barrier is preferred over disinfectant for which surface in the radiography operatory?
Electrical switch
‘‘Surface barriers are preferred over disinfectant for electrical switches to prevent an electrical short. The footrest and operator chair may be disinfected with a high-level surface disinfectant or protected with a barrier, depending on the preference of the office, so long as the surfaces can be easily cleaned. The lead apron should be wiped with disinfectant after each use
Which is an extension of the x-ray tubehead used to direct the x-ray beam?
Position indicating device (PID)
‘‘The PID is an open-ended lead-lined cylinder extending from the opening of the metal housing of the tubehead; it aims and shapes the x-ray beam (also called the cone)
To clean and disinfect the radiography operatory, the assistant must have
chemical-resistant utility gloves.
‘‘Chemical-resistant utility gloves and protective eyewear are required to clean and disinfect areas in the radiography operatory that are contaminated during exposure
Which position-indicating device (PID) produces scatter radiation?
‘’ The pointed, or conical, PID was originally designed as a user-friendly aiming device, with the tip of the cone indicating the position of the central ray; it unfortunately produces scatter radiation. Rectangular- and cylinder-type PIDs do not permit the escape of scatter radiation.
Which change will increase x-ray beam intensity?
Decreasing the source-to-film distance
‘’ As x-rays travel away from their source of origin, the intensity of the beam lessens. Unless a corresponding change is made in one of the exposure factors (kilovoltage peak, milliamperage), the intensity of the x-ray beam is reduced as the distance increases.
Dental x-rays do NOT
make atoms radioactive.
‘‘Dental x-rays cannot make atoms radioactive; in other words, patients do not give off x-rays after exposure. Dental x-rays create braking radiation and can disturb orbiting electrons. x-rays have enough energy to produce ions in a process called ionization.
Implants will appear ______ on a radiograph.
‘’ Dental implants, metallic splints, plates, fixation screws, and stabilizing arches all appear radiopaque; their characteristic shape and size may vary.
To obtain the best definition of a suspected residual root tip, a _______ projection should be used
‘‘A periapical projection is the best choice to detect a suspected residual root tip and will provide good dimension to the film
Gold crowns appear _____________ on radiographs
‘‘Gold crowns and bridges appear as large radiopaque restorations with smooth contours and regular borders
Which statement is true regarding duplicating films?
If more film density is needed, the exposure time is shortened
‘’ Duplicating film has a direct positive emulsion; therefore, if more film density is needed (darker film), the exposure time is shortened. This is the opposite of time requirements for exposing dental film to x-rays
The diameter of the collimated x-ray beam at the patient’s face is restricted to.
2.75 inches.
‘’ Federal regulations require that the diameter of the collimated x-ray beam be restricted to 2.75 inches at the patient’s skin.
The patient is exposed to the least amount of radiation possible according to
the ALARA principle.
‘’ In an effort to minimize the amount of radiation, the dental profession is guided by the ALARA principle, which means “as low as reasonably achievable.”
Size 3 film is ___________ and is used only for ___________ images
longer and narrower; bitewing
‘’ Size 3 film is longer and narrower than the standard size 2 film and is used only for bitewing images.
A sealed package of sterile positioning instruments is opened
: after the patient is seated
‘’ Sterilized positioning instruments should remain packaged until the patient is seated and can view the opening of the sealed package.
Which is (are) always worn when exposing images
Protective clothing and gloves
‘‘Protective clothing and gloves are always worn when exposing images. A mask and eyewear are indicated when there is likelihood that blood or body fluids may spatter. A mask is also worn if the clinician or patient has a cough or cold.
The dental assistant tests four films, from four different shipments, as part of a quality control measure; each is unwrapped in the darkroom and processed with fresh chemicals. Which box of film is safe to use?
processed test film is clear with a light blue tint.
‘’ Fresh test film should process clear with a light blue tint. Test films that appear fogged, completely black, or gray indicate that these shipments have been improperly stored or exposed to radiation before shipping or in route and should be returned.
Dental x-rays travel
with a wavelike motion.
‘’ Dental x-rays travel through space at the speed of light in a straight line with a wavelike motion and can penetrate matter.
Rules of radiation protection for the operator include all except
never stand closer than 3 feet from the x-ray unit during an exposure.
‘‘Distance recommendations indicate that the radiographer must stand at least 6 feet away from the x-ray tubehead during x-ray exposure or a protective barrier must be used
The patient bites the entire film for which exposure?
‘‘The patient occludes or bites on the entire large intraoral film for an occlusal exposure.
A bitewing film shows the _______ of both the __________ and __________.
crowns; maxilla; mandible
‘’ A bitewing film shows the crowns of both the maxilla and the mandible.
A malignant tumor of bone will appear ______ on radiographs.
‘‘All cysts and tumors seen in bone are radiolucent areas.
Which radiograph is prescribed for the evaluation of the skeletal structures of the face?
‘‘The cephalometric radiograph reveals facial skeletal structure and is prescribed when a skeletal evaluation is of particular benefit.
Which is the best surface disinfectant for the radiology operatory?
‘’ Iodophors are approved for surface disinfection in the radiology operatory as a hospital grade EPA-registered disinfectant with tuberculocidal action. Ethyl alcohol is not effective in the presence of blood and saliva. Sodium hypochlorite is not EPA registered and is not recommended as a disinfectant in dental settings.
Bitewing projections CANNOT be used to detect
root fractures
‘‘Root fractures are not distinguishable on a bitewing projection because the entire root is not shown
Failure to add replenisher, as needed each day, to an automatic processor will result in
poor-quality films.
‘‘Failure to add replenisher results in exhausted solutions and poor-quality, nondiagnostic radiographs. Processing solution levels in the automatic processor must be checked at the beginning of each day and replenished as necessary.
According to the Consumer-Patient Radiation Health and Safety Act, individuals who take dental radiographs must be.
trained and certified.
‘‘Dental assistants who take radiographs must be trained and certified, according to the Consumer Radiation Health and Safety Act. Certification requirements vary from state to state
The effect of radiation exposure is
‘‘Radiation exposure has a cumulative effect over a lifetime; some tissues can repair some damage, but they never return to their original state.
Radiographs are NOT used in an oral diagnosis to detect
‘‘Malocclusion identification is not a function of a dental radiograph. Malocclusion is identified visually when the patient bites together so that both the mandibular and maxillary teeth are in alignment, and it is identified with the use of diagnostic models.
Which technique produces the best image of an impacted mandibular third molar?
Lateral jaw projection–ramus of mandible
‘‘The purpose of the lateral jaw projection–ramus of mandible is to evaluate impacted third molars, large lesions, and fractures that extend into the ramus of the mandible.